Giáo án tiếng anh thí điểm lớp 7 cả năm

Trang chủTiếng Anh Cấp 2Tổng Hợp Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 thí điểm [Bản đẹp]


Giáo án Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 7 [cả năm]Week: 5thDate of planning: 13/9/2013Date of teaching: [Dạy bù chương trình]Period: 2UNIT 1: My hobbiesLesson 1: Getting started- My favourite hobbyI. Objectives.By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen and read for information about thetopic “My favourite hobby”, practice asking and answering with “ Do you like +Ving..?,Play game ....II. Teaching aids:- Stereo, CD.III. ProcedureI. Class organization.- Greetings.- Checking attendance: 7A4…………………..II. New lesson.T’s and Ss’ activitiesContent1.Warm upChatting: What do you like doing inI like collecting stampyour free time?I like playing computer gamesDo you like collecting dolls?.......Do you like collecting glass bottles?Yes/ No...Do you enjoy mountain climbing?+ What all these activities are called?HOBBIES2. Activities+ Activity 1: Open your book and lookat the picture on page 8 and answer thequestions below:1. Can you guess who they are?1.Listen and read2. Where are they?1. They are Nick, Elena [ Nick’s sister]3. What can you see on the shelf?and MiWhat may the hobby be?2. They are at Nick’s house- Play the recording3. I can see so many dolls on the shelf.- Ss listen and readThe hobby may be collecting dolls.- After you listen and read aconversation, tell me whether youranswers correct or not?- Do you know the meaning of theIt means “ a thing that is easy to do”idoms “ a piece of cake” from theconversation?- Tell me any other idoms you know?- as easy as a pie/ as ABC = very easy,or very easily; all of a piece = all at theGiáo án Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 7 [cả năm]same time...etc...- Read the conversation again anda. Are the sentences below true [T] ordecide if they are true or false?false [F]?1. F [They go upstairs to her room]- Share your answer with a partner.2. T3. F[ Mi’s hobby is collecting glass- Write the collect answers on the board. bottles]4. F [ Her parents, aunt and uncle]5. T- Now answers the questions in part bb. Answer the following questions.orally.1. She receives dolls on special- Ask some Ss to go to the board andoccasions.write their answers.2. No, they aren’t.- other Ss read the conversation and3. She keeps them after using them.check their answers.4. No, she doesn’t.- T corrects5. No, he hasn’t.+ Activity 2: Listen and repeat.2. Listen and repeat.- Ss listen to the recording and repeatthe words/ phrases.3. Choose the words/ phrases in 2 that- Have some Ss practise the words/match the pictures below. Write the spaces.+ Activity 3: * Matching1. playing board games.-Ss work individually to match the2. taking photos.words/ phrases from 2 with the pictures. 3. bird-wattchingHave them compare the answers with a 4. cyclingpartner5. playing the guitar- Ask for Ss’ answers6. gardening- Give feedback and confirm the correct 7. cookinganswers.8. arranging flowers* Work in pairs and complete the table. 9. skating- Write their answers on the board.- May ask ss to explain their answers.4. Work in pairs...- Have Ss add more words to the table.Cheap hobbies:-playing board games, gardening, bird+ Activity 4: gamewatching, collecting old bottles,...Set a time 3-5 minutes for Ss to do thisExpensive hobbies:activity-Taking photos, cycling, playing the-Complete the table, using “ Do youguitar, cooking, arranging flowers,like...?”The student with the mostcollecting watches...names wins, He/she has to read aloudEasy hobbies:the names on the list.Playing board games, gardening, birdwatching, collecting old bottles, takingphotos,...Giáo án Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 7 [cả năm]Difficult hobbies:-playing the guitar, cooking, arrangingflowers, making short films...5. Game : Find someone who...a. Ask as many classmates as you canabout which hobbies from 3 they like.Use the question” Do you like...?”Example:3. Homework.A: Do you like gardening?- Do exercise in workbook.B: No, I don’t- Prepare a closer look 1.Giáo án Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 7 [cả năm]Week: 5thDate of planning: 13/9/2013Date of teaching: [Dạy bù chương trình]Period: 3UNIT 1: My hobbiesLesson 2: A closer look 1I. Objectives.By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use lexical items related to hobbies.Pronounce the sounds / ə / and / ɜ :/ in context.II. Teaching aids:- Stereo, CD.III. ProcedureI. Class organization.- Greetings.- Checking attendance: 7A4…………………..II. New lesson.T’s and Ss’ activitiesThe content1.Warm up- Have some Ss repeat the words/- collecting stampphrases indicating the hobbies they- bird-watchinglearnt in the previous lesson.