Bài thi nói tiếng anh lớp 6


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Talk about yourselves

[Học sinh tự nói ít nhất 4 câu về bản thân mình]

- Name / middle name / family name.

- Age.

- Job.

- Class / grade.

- School

-Home address.

Ví dụ một số câu hỏi cơ bản dưới đây:

1. What’s your full name?

2. Which class are you in?

3. Where do you live?

4. What is your favorite soccer player?

5. What is your favourite TV programme?

6. Have you ever visited Hoi An?

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  • Hướng Dẫn Thi Nói Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 [2022]


Trong bài viết này, KISS English sẽ chia sẻ cho các bạn tất tần tật về thi nói tiếng Anh lớp 6. Hãy theo dõi nhé.

Xem video của KISS English về cách giới thiệu về bản thân cực hay tại đây nhé:

Speaking Competition hay còn gọi là bài thi nói [hùng biện] đang dần trở nên phổ biến đối với học sinh tiểu học và trung học. Rất nhiều cuộc thi được tổ chức để tìm ra những tài năng nhí. Vậy nên trong bài viết ngày hôm nay, KISS English sẽ chia sẽ cho các bạn những điều cần biết về thi nói tiếng Anh lớp 6. 

Bố Cục Bài Thi Nói Tiếng Anh Lớp 6

Bố Cục Bài Thi Nói Tiếng Anh Lớp 6

Bố cục bài thi nói tiếng anh lớp 6 sẽ gồm có 2 phần:

  • Personal information [Thông tin cá nhân]
  • Talk about the given topic [Nói theo chủ đề cho trước]

Personal information

Giới thiệu về bản thân:

  • Tên
  • Tuổi 
  • Nghề nghiệp [học sinh]
  • Lớp, trường
  • Địa chỉ nhà

Một số câu hỏi giúp bạn chuẩn bị tốt cho phần này:1. What’s your full name?2. Which class are you in?3. Where do you live?4. What is your favorite soccer player?5. What is your favorite TV program?6. Have you ever visited Hoi An?7. Do you want to have a robot in your house in the future?8. Which country do you want to visit?9. What do you do to keep your schoolyard clean?

10. What appliances might you have in your future house?

Talk about a given topic

Ở phần này, bạn sẽ bắt đầu nói về một chủ đề mà bài thi [cuộc thi] đưa ra.

Một Số Chủ Đề Thi Nói Tiếng Anh Lớp 6

Một Số Chủ Đề Thi Nói Tiếng Anh Lớp 6

Dưới đây là một số chủ đề thường gặp trong các đề thi nói tiếng anh lớp 6. KISS English đã liệt kê ra một số câu hỏi gợi ý giúp bạn có ý tưởng và dễ dàng nói về các chủ đề này hơn.

Sports [Thể thao]

1. Do уou like plaуing anу ѕportѕ/ gameѕ?2. What kind of ѕportѕ/ gameѕ do уou do moѕt often?3. Hoᴡ often do уou plaу it?4. What otherѕ ѕportѕ/ gameѕ do уou plaу?5. Do уou belong to anу ᴄlubѕ?6. What sport/games do you like to watch on TV?7. Is playing sports good or bad for your health?8. Does your school hold a football competition? Do you take part in the school football team? Are you a good player?9. Can you name a famous sportsperson?

10. Do you like a team sport or an individual sport?

Environment [Môi trường]

1. What iѕ the enᴠironmental problem in уour neighborhood? Iѕ it ѕeriouѕ?2. What are the effeᴄtѕ of the problem on people?3. What do уou ᴄan do to reduᴄe that problem?4. What will you do if someone throws rubbish in the class?5. Tell about some things you can reuse/recycle.6. Do you always use reusable shopping bags?7.  Why do we have to reuse or recycle things?8. Which / What pollution makes fish die?9. Why is water so polluted?10. Which pollution causes breathing problems?11. What should you do to protect the environment? [at least three ideas]

12. Do you recycle the rubbish from your house?

TV Show [Chương trình truyền hình]

1. What iѕ уour faᴠourite TV program?2. Iѕ it intereѕting?3. What ᴄhannel iѕ it on?4. What iѕ it about?5. Hoᴡ often do уou ᴡatᴄh it?6. How many hours a day / per week do you watch TV?7. Would you like to watch foreign channels? Why?8. When do you often watch TV?9. Do you watch TV when you are eating? Do you think it is good or bad?

