Bacons Rebellion frightened colonial authorities in Virginia because it revealed that

26. What happened when the free black man Anthony Johnson of Virginia sued his white neighbor for thereturn of one of Johnson’s slaves?27. What commodity served as currency in the seventeenth-century Chesapeake colonies?28. Slavery in Dutch New Netherland differed from that in the English Chesapeake because29. During the first half of the seventeenth century, the Dutch seized the key African slaving posts Axim andElmina from30. According to the Dutch plan of “half-freedom,” blacks in New Netherland were31. What impact did the English acquisition of New Netherland have for the colony’s black population?32. Between 1663 and 1681, Maryland differed from other English colonists in that it33. Bacon’s Rebellion frightened colonial authorities in Virginia because it revealed that34. An actual slave insurrection in 1712 and a rumored one in 1741 resulted in dozens of executions andharsh new laws in the colony of35. Who wrote theFundamental Constitutionsfor the colony of Carolina?.Chapter 436. When speaking of slavery in eighteenth-century North America, the phrase “seasoned slave” refers to anenslaved person who37. Which New England colony experienced the most significant growth in its enslaved population duringthe eighteenth century?38. The slave Onesimus, given to the illustrious colonial clergymen Cotton Mather, is most notable for whataccomplishment?

Bacon's Rebellion in 1676

At times the English chose to acquire their land through force, and at times the Virginia leaders preferred negotiations. In the General Assembly and in the taverns, the colonial leaders often debated the appropriate strategy - but in 1676, that debate erupted into civil war among the colonists.

In 1676, Nathaniel Bacon claimed to be a champion for those who lived on the frontier and were exposed to the threat of harm by Native Americans. Some who have chronicled Bacon's Rebellion present him as a revolutionary seeking liberty, leading Virginians to fight a colonial governor who had turned into a tyrant and cruel reactionary. Others suggest Bacon was an opportunist who sought to advance his own chance at wealth and power, in part by mobilizing the poor farmers on the frontier to vent their frustrations first by attacking innocent Native Americans and ultimately rebelling against the colonial government.

The innocent victims in 1676 included the Pamunkey tribe, because they were nearby and the rebels were indiscriminate in their attacks. The Pamunkey escaped by fleeing into the swamps near the headwaters of the York River. The equally-innocent Occaneechi tribe, southwest of Fort Henry [modern-day Petersburg] on the trading routes for furs, was less fortunate. Their trading post at modern-day Clarksville, Virginia was destroyed, shrinking their role as the middlemen in the trade between the English forts on the Fall Line and the backcountry in the Roanoke River and even Tennessee River watersheds.

Occaneechi fur trading post, on the Roanoke River [now Kerr Reservoir]
Source: USGS National Atlas

The Dutch seizure of New York in 1673, during the third Anglo-Dutch War of Charles II's reign, led indirectly to Bacon's Rebellion. Maryland anticipated that the Dutch might spur the Iroquois in New York to attack the Susquehannocks at the head of the Chesapeake Bay. The Susquehannocks were induced to move close to the friendly-to-the-Maryland-colonists Dogue tribe on Piscataway Creek in the Potomac River watershed. In 1675-76, a conflict between an overseer in Stafford County and members of the Dogue tribe over some hogs. The overseer was killed, the Native Americans fled across the Potomac River back into Maryland, the Virginians followed with a raid that killed innocent Susquehannocks [not Dogues] despite the promise of a flag of truce, and the Susquehannocks responded by attacking the homes of colonists on the edge of Anglo-Native American settlement [the "frontier"].3

The conflict led to "Bacon's Rebellion," a civil war among the Virginians that was fueled by the frontier settlers' frustration with Governor Berkeley's frontier policies. The colonists moving into traditionally Native American spaces on the northern and western edge of the colony [such as Stafford County] were already struggling with low tobacco prices and high taxes. Frustration was exacerbated by the powerful gentry in Jamestown exempting themselves from paying those high taxes, adding to the burden of the small farmers.

