Galderma differin gel 0.1 review năm 2024

Skin flared up, redness, dryness, scaling and pimples worse after 1 weeks use - then EVERYTHING settled right down and my skin improved drastically with ongoing regular use, new healthy skin appeared, irritation no longer a problem and far fewer if any pimples at all. Great product.

Most voted negative review

19 People found this comment helpful

No idea, just started using it....


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Take a different approach to clearing—and preventing—your acne. Non-comedogenic, fragrance-free Differin® Gel contains the retinoid adapalene, the first over-the-counter active ingredient for acne in more than 30 years. It’s what you and your skin have been waiting for. Use daily. Get consistently clear

  • Clears acne with the power of Rx, without a prescription needed
  • Prevents breakouts, blackheads, whiteheads, blemishes and clogged pores
  • Restores skin tone and texture by clearing acne
  • Available in 15g [up to 30-day supply] and 45g [up to 90-day supply]
  • Find it in the original tube, and now in an easy-to-use new pump
  • Differin® Gel can be used to effectively treat acne or “maskne” caused by wearing face masks or facial coverings

Active ingredient: adapalene 0.1% [retinoid]

Inactive ingredients: carbomer 940, edetate disodium, methylparaben, poloxamer 182, propylene glycol, purified water and sodium hydroxide. May contain hydrochloric acid to adjust pH.

Believe in the Differin

Week 0

Immediately starts working deep in pores, where acne starts

Acne reduction may appear after week 2

Week 2

Normal, mild redness may appear as skin adapts

Reduction of inflammation and blemishes continues

Continually rebalances skin cells to help prevent pores from clogging

Week 12

Acne is significantly reduced thus, skin tone and texture begins to restore

Use daily to prevent future breakouts

See our gallery of real results

Simulation of actual results

How to do things Differin


Use Differin® Gentle Cleanser to keep skin clean. Next apply a thin layer of Differin® Gel once every day all over your face—even when your face is clear—for long-term results. Don’t be discouraged by temporary retinization that may occur when using Differin® Gel; it should subside after about week 4. Add sun protection under makeup without clogging pores, with Differin® Oil Absorbing Moisturizer with SPF 30. At night, help decrease dryness and other signs of irritation with a non-SPF moisturizer such as Differin® Soothing Moisturizer.

Differin® Gel is brought to you by the acne experts

  • Contains the only dermatologist developed over-the-counter acne retinoid you can buy
  • Clears the acne you have and stops new acne in its tracks
  • Works continuously to treat and prevent acne when used daily
  • Contains the first FDA-approved over-the-counter acne retinoid

A Dermatologist's Perspective

How do you use Differin® Gel?

It’s time to rethink how you apply your acne treatment.

Dr. Adam Friedman


What does Differin® Gel do to clear acne?

Differin® Gel contains adapalene, a type of retinoid. Topical retinoids, like Differin® Gel, play a crucial role in the treatment of acne. Retinoids have vitamin A activity which helps regulate cell turnover to make sure your skin goes through the right process, creating a healthier environment for skin. Regulating cell turnover helps to keep the pores from clogging and target acne before it even starts. Don’t think of Differin® Gel as a spot treatment only to be used when acne rears its ugly head. In fact, if used daily, Differin® Gel stops new acne from forming, resulting in improved skin tone and texture.

How long does it take for Differin 0.1 to work?

Differin gel or cream starts to work immediately, and results may appear in as little as 2 weeks. However, it is recommended that Differin is used for up to 12 weeks to see significant results. With continued use, studies show that Differin gel can reduce acne by 87% after 12 weeks of use.

Is Differin 0.1% good?

153 Independently Verified Differin [Adapalene] 0.1% Reviews Differin [Adapalene] gel and cream are effective acne treatments, clinically proven to clear and prevent mild to moderate acne. Rated 9.6/10 based upon 153 customer reviews.

What is Differin 0.1% gel used for?

Differin® Gel clears redness and inflammation associated with acne and helps prevent pimples, blackheads and clogged pores before they occur.

What is Galderma Differin Gel used for?

DIFFERIN® gel 0.1% is indicated for the topical treatment of comedo, papular and pustular acne [acne vulgaris] of the face, chest or back. A thin film of DIFFERIN Topical Gel should be applied to the affected areas once a day before bedtime and after washing avoiding the eyes lips and mucous membranes.

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