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Tất cả bản quyền đã được đăng ký. Không được sao chép, lưu trữ trong một hệ thống truy xuất hoặc truyền tải dưới bất cứ một hình thức hoặc phương tiện nào như điện tử, cơ học, sao chép, thu âm hoặc tương tự, mà không được sự đồng ý bằng văn bản của người giữ bản quyền. Chúng tôi đã dành rất nhiều công sức để đánh dấu tất cả những từ ngữ mà chúng tôi tin rằng nó thuộc về thương hiệu. Chúng tôi cũng muốn nêu rõ rằng sự xuất hiện của các từ ngữ trong từ điển này, bất kể đã được đánh dấu hay chưa, đều không gây bất kỳ ảnh hưởng nào đến tình trạng pháp lý của thương hiệu.

Businesses make large contributions to members of Congress, hoping to influence their votes on key issues.

She was influenced by the common-sense views of her grandparents.

That speech influenced the course of American history.


noun [ C/U ]


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the power to have an effect on people or things, or someone or something having such power:

[ C ] The kid next door is a bad/good influence on Kevin.

[ U ] She used her influence to get her son a summer job.

(Định nghĩa của influence từ Từ điển Học thuật Cambridge © Cambridge University Press)

influence | Tiếng Anh Thương Mại




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[ C or U ]

the ability to have an effect on people or events:

exert/have/exercise (an) influence He is close enough to the President to exert influence.

(an) influence on sth Bloggers are expanding their influence on American politics.

(an) influence over sth Consumer groups act as champions and have critical influence over industry.

considerable/profound/growing influence He called on the industry to use its considerable influence to help resolve the situation.

[ C ]

a person or thing that is able to have an effect on other people or on events:

International influences in the form of technology, systems and capital have historically been a feature of industrialization and economic growth.

be an influence on sb/sth She has been a big influence on me in my career.

considerable/great/major influence

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undue influence


verb [ T ]


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to affect or change how someone or something develops, behaves, or thinks:

Many analysts regard the state of the U.S. job market as a major factor influencing consumer confidence.

influence how/what/when An organization's values have been shown to influence how employees interact with each other.

(Định nghĩa của influence từ Từ điển Cambridge Tiếng Anh Doanh nghiệp © Cambridge University Press)

Các ví dụ của influence


This condition thus permitted us to measure the influence of performing two mental operations on the storage abilities of the children.

Từ Cambridge English Corpus

While associations are more visible, low-profile activity by individual business players has been geared towards influencing the policymaking process from within.

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Like domestic policy, trade policy is subject to the influence of domestic veto players.

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So qualitative researchers are as likely to influence the nature of the research setting as are quantitative researchers in artificial experiments.

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Their nonlinear interaction has only a minor influence on the qualitative features of the layer evolution.

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Research should also examine the way that child gender may influence the development and use of emotion regulation strategies in physically maltreated children.

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Yet so many other factors also influence epistemic convictions that purely national styles may be relatively rare.

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If afterimages are purely retinal in origin, then percepts that depend on binocular combination should not influence the afterimage.

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Nevertheless, it seems that there is a network of different psychological factors in play, which seem to be interconnected and influencing one another.

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Singing seemed to influence their psychological well-being and mental states significantly.

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It may be that syllable structure may not play a role in the organization of lexical representations, but may influence the organization of phonological representations.

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A related issue is the influence of other phonological variables on lexical representations.

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It is, rather, a matter of what it is that parties can choose and what they can influence.

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The influence on the measured radiation of the angle formed by the jet axis with the line of sight is clear.

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Diversity may have been influenced by radiation subsequent to colonization, or by secondary radiations in contemporary host taxa.

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Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

Các cụm từ với influence


Các từ thường được sử dụng cùng với influence.

Bấm vào một cụm từ để xem thêm các ví dụ của cụm từ đó.

anthropogenic influence

Thus, the commonness of the aforementioned geometrid moths in habitats under anthropogenic influence may well reflect increased resource availability.

Từ Cambridge English Corpus  

beneficial influence

Our data showed no evidence of a beneficial influence of balloon valvoplasty on the infundibular stenosis.

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calming influence

However, we were still aware that he was exercising a calming influence behind the scenes.


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