fencing là gì - Nghĩa của từ fencing

fencing có nghĩa là

the coolest sport in the world. the different weapons are foil, epee, and sabre. all the official tournaments are directed in french so that makes it infinatly cooler and a lot of the actions have french names as well. it takes physical strength and mental strength as well. you better be able to take pain if you want to do this sport.


fencer x- i made this kid bleed i was fencing. i hit him on his knuckle.

fencer y- woah thats so cool

fencing có nghĩa là

a modern sport based on the traditional martial art of european swordplay. made up of three different disciplines - foil, epee, and saber, of which saber is without a doubt the best.

positive aspects include the opportunity to learn intelligent risk taking, how to win without being obnoxious and how to lose without getting flustered, the opportunity to learn at your own pace and the challenge of unravelling the mystery of the game.

negative aspects include ignorant referees, the atrocious cost of equipment and participation in tournaments, the difficulty of finding competent instruction, and the compulsion of every greenhorn newbie to turn into the fencing master when someone just a week or two newer to the sport is around.


fencing is simply the best

fencing có nghĩa là

A sport where if you're a "dry" novice. You will be plagued with terrible, apathetic judges and crazy old directors. Where they say things like "distance parry" and give points to people that hit your foot or your mask!

Go electric as soon as possible!


"Oh man, because I won against him during pools, now he's not even looking while judging! How awesome."

fencing có nghĩa là

a SPORT which includes 3 weapons, and saber is the best of the 3 since it's slapping, foil and epee are poking :p


"Yes fencing IS a sport," jake whispered to the girl.

fencing có nghĩa là

Fencing is a sport derived from western swordfighting. In its modern form, it is like a linear, low-impact form of boxing. Electronics are now used to detect hits [or "touches"] and the game is more about strategy and skill than strength.

It has three main forms - foil [only hit opponent's torso, all hits made with point], épée [hit anywhere, can only use point] and sabre [hit torso, arms and head using any part of the blade inc. point]. Foil and sabre have a system called "right of way" for decided who gets the points. In épée, if you hit, you score a point.

It is "explosive" - meaning most of the actions done will be rapid changes of pace [as opposed to say, "endurance" activities like running marathons or satisfying one's girlfriend].


A: Did you see the Olympic fencing?
B: Some - it's the only one where you can't see how fit the athletes are because they're wearing three layers of kit and metal blocks on their heads.
A: You're not a fencer, are you?

fencing có nghĩa là

Fencing is the art or practice of attack and defense with the foil, épee, or sabre. All three of the weapons have their own distinct history, blade, guard, and target area. Fencing is an excellent outlet for stress and aggression in an artful form of expression. It involves a level of cunning similar to that of chess. Much of the terminology is French and official tournaments are conducted in French.


Aldo Nadi, the winner of three gold medals and one silver medal in the 1920 Olympics in Antwerp is one of the greatest fencing masters of all time.

fencing có nghĩa là

the awesomest sport in the WORLD which is awesome. it consists of 3 weapons : FOIL EPEE or SABRE! it is just the awesomest sport EVER!!!!


Person 1: I'm going to fencing Person 2: Lucky, I wish i could be awesome and fence...

fencing có nghĩa là

Everyone who says that fencing is for "fags," SHUT UP! A: stop being prejudiced against homosexuals! B: have you actually met fencers? Have you tried the SPORT [which IT IS] at all, or are you just sitting in front of your computer feeling superior? I am a teenage girl. I am straight. I am a fencer. The best people I have ever met are fencers. Maybe some of them are gay, some are straight, but it doesn't matter. To be a good fencer, you have to be so physically and mentally strong. It takes years of hard work and commitment and dedication. Think what you like, I really don't care, but keep it to yourself. Before you post something on this website again, make sure you actually know what you're talking about, okay?


Fencing should be taken seriously for the real sport that it is.

fencing có nghĩa là

A sport consisting mainly of sweat and tears. The minority of fencers do manage to get into an amazing college and have generally good lives. Don't mess with a fencer, there's a good chance they'll stab/slash you to death.


I must need a good resume to get into Yale, maybe I should take up fencing!

fencing có nghĩa là

A sex position that minimizes transmission during Covid19. The 2 partners lay down head-to-toe while wearing facemasks and use their arms to reach out for the other person's genitals, thus keeping their faces about 6 feet apart. Resembles the Olympic sport of fencing because of the masks and outstretched arms.


Man: Want to come over to my place tonight? We can have some fun.
Woman: But it's still dangerous because of Coronavirus!
Man: We'll be careful. Just fencing. I promise.

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