9.10 league of legends top champions in rank năm 2024

Our League of Legends first tier list of Patch 9.10 takes us to the mid lane, where we see if anyone has toppled Zed and Ahri at the top of the pack. With no direct buffs or nerfs to mid lane champions [other than Brand, sort of] or their core runes or items, you’d expect the list to remain static. But now that Scuttle Crab had it’s spawn time moved later by a minute and a half, many were predicting that the reign of hard-shoving early game laners would be coming to an end.

As always, these rankings are determined by collecting data from the tier lists and rankings of eight different sites to give you the average strength of each champion in the five roles of League of Legends. To explain how we develop this tier list we take each rating for the tier list and normalize that value, making sure that an A rating on one site and a “God tier” rating on another can be accurately compared. This is done by creating a normalized value based on all rankings given out by that site so the average standardized rating is 0.00 with higher numbers being good to very good rankings and negative numbers being bad rankings.

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However, for this patch, we have added three new tiers: A+, B+, and F. This was done in an effort to give a bit more differentiation among the very top of the tier list.

If you’re interested, you can also find all of the underlying data for this and all the past patches here. When evaluating the sites and tier lists, we tried to only use data for Platinum plus players. The individual sites we audited are also listed below [note the rankings are as of 5 PM EST on May 16].

The tier list for mid lane in Patch 9.10, as determined by the average ranking among the following sites, excluding the highest and lowest scores:

The latest 9.10 League of Legends patch will be coming out one day early, so the patch notes were just released. Players will finally get access to the support cat Yuumi, along with some major changes to some of the MOBA's oldest champions.

Here are the full patch notes straight from Riot Games:


Meow meow meow. Meow mew. Meow cat meow mew 9.10, mewo.

Yuumi is coming to town Riot Games


E damage increased late; ratio increased.

Spritzing some oil on Brand to conflagrate his eternal flame. The change favors mid-lane Brand

more than his support counterpart, but he'll be a bit hotter no matter where he goes.

E - Conflagration

MAGIC DAMAGE 70/90/110/130/150 [+0.35 ability power] ⇒ 70/95/120/145/170 [+0.45 ability power]


W headshot damage increased.

Helping Caitlyn out in a way that doesn't affect her already strong waveclear and late game, by focusing on when she successfully maneuvers her traps for maximum damage.

W - Yordle Snap Trap

HEADSHOT BONUS DAMAGE 40/90/140/190/240 ⇒ 60/105/150/195/240


W now blocks Braum's and Kennen's stuns rather than preventing them from proccing.

Previously, Fiora's Riposte stopped some champions' last passive stack from being applied, which effectively delayed the following stun rather than blocking it.

W - Riposte

INTERACTIONS WITH DEBUFFS Riposte prevents Braum and Kennen from applying the last stack of their passives ⇒ allows Braum and Kennen to apply the last stack of their passives, blocking the stun [and still blocking the damage from the attack]


Q damage increased late.

Overall, Graves was feeling underwhelming, so we're giving him some power in a place that can be counterable.

Q - End of the Line

DETONATION DAMAGE 85/115/145/175/205 ⇒ 85/120/155/190/225

Master Yi

Q cast time removed, adjusted target scanning. W cast time removed. E no longer grants AD while on cooldown. R movement speed increased and adjusted.

We want to increase the satisfaction on key parts of Master Yi's kit while nerfing him in ways that'll help out those who don't know how to counter him. Those with more experience won't find Master Yi significantly better or worse, but he won't continue to dominate in average play.

Q - Alpha Strike

REMOVED CAST TIME No longer takes 0.1 seconds to cast

NEW BETA STRIKE If Master Yi has struck fewer than the maximum amount of times he can with Alpha Strike and there are no other nearby eligible targets, he will now strike the same target for 25 percent of the damage before checking for nearby targets again

W - Meditate

REMOVED CAST TIME No longer takes 0.05 seconds to cast

E - Wuju Style

REMOVED No longer grants 10 percent attack damage while not on cooldown

R - Highlander

MOVEMENT SPEED 25/35/45 percent total movement speed ⇒ 35/45/55 percent bonus movement speed


Q cooldown now scales. E cooldown increased.

We're looking to target a consistent point of frustration that players face when playing against Riven—her up-time defense from spamming E. While she'll now be able to cast her Q more often, playing against her will be more manageable overall and she'll have more points of vulnerability when her E is down.

Q - Broken Wings

COOLDOWN 13 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 seconds

E - Valor

COOLDOWN 10/9/8/7/6 seconds ⇒ 14/13/12/11/10 seconds


R casts adjusted.

