Crack on side of laptop

A few weeks ago my dog jumped up on to my bed while we were play fighting and while bouncing like a lunatic she knocked my laptop off the bed on to the floor, it was actually closed at the time however it landed pretty hard on its side and when I picked it up I noticed that some plastic was broke around the USB port, I can hear broken plastic rattling around inside the case but most worryingly there's a crack on the top face, just above the keyboard right next to the hinge. It started off tiny and I really wasn't worried however over the last few weeks its gotten bigger to the point that when you open the lid you can feel the hinge moving on the Z axis. I think that every time I open the lid its putting stress on the Z axis and making the crack worse and now I'm worried its going to break entirely [it already feels like one of the screws holding the bottom on is coming loose].

I was going to take it apart to remove the plastic that's rattling around inside the case but now I'm worried that, as soon as I unscrew this corner its just going to fall apart and be impossible to reassemble.

Anyone got any tips?

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