The reluctance of Governor Berkeley and his wealthy councilors to provide military protection against attack by Dogues, Susquehannocks, or Iroquois caused the struggling farmers on the frontier to rebel. As described by one of Virginia's first historians, Robert Beverley:4

Four Things may be reckon'd to have been the main Ingredients towards this intestine Commotion, viz. First, The extream low Price of Tobacco, and the ill Usage of the Planters in the Exchange of Goods for it, which the Country, with all their earnest Endeavours, could not remedy.Secondly, The Splitting the Colony into Proprieties, contrary to the original Charters; and the extravagant Taxes they were forced to undergo, to relieve themselves from those Grants.Thirdly, The heavy Restraints and Burdens laid upon their Trade by Act of Parliament in England.Fourthly, The Disturbance given by the Indians. Of all which I beg Leave to speak in their Order.

The "splitting of the colonies into proprietaries" referred to the land grant by Charles II that ended up as North Carolina, plus the Fairfax Grant. The Northern Neck grant excluded the colonial government in Jamestown from issuing patents [land grants] for property between the Rappahannock and Potomac rivers. By the 1670's, land adjacent to a navigable river was getting scarce. Virginia colonists were not happy at the prospect of having to move west of the Fall Line to obtain cheap land. There were no wagon roads, so the cost to haul tobacco to a wharf for export would be high compared to waterfront property.

The "heavy Restraints and Burdens laid upon their Trade by Act of Parliament in England" referred to the Navigation Acts, limiting tobacco sales to non-English buyers. Limiting sales to English merchants, thus reducing competition from the Dutch and others, led to lower tobacco prices paid to Virginians. Virginia colonists also objected to efforts to impose taxes that would be used simply to pay additional money to the tax collectors, which caused the tax collectors to support the governor and his cronies but created no benefits for most colonists.

The "Disturbance given by the Indians" was a one-sided description of the conflict caused by settlers moving into the territories long occupied by the Algonquian-speaking tribes north of the York River. The attacks by Iroquoian-speaking Susquehannocks on the Virginia and Maryland frontier in 1676 were triggered by the Anglo-Dutch war, manipulation of the Susquehannock populations by Maryland colonial officials, and retaliation-without-distinction policies of Virginia colonial officials. Similar "disturbances" in New England erupted in King Philip's War in 1675, between the Wampanoag/Narragansett/allied tribes and Massachusetts/Rhode Island/Connecticut settlers.

Nathaniel Bacon was a member of the gentry [the "elite" with political and economic power in the colony]. Bacon and Berkeley negotiated unsuccessfully for an official colonial war to remove Native Americans from the frontier. Bacon finally instigated open conflict. His rebels burned the colonial capital of Jamestown, pillaged the houses of Berkeley's rich allies, and forced the governor to flee to the Eastern Shore.
Source: Library of Congress Nathaniel Bacon engraving by T. Chambars

two members of Virginia gentry contested for power and authority over the frontier in 1676 when Governor Berkeley opened his jacket and challenged Nathaniel Bacon: "Here shoot me before God, fair mark shoot."
Source: National Park Service Sidney King painting, Nathaniel Bacon confronts Governor Sir William Berkeley

Nathaniel Bacon, a new immigrant from England who was not caught up deeply in the web of social alliances in Tidewater, demanded a military commission that would authorize him to attack Indians on the frontier. In a dramatic confrontation at the statehouse in Jamestown, Bacon threatened to shoot the governor unless he provided official commissions for Bacon's rebel army. Berkeley responded boldly "Here shoot me before God, fair mark shoot." [Bacon did not kill the governor, but clearly leadership in colonial Virginia was not for sissies...]5

When Bacon threatened to conduct military operations against the Native Americans without authorization, Berkeley declared him a rebel. The response was a public wave of support for Bacon, reflecting discontent over the economic recession at the time as much as concerns about Native Americans.

The public response frightened Berkeley enough to force him to schedule an election for a new House of Burgesses. Bacon was elected, and Berkeley let him take his seat on the Governor's Council of State. However, Bacon quickly left Jamestown, rallied a mob, and attacked innocent Occaneechi, Tutelo, and Saponi Indians at their trading base at modern-day Clarksville at the confluence of the Dan and the Roanoke [Staunton] River.

Bacon forced the Occaneechi to surrender Susquehannocks that Bacon claimed were responsible for "outrages" on frontier farms. Bacon's forces then destroyed the Occaneechi village - even though the Native Americans there had done nothing to threaten frontier settlers. Destruction of Occaneechi Town would disrupt Berkeley's control of the fur trade, weakening him personally and perhaps creating some opportunity for others living on the frontier to make profits through trade.

