Are to do lists good or bad?



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This was published 5 years ago

To-do lists: the good, the bad and the ugly

Like many people, I have a love-hate relationship with to-do lists.

By James Adonis
May 5, 2016 12.11pm

Like many people, I have a love-hate relationship with to-do lists.

Worthy of love are the clarity, the order and the progress of items being ticked off [or brutally scratched off]. Worthy of hatred is their never-ending length and the overwhelming sense one will never be fully completed.

Can to-do lists hold you back? Chris So

And so they remain a ubiquitous component of daily work life, a source of both stress and success.

Two years ago, researchers at San Francisco State University published one of the very few studies ever conducted on to-do lists, which compared them with something known as mental imagery. Mental imagery is a combination of goal setting, relaxation techniques and positive self-talk.

Of the 214 participants tested over a two-week period, a significant majority [approximately two to one] ended up preferring mental imagery over the more-common list.

A glance at some of their comments explains why. "I felt frustrated today because I could not complete my list; felt unproductive," said one.

"Hard to feel encouraged for the day when I focus on to-dos," said another. In a similar vein: "Spent most of the day stressing over what needed to be done."

When compared to their sentiments about mental imagery, the tone of their comments changed markedly. "Started the day with a feeling of encouragement," was one example. "I felt really good at the end of the day," was another. "Kept up spirits in the face of adversity," was one more.

The scholars emphasise this doesn't mean to-do lists are a bad thing. They appear to be quite useful when it comes to planning and helping people to prioritise the accomplishment of tasks.

But the self-criticism they attract frequently culminates in negative feelings and weakened coping abilities.

In the book What To Do When There's Too Much To Do, productivity expert Laura Stack writes that many of the items we place on our to-do lists are actually time stealers. Which is why she recommends a 'not to-do list' a list of stuff we ought to refrain from doing. This includes:

·Don't procrastinate.

Many of the items we place on our to-do lists are actually time stealers.

·Don't attend useless meetings.

·Don't gossip or complain.

·Don't waste work time on social sites.

·Don't check your email more than a few times a day.

Much like the researchers mentioned earlier, Stack suggests to-do lists can serve a useful purpose in terms of providing organisation and structure, but they can be made more effective by splitting them in two.

One to-do list tracks the tasks that must be completed today.

The other documents good ideas and projects for the future. Separating the two diminishes frustration and distraction.

And of course, you're by no means alone if you've ever added an already-completed item on your to-do list for no other reason than the gratification that arises when you immediately mark its completion. That's why Done Lists are increasing in popularity as substitutes.

Rather than compiling an exhausting inventory of obligations, you instead just document your triumphs.

Or alternatively, don't have a to-do list at all. That's Kevin Kruse's advice, a writer who interviewed over 200 entrepreneurs for his latest book, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management. "Do you really think millionaires and billionaires walk around with a to-do list?" he asks. "To-do lists should be called nagging wish lists."

He criticises to-do lists for lacking a good plan and for inspiring people to complete only the easiest and quickest items rather than the most necessary. He claims 41 per cent of stuff on a to-do list never even gets marked off. "No wonder we feel overwhelmed," he writes. "No wonder at night we collapse exhausted, but fight insomnia as our brain processes all that still has to get done."

His solution: Scrap the to-do list and instead schedule your calendar into 15-minute blocks of activity. If something isn't on the calendar, it doesn't get done. Simple as that.

Is it really that simple? Or is a to-do list an essential part of your workday?

James Adonis' latest book is 'How To Be Great'.

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