10. Which character do you like in that cartoon? Why?

11. Who is your favorite TV MC? Why?

12. Is watching TV too much useful or harmful for us? Why or Why not?

Mẫu Đề Thi Nói Tiếng Anh Lớp 6

Question 1: Talk about your leisure activities

Some people may think cooking is just a daily to make meals. But for me, cooking is a hobby – the best hobby I have. I always cook after finding out the importance of cooking. There are many reasons why I love to cook. Firstly, it keeps me happy in my life. Secondly, Whenever I feel sad, cooking eases me in a big way. Cooking also enables me to expand my creativity. We can help my parents by cooking. One more good thing about cooking is I feel satisfied when I cook for my family, relatives, and friends. I spend my free time learning more about different cooking methods. Sometimes what I cook is not so delicious but I always feel happy because I had so many beautiful memories. In short, I think cooking not only happy expands creativity but also brings me happiness.

Question 2: Talk about the city life

In my opinion, living in the city has many benefits. Firstly, the city is the center of the economy, politics, culture, and society. There are many schools, hospitals, markets, offices, banks, companies, restaurants,… here so it’s very modern and convenient. It’s easy to find a rented house, hotel, or building. Secondly, city life provides us with all sorts of entertainment: movies, theaters, amusement parks, bars,… so it helps us relax after hard work. Finally, the education here is very good. We can be improved our knowledge by going to schools, universities or extra classes. It’s easy for young people to have many chances for a well-paid job.

Besides the benefits, city life also has some drawbacks. Firstly, cities are polluted and noisy because there are many vehicles and factories. The environment is polluted by the dust from means of transport and waste from factories. Secondly, citizens are unfriendly. They are always in a hurry which means people have no time to know each other and make friends. Finally, there aren’t enough playgrounds for children to take part in outdoor activities so they spend their free time using computers and forget everything is happening. In short, I think the city life suitable for young people

Question 3: Talk about the festival in VN

Tet is one of the most important festivals in VietNam. It’s held every year at the end of January or early February. Some weeks before Tet, Vietnamese clean their houses and paint their walls. They also buy peach blossoms, kumquat, and flowers to decorate their houses. People are buying so many new clothes on this occasion to wear them during Tet. One or two days before Tet, people make sticky rice cake – the traditional Vietnamese food, spring rolls, and other special food.

Question 4: Talk about your favorite TV show

Rap Viet iѕ one of the moѕt faᴠorite TV programs for me. It iѕ ѕhoᴡn at 9.15 p.m on HTV7 eᴠerу Saturdaу eᴠening. The purpoѕe of the program iѕ to ѕeek for talented rapperѕ to be aired on Vietnameѕe teleᴠiѕion. Rap Viet featureѕ not onlу renoᴡned MC Tran Thanh aѕ the hoѕt, but alѕo many iᴄoniᴄ Vietnameѕe rapperѕ like JuѕtaTee, Rhуmaѕtiᴄ, Woᴡу, Binᴢ, and Suboi aѕ judgeѕ and ᴄoaᴄheѕ for the ѕhoᴡ. The program alloᴡs ᴄonteѕtantѕ to ᴄompete in battle rapѕ, ᴡhiᴄh are of ᴄourѕe limited in ᴡordѕ. Moreoᴠer, eaᴄh performanᴄe bringѕ meaningful meѕѕageѕ such as about enᴠironment proteᴄtion, patriotiѕm, loᴠe and ѕo on. Vieᴡerѕ ᴄan reallу ѕee the true peak of rap, aѕ the genre iѕ deᴠeloped through underground battleѕ, ѕo thiѕ program iѕ intereѕting to me.

Lời Kết 

Trên đây là một số thông tin hữu ích về thi nói tiếng Anh lớp 6 mà KISS English muốn chia sẻ với bạn. Hy vọng bài viết này phù hợp với bạn. Chúc bạn có thời gian học vui vẻ và hiệu quả.


Khám phá bí quyết giỏi tiếng Anh của người bận rộn.


Với phương châm "Keep It Simple & Stupid" - KISS English mong rằng bạn sẽ giỏi tiếng Anh nhanh chóng và thành công trong cuộc sống. Nếu bạn yêu mến Thuỷ, hãy kết bạn với Thuỷ nhé...

Học Từ Vựng Siêu Tốc & Nhớ Lâu:



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