- playing the guitar2. ActivitiesA- Vocabulary1.Vocabulary.Ex1: -Have Ss read the action verbs inEx1: Match the correct verbs with the wordscolumn A and match them with theor phrases. Some words/ phrases may besuitable words/ phrases in column B.used with more than one verb.- A verb can go with more than one1. i,d,eword/phrase.2. g- Ss work in pairs to compare their3. b,c,janswers before giving teacher the4. f,hanswers.5. c- T corrects6. aEx2: - Ss work in pairs to do thisEx2: Fill in each blank in the sentences withactivity. Have ss read all the sentencesone hobby or one action verb from the boxcarefully to make sure they understandbelow.the sentences.1. Swimming, swim- Ss share their answers.2. Listen, listening to music- Write the correct answers on the3. Plant, gardeningboard.4. Catch, fishingEx3:- Ask Ss: Do you know what a key5. Painting, paintsword is? – A key word help youEx3: Do you know what a key word....understand a text quickly, and it isLook out! [ Page 12]Giáo án Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 7 [cả năm]usually a noun, verb, adjective orHobbyKeywordsadverb.Listening Melody, songs,-Look at sentence 2 in activity 2 andto musicheadphones, out the keywords .gardening Trees, flowers, gaarden.- In pairs Ss do the samefishingLake, pond, catch, fish..* Game: Competitive game. Call somepaintingCreative,colours,artist..pairs to write their sentences on theswimming Pool, fun, keep fit,board. The pair with the most words isswim....the winner.Ex 4: Game: Ss work in group to playEx4: The keys to my hobby!the guessing game.E.g:1. Work in group.A: water, grow, flowers, vegetables2. Each student thinks of a hobbyB: Is it gardening?and says keywords out loud.A: Yes, it is.3. The rest of the group tries toguess what the hobby is..?4. The St with the most points is the 2. Pronunciation: / ə / and / ɜ :/winner.Ex5: Listen and tick the words you aear.B- PronunciationRepeat the words./ ə / and / ɜ :/bird-watching √ answerEx5: - Have some Ss read out the words √ away√ neighbourfirst.√ burnsinger-Play the recording√ hurt√ heard- Ss listen and tick the words they hear.√ Birth√ commonEx6: Play the recording again-Ask Ss to put the words in the correctEx6: Listen again and put the words in thecolumn while they listen.correct column.- Ss compare their answers with thewhole class.awayburnEx7: - Ss do individuallyanswerbirth-Compare and check their answersneighbourhurt- Say the word that has / ə / and / ɜ :/commonheardEx 7: Listen to the sentences and tick / ə / or/ ɜ :/. Practise the sentences.3. Homework- Do exercise in Workbook.- Prepare: A closer look 212345√√√√√Giáo án Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 7 [cả năm]Week: 6thDate of planning: 13/9/2013Date of teaching: [Dạy bù chương trình]Period: 4UNIT 1: My hobbiesLesson 3: A closer look 2I. Objectives.By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the present simple, the future simpleand verbs of liking + V-ing correctly and appropriately.II. Teaching aids:- Stereo, CD.III. ProcedureI. Class organization.- Greetings.- Checking attendance: 7A4…………………..II. New lesson.T’s and Ss’ activitiesThe content1.Warm up.Ss present the form and usage of theseForm:two tensesUsage:2. ActivitiesA- The Present simple and the futureGrammar:simple: Review1.The present simple and the future simpleEx1:- Ss do this exercise individually[ Review]- Compare their answers.Ex1: Complete the sentences. Use the- Check the answers and write thepresent simple or future simple form of thecorrect answers on the board.verbs.Ex2: - Ask Ss to look at the table and1.loves; will not/won’t continuemake sure that they understand it.2. take-Explain: That x 3 per week means three 3. does...dotimes a week4. will enjoy- Work in pairs5. Check the answers and write the6. Will...playcorrect answers on the board.Ex2: The table below shows the results ofEx3a: - Work in groupsNick’s survey on his classmates’ hobbies.-Explain: “ frequency” means how often Read the table and complete his report usingsomeone does something in a given time the present simple.frame.1.Likes2. Watch 3. Don’t loveEx3b: - Each group writes a short report 4. go5. Enjoy 6. Playsimilar to Nick’s report in 27. plays 8. Doesn’t like 9.plays-Read the comment and votes for theExercise 3a: Work in groups.Giáo án Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 7 [cả năm]best report.Ex3b: Write a report about what you haveB- Verbs of liking + V-ingfound out.