We're modernizing Shaco's ultimate.

R - Hallucinate

APPEAR Random position 50-250 range in any direction around cast position, facing a random direction ⇒ 200 range in the direction of Shaco's cursor, facing the clone

CLONE APPEAR Random position 50-250 range in any direction around cast position, facing a random direction ⇒ 200 range in the opposite direction of Shaco's cursor, facing Shaco


Q movement speed increased; decays more slowly.

Following up on the 9.9 changes to Soraka, since we missed on the power level a bit back then. These changes should be significant enough that Starcall's haste should now be a relevant factor when Soraka and her allies make heat-of-the-moment choices.

Q - Starcall

BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED 14/18/22/26/30 percent ⇒ 15/20/25/30/35 percent

MOVEMENT SPEED DECAY Rapidly ⇒ Significantly less rapidly


E cooldown decreased. AP ratio decreased.

Tryndamere is struggling in a world with more mobile, ranged opponents in the top lane. We're helping his mobility so he can find more of a footing in those matchups.

E - Spinning Slash

COOLDOWN 13/12/11/10/9 seconds ⇒ 12/11/10/9/8 seconds

RATIO 1.0 ability power ⇒ 0.8 ability power


R Tumble cooldown reduction now scales.

Similar to Riven, we want to work on targeting the frustration around playing against Vayne beyond just her raw stats. Right now, Vayne ramps up a little too early and is especially frustrating because of how often she goes invisible. These changes should lessen her power spike at level 6.

R - Final Hour

TUMBLE COOLDOWN REDUCTION 50 percent at all ranks ⇒ 30/40/50 percent

Xin Zhao

Q cooldown decreased.

Now that Scuttler spawns later, other champions aren't forced to fight Xin as much at his biggest power spike. But because of that, his niche as an early game powerhouse doesn't have as big of an impact, especially on the outcome of a game. We can now help him out so he can do better throughout a game without worry.

Q - Three Talon Strike

COOLDOWN 9/8/7/6/5 seconds ⇒ 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 seconds


Plants no longer take additional damage from basic attacks that do not trigger on-hit effects.

Reducing the damage Zyra's plants takes, especially from those that shouldn't trigger additional effects.

Passive - Garden of Thorns

FERTILIZER Damage from basic attacks that doesn't trigger on-hit effects [ex. Corki's Hextech Munitions, Miss Fortune's Love Tap, etc.] no longer deals a separate instance of damage to Zyra's plants


Essence Reaver

Attack damage increased.

We're giving Essence Reaver's core users more motivation to consider it as their attack damage option.


Guinsoo's Rageblade

Phantom Hit frequency decreased. Armor and magic penetration increased and flattened.

Rageblade gives too much power to champions whose abilities naturally align with the frequency of Phantom Hits. We'll be keeping an eye on how much these core users are affected since we still want to keep their Phantom Hit synergy relevant—just not as unilaterally success-defining as it currently is.

PHANTOM HIT FREQUENCY Every 2 attacks ⇒ Every 3 attacks

ARMOR PENETRATION 6 percent [+0.5 percent per level, 15 percent max] ⇒ 15 percent

MAGIC PENETRATION 6 percent [+0.5 percent per level, 15 percent max] ⇒ 15 percent

Hunter's Talisman

Champions' pets' attacks now also apply burn.

Since pets feel like a champion's ability and abilities trigger Hunter's Talisman's burn, we're making it so that pets also apply that burn.

NEW HOT DOGS Passive burn effect now applies on attacks from pets

ITEM FAMILY Also applies to all of Hunter's Talisman's upgrades [Stalker's Blade, Skirmisher's Sabre, and all their variants]

Runic Echoes

Combine and total costs decreased.

Letting Runic users get their jungle enchanted item sooner so they can compete with other types of junglers, as well as encouraging non-users to experiment with the item.

COMBINE COST 375 gold ⇒ 250 gold

TOTAL COST 2625 gold ⇒ 2500 gold



True damage and healing decreased.

We hear you. It's too strong, so we're nerfing it.

GR8 At full stacks, 10 percent ⇒ 8 percent of the damage dealt against champions is converted to true damage and healing

Master Yi and Riven are getting terrifying buffs, which means you'll be seeing a lot more of them in solo queue. These damage dealing monsters are going to be even more brutal with scaling abilities and increased damage. Get ready to purchase Zhonya's Hourglass whenever you are in the mid lane because Yi and Riven are coming to ruin your Bronze games of League of Legends .

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