Bacon marched his small army back to the capital where the House of Burgesses, intimidated by the mob, passed legislation demanded by Bacon. Bacon burned Jamestown, including the statehouse, and plundered the plantation homes of the gentry who supported Governor Berkeley.

third statehouse at Jamestown, burned in Bacon's Rebellion
Source: National Park Service, America's Oldest Legislative Assembly and Its Jamestown Statehouse

The governor fled Jamestown and went to John Custis's Arlington plantation in Northampton County, on the Eastern Shore. When Bacon sent a flotilla to attack Berkeley in his last refuge, the governor's forces surprised and captured it. Berkeley sailed back to the west side of the Chesapeake Bay, captured many of the rebels after Bacon died of a "bloody flux," and proceeded to execute many of the top rebel leaders. [Berkeley's harsh response may have been spurred in part by laws that allowed him to seize the wealth of the rebels.]

Among Bacon's rebellious allies was William Drummond, a member of the gentry and a personal enemy of Berkeley. Drummond had been governor of North Carolina [Lake Drummond is named for him]. After Drummond was captured, Berkeley greeted him with a malicious "Mr. Drumond! you are very welcome, I am more Glad to See you, than any man in Virginia, Mr. Drumond you shall be hang'd in half an hour." In fact, Drummond's trial did not occur until six days later, but he was hung within several hours of his conviction.6

The officials in London did not support the vindictive retaliation. Charles II is reported to have been surprised at Berkeley's executions, saying "That old fool has hanged more men in that naked country than I have done here for the murder of my father." Charles recalled Berkeley to England, where the governor died.7

To avoid capture by Nathaniel Bacon's army, Governor Berkeley fled from Jamestown to the original Arlington Plantation, owned by John Custis in Northampton County [route in red]. In 1676 the British officials appointed by King Charles II ended up defeating the rebellious colonists. A century later, Lord Dunmore fled Williamsburg at the start of the American Revolution, to attack Norfolk and then to his final base at Gwynn's Island [route in yellow].
Map Source: US Fish and Wildlife Service Wetlands Mapper

Bacon's Rebellion was followed by the Treaty of Middle Plantation in 1677 with the Pamunkey, who were attacked by Bacon even though the tribes were theoretically under English protection since the Treaty of 1646. In 1677, the "Queen of Pamunkey" [Cockacoeske] was granted a reservation in King William County, establishing the legal basis for today's Pamunkey and Mattaponi reservations. Tribes that had not been part of Powhatan's paramount chiefdom also signed the treaty, including the Iroquoian-speaking Meherrin and Nottoway and the Siouan-speaking Saponi.8

Because the Iroquois were mobile, crossing boundaries of multiple colonies, Virginia could not negotiate by itself for frontier peace. In 1684, Virginia Governor Effingham joined with the colonial governor of New York to sign a treaty that brought a temporary easing of tension on the edge of settlement. New York governors would later call for Virginia support of the Iroquois who were assisting in attacks on the French and their allied tribes in Canada, but the Virginians were reluctant to fight just to protect the fur trade capabilities of the New Yorkers.9

Bacon's Rebellion demonstrated, among other things, that the success/failure of English settlement in North America would require cooperation among the colonies - and that success/failure of Native American resistance would require cooperation among the tribes.