-Have Ss read the Look out! Box.2. Verbs of liking + Ving- May call some Ss to make sentences* Look out ! [ In Studentbook]with the verbs of liking.Ex4: Complete the sentences, using the –ingEx4: - Ss do the exercise individually,form of the verbs in the box.then compare their answers with a1.riding2. Watching; goingclassmate3. talking 4. Playing-Call some Ss to read out the answers.5. eating6. WalkingEx5: - Work in pairsEx5: Look at the pictures and write-Have Ss read the example and explainsentences...the way to do this activity. Ss write1.He doesn’t like eating apples.sentences using the pictures as clues.2. They love playing table tennisCall some students to write their3. She hates playing the piano.sentences on the board. Check and4. He enjoys gardening.comment on Ss’ sentences.5. She likes dancing.Ex6: Ss do this exercise individually,Ex6: What does each member in yourthen compare their sentences with afamily like or not like doing?classmate. Call on some Ss to write their Write sentences.sentences on the board. Ask other Ss for1. My father likes...their comments. Correct any mistakes.2. My father hates...3.Homework............................Do exercise A1,2 B1-6 in theWorkbook.Prepare: CommunicationGiáo án Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 7 [cả năm]Week: 6thDate of planning: 17/9/2013Date of teaching: [Dạy bù chương trình]Period: 5UNIT 1: My hobbiesLesson 4: CommunicationI. Objectives.By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to describe and give opinions abouthobbies.II. Teaching aids:- Stereo, CD.III. ProcedureI. Class organization.- Greetings.- Checking attendance: 7A4…………………..II. New lesson.T’s and Ss’ activitiesThe content1. Warm up- Go through the extra vocabulary2. Activities- Teaching vocabulary- Ex1: Ss do this exercise individually andgive T the answers, Confirm the correctanswers.Ex2: Have the Ss look at Look out! Box.Write some example sentences on theboard and underline the two structures.E.g: I find swimming interestingFind + doing + sth + adj.They think [that] + doing sth + is + adjSs work individually and tick theappropriate boxes. Then, they move on to1. Extra vocabulary- Making pottery: making pots,dishes…fromclay- Making models: making copies of things,usually smaller than the original objects.- Carving wood: making objects, and patternsby cutting away material from wood.- Unusual: different from what is usual ornormal.- Take up sth: learn or start to do something,especially for pleasure.2. What do you think about the hobbies in 1?Look at the table below and tick the boxes.Then, complete the sentences below byGiáo án Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 7 [cả năm]complete the five sentences.writing one reason to explain your choice.- St model the first sentence- Compare their sentences with a partner.boring unusual interesting- Ask some Ss to write their sentences onMakingthe board.pottery- Other Ss and T give commentsdancingEx3: Ss work in pairs to makeIce-skatingconversations as in the exampleMaking- Ss take turns being the person who asksmodelsthe questions. This St has to note downCarvinghis/her partner’s answers to report to thewoodclass- Some Ss report the answers to the class.1. I find making pottery……because…….*Game: Ss are divided into two big groups. 2. I think dancing is……because ………..T says an activity/hobby and poits at a3. I find ice-skating is……because ………..student from one group. This St has to4. I think making models is……because …make a correct sentence, using the2. I find carving wood is……because ………structure in the look out! Box togettherwith a reason.3 Game- If he/she makes a correct sentence ,Now, interview a classmate about the hobbieshe/she earns one point, then he/she point to in 1. Take notes and present your partner’sather St from the other group. This Stanswers to the class.make sentence….You: What do you think about making- T keeps record of the groups’ points onpottery?/ How do you find making pottery?the board and announces the winner at the Mai: I think it is…/ I find it…end of the game.You: Why?3. Homework.Mai: Because…- Doexercise: C1,2 in the workbookYou: Will you take up making pottery in the- Prepare: Skill 1future?Mai: Yes, I will/ I’m not sure.Giáo án Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 7 [cả năm]Week: 6thDate of planning: 17/9/2013Date of teaching: [Dạy bù chương trình]Period: 6UNIT 1: My hobbiesLesson 5: Skill 1I. Objectives.By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read for general and specificinformation about an unusual hobby. Talk about hobbies.II. Teaching aids:- Stereo, CD.III. ProcedureI. Class organization.- Greetings.