According to expectancy theory of motivation, individuals will make choices based on:

Expectancy Theory [ Victor Vroom]

Born on 9 August 1932

The expectancy theory says that individuals have different sets of goals and can be motivated if they have certain expectations. This theory is about choice, it explains the processes that an individual undergoes to make choices. In organizational behavior study, expectancy theory is a motivation theory first proposed by Victor Vroom of the Yale School of Management in 1964.


1. Valence

Refers to the emotional orientations which people hold with respect to outcomes [rewards]. The depth of the want of an employee for extrinsic [money, promotion, free time, benefits] or intrinsic [satisfaction] rewards. Management must discover what employees appreciate.

Salary topmost deciding factor for talent in choosing jobs: Randstad

Salary and employee benefits continue to be the top driver among the Indian workforce across all profiles while choosing an employer in 2018, according to an employer branding survey conducted by Randstad, one of the leading human resource services provider in the country.

About 48% of the respondents, from 30 participating countries and more than 175,000 people worldwide, have salary on the top their minds when it comes to deciding their place of work. Work-life balance [44%] and job security [42%] are the other two top criteria for men and women alike while opting for an employer, reveals the Randstad Employer Brand Research, covering 75% of the global economy.

The survey shows that men prefer organizations with strong leaders while women find employers who offer robust training programs more attractive.

Career progression [39%] and strong management [39%] are the fourth and fifth most influencing factors for the Indian workforce.

The importance given to salary and job security as factors considered while choosing an employer has increased even further compared to 2017, across all work profiles. Respondents from the manufacturing industry reflected this trend more than others by rating salary and benefits [52%] and job security [48%] as their top two factors while choosing an employer, followed by strong management [44%] and work-life balance [42%].

Employer brandinghas never been more important than it is now. Candidates have choices, not only where they decide to work but in what capacity. Organizations must have a story, a greater purpose and a clearly defined North Star which defines why they exist,” said Paul Dupuis, managing director and chief executive officer of Randstad India.


2. Expectancy

Employees have different expectations and levels of confidence about what they are capable of doing. Management must discover what resources, training, or supervision the employees need.

Facts [+]

The 2011 Nielsen survey also showed that the top five dimensions students considered when it comes to seeking employment were high degree of independence at work, salary package, learning on the job, growth prospects and standing of the company in the market [Employer brand] respectively.

3. Instrumentality

The perception of employees whether they will actually receive what they desire, even if it has been promised by a manager. Management must ensure that promises of rewards are fulfilled and that employees are aware of that.

Vroom suggests that an employee's beliefs about Expectancy, Instrumentality, and Valence interact psychologically. In this way they create a motivational force, such that the employee will act in a way that brings pleasure and avoids pain. This force can be 'calculated' via a formula:

Expectancy Theory Formula

Motivation = valence x Expectancy [instrumentality]

This formula can be used to indicate and predict things as: job satisfaction, occupational choice, the likelihood of staying in a job, and the effort that one might expend at work.

Expectancy Theory Expectations

There is a positive correlation between efforts and performance,

    • Favorable performance will result in a desirable reward,

    • The reward will satisfy an important need,

    • The desire to satisfy the need is strong enough to make the effort worthwhile. Vroom's Expectancy Theory is based upon the following three beliefs.

Simplified Expectancy Model

Motivation, according to Vroom boils down to the decision of how much effort to apply in a specific task situation. This choice is based on a two-stage sequence of expectations [effort —> performance and performance —> outcome]. First, motivation is affected by an individual's expectation that a certain level of effort will produce the intended performance goal. For example, if you do not believe increasing the amount of time you spend studying will significantly raise your grade on an exam, you probably wilt not study any harder than usual. Motivation also is influenced by the employee's perceived chances of getting various outcomes as a result of accomplishing his or her performance goal. Finally, individuals are motivated to the extent that they value the outcomes received.

Vroom used a mathematical equation to integrate these concepts into a predictive model of motivational force or strength. For our purposes, however, it is sufficient to define and explain the three key concepts within Vroom's model—expectancy, instrumentality, and valence. The expectancy theory says that individuals have different sets of goals and can be motivated if they have certain expectations.

What is the expectancy theory based on?

Expectancy is the individual's belief that effort will lead to the intended performance goals. Expectancy describes the person's belief that “I can do this.” Usually, this belief is based on an individual's past experience, self-confidence, and the perceived difficulty of the performance standard or goal.

What does expectancy theory say about motivation?

What is the expectancy theory of motivation? The expectancy theory of motivation, or the expectancy theory, is the belief that an individual chooses their behaviors based on what they believe leads to the most beneficial outcome. This theory is dependent on how much value a person places on different motivations.

What are the 3 components of expectancy theory?

The three components of Expectancy Theory.
Competency: having the skills and knowledge needed for the job..
Difficulty: feeling that the goal is achievable..
Support: knowing where to get the correct information, or who to get it from..

What is expectancy theory of motivation quizlet?

Expectancy theory [or expectancy theory of motivation] proposes that an individual will behave or act in a certain way because they are motivated to select a specific behavior over others due to what they expect the result of that selected behavior will be.

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