Parson Waugh's Tumult

Prelude to Bacon's Rebellion in 1676


  • Africans in America [PBS special]
    • Bacon's Rebellion 1675-1676
    • and see The Black Commentator assessment: PBS Says American Slavery was Natural: Eradicating Bacon's Rebellion From Popular Memory
  • Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities
    • Bacon's Castle
  • Bacon's Rebellion and the Defeat of the Saponi Tribes at Occoneechee Island
  • British Civil Wars, Commonwealth and Protectorate
  • The Causes of Bacon's Rebellion [The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography , Vol. 78, No. 4, October 1970]
  • English Civil War
  • - Bacon's Rebellion
  • Historiography of Bacon's Rebellion
  • Historical Scene Investigation [HSI]
    • Virginia at the Crossroads: Nathanial Bacon Hero or Traitor?
  • Hypertext on American History - "From Revolution to Reconstruction"
    • Governor William Berkely on Bacon's Rebellion [19 May 1676]
    • Bacon's Declaration in the Name of the People [30 July 1676]
    • Robert Beverley on Bacon's Rebellion [1704]
  • Legacy of Bacon's Rebellion
  • Library of Congress
    • Beginning, Progress, and Conclusion of Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia, In the Years 1675 and 1676 [in Series 8: Virginia Records, 1606-1737 of Thomas Jefferson's Papers]
    • Portrait of Nathaniel Bacon
  • National Park Service
    • Colonial National Historical Park
      • Bacon's Rebellion
      • A Study of Virginia Indians and Jamestown: The First Century - Bacon's Rebellion, 1676: A Review of the Sources and Interpretations
    • James River Plantations
      • Bacon's Castle
      • The Gentry
  • New River Notes
    • First Native Martyrs in America [NOTE: a 1909 publication]
    • Some Unpublished Facts Relating to Bacon's Rebellion On the Eastern Shore of Virginia [NOTE: not a recent publication...]
    • The Story of Bacon's Rebellion [NOTE: a 1907 publication]
  • Robert Beverly's Account of Bacon's Rebellion
  • Samual Wiseman's Book of Record: The Official Account of Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia, 1676-1677
  • Virginia Magazine of History and Biography
    • The Thrusting out of Governor Harvey: A Seventeenth-Century Rebellion [January, 1968]
  • Virtual Jamestown
    • Bacon's Rebellion
    • Jamestown Interpretive Essays - Sir William Berkeley
  • Wikipedia
    • Bacon's Rebellion


1. Hatfield, April Lee, Atlantic Virginia: Intercolonial Relations in the Seventeenth Century, Universityof Pennsylvania Press, 2004, pp.198-200
2. J. Mills Thornton, III, "The Thrusting out of Governor Harvey: A Seventeenth-Century Rebellion," The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. 76, No. 1 [January 1968], pp.22-24, // [last checked October 13, 2012]
3. April Lee Hatfield, Atlantic Virginia: Intercolonial Relations in the Seventeenth Century University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004, pp.198-200
4. Robert Beverley, The History and Present State of Virginia, 1705, p.66, // [last checked October 13, 2012]
5. "Bacon's Rebellion," National Park Service, // [last checked October 13, 2012]
6. "William Drummond," Encyclopedia Virginia, // [last checked October 13, 2012]
7. Virginia: a guide to the Old Dominion, Virginia Writers' Project, 1950, p. 42, // [last checked October 13, 2012]
8. April Lee Hatfield, Atlantic Virginia: Intercolonial Relations in the Seventeenth Century University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004, pp.212-213
9. April Lee Hatfield, Atlantic Virginia: Intercolonial Relations in the Seventeenth Century University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004, Footnote 96, p.239

to escape Bacon's troops in 1676, the Pamunkey retreated into the swamps along the Piankatank River, which a 1670 map described as "not passable nor inhabitable"
Source: Library of Congress, Virginia and Maryland as it is planted and inhabited this present year 1670 [by Augustine Herrman, with north oriented to the right rather than towards the top of the map]

The Military in Virginia
Virginia Places

What happened during Bacon's Rebellion?

Bacon's Rebellion, fought from 1676 to 1677, began with a local dispute with the Doeg Indians on the Potomac River. Chased north by Virginia militiamen, who also attacked the otherwise uninvolved Susquehannocks, the Indians began raiding the Virginia frontier.

What was the Bacon's Rebellion and why was it important?

Bacon's Rebellion was the first armed uprising by colonists against English government officials in the British colonies in North America. It took place from 1676 to 1677 and led to a significant increase in the number of enslaved African-Americans in Virginia.

What impact did Bacon's Rebellion have on Virginia quizlet?

What was the outcome of bacon's rebellion? RACE: Plantation owners gradually replaced indentured servants with African slaves and became the primary labor forces, creating a cruel institution in the American colonies. CLASS: It exposed resentments between backcountry frontiersmen against wealthy planters in Virginia.

What was the significance of Bacon's Rebellion quizlet?

What was the significance of Bacon's Rebellion? It was the first rebellion in the American Colonies in which the frontiersmen took part. Also, it hastened the hardening of racial lines dealing with slavery, because this rebellion involved both black and white indentured servants which worried the ruling class.

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