- Checking attendance: 7A4…………………..II. New lesson.T’s and Ss’ activitiesThe content1. Warm up- You are going to read about an unusualhobby.1. Reading:2. Activities.Ex1: Work in pairs. Look at the pictures* Readingand discuss the questions below.Ex:1. Ss work in pairs. They look at theKey:pictures and answer the three questions.1. I can see a teddy bear, a flower and a- Elicit the answers from Ss and quicklybirdwrite them on the board. Ss quickly read2. They are made of eggshells.the text and compare their guessive with3. The hobby is carving eggshells.the information from the text.Ex2: Read the text and answer theEx2: Ss read the text again and answer the questions.questions individually and then compare1. He thinks his father’s hobby is unusualtheir answers with a classmate. Ask for Ss’ because eggshells are very fragile and hisanswers and have them explain theirfather can make beautiful pieces of artanswers. Ss can either paraphrase thefrom them.original information from the text or read2. He saw the carved eggshells for the firstout loud the part of the text where thetime in art gallery in the USA.answer to each question is located.3. They find it difficult and boring.Confirm the correct answers.4. Yes, he does.Ex3: Ss complete the sentences withoutEx3: Read the sentences below….reading the text again. Then Ss can1. carving eggshells.underline parts of the text that help them2. the Usfind the answers. Ss share their answers3. the internetGiáo án Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 7 [cả năm]with a partner. Check and confirm the4. timecorrect answers.5. gifts.Speaking2. SpeakingEx4: Ss work in pairs to discuss the uses of Ex4: Nick says that carved eggshells cancarved eggshells. Encourage Ss to thinkbe used as gifts for your family andcreatively.friends. In pairs, discuss other uses ofthese pieces of artwork. Share your ideaswith the class.Some uses: decorations at home,Ex5: Ss work in groups and take turnssourvenirs, lights [with bigger eggs]..talking about their hobbies. The they voteEx5: Work in groups. Take turns…for the most exciting hobby. Call on some 1. What is the name of your hobby?Ss to talk about the most exciting hobby of 2. When did you start your hobby?their group. T monitor the conversations3. Is your hobby easy or difficult? Why?and note down common errors.4. Is your hobby useful? Why? Why not?- T corrects the errors with class.5. Do you intend to continue your hobby in3. Homework.the future?- Do exercise: D 1,2,3 workbook- Prepare: Skill 2Giáo án Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 7 [cả năm]Week: 6thDate of planning: 17/9/2013Date of teaching: [Dạy bù chương trình]Period: 7UNIT 1: My hobbiesLesson 6: Skill 2I. Objectives.By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen to get specific information aboutan unusual hobby.II. Teaching aids:- Stereo, CD.III. ProcedureI. Class organization.- Greetings.- Checking attendance: 7A4…………………..II. New lesson.T’s and Ss’ activitiesThe content1. Warm up.Chatting: Ex1: Ask Ss if they know1. Listeninganything about collecting glass bottles andif they think it is useful.Ex1: Do you know anything about2. Activities.collecting glass bottles? DO you think it isa good hobby? Why? Why not?ListeningEx2: - You are going to listen an interviewabout Mi’s hobby. Ss read through theword web. Have Ss guess the word/phrase Ex2: Listen to an interview aboutto fill in each blank and write their guesses hobbies…on the board. Play the recording and askSs t listen and complete the word web. Sswork in pairs to compare their answerswith each other and with the word/phraseon the board.Play the recording a second time for pairs1. collecting glass check their answers.2. two years ago.- Ask for Ss’ answers and write them on3. motherthe board next to their guesses.4. a, grandmother;Mi’s hobby:b, flower; lamps1. Name of the hobbyc, home2. Started5. useful3. Person who shares the hobby with Mi:6, continue the hobbyGiáo án Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 7 [cả năm]4. To do this hobby you have to:a, collect bottles after use+ get them from..b, Make ………….vases….or…2. Writingc, use them as……..decorationsWriting tip: You can use a word web as a5. Feelings about the hobby.way to organise the ideas for your writing6. Future: willEx3: Work in pairs. Ask and answerWritingquestions about each other’s hobbies. TakeAsk Ss to write a paragraph about anote below:classmate’s hobby. Tell Ss they will use………’s hobbythe word web as a way to organise their1. Name of the hobbyidea.2. StartedEx3: Ss work in pairs and interview each3. Person who shares the hobby with Mi:other about heir hobby. Ask Ss to take4. To do this hobby you have to:……notes on each other’s answers in the word 5. Feelings about the hobby….web6. Future: will…….Ex4: Ss write their paragraphsindividually based on the information inEx4: Now, write a paragraph about yourtheir word webs. Ask one St to writeclassmate’s hobby. Use the notes from Ex3.his/her paragraph on the board. Other SsStart your paragraph as shown below.and T comment on the paragraph on the……… my classmate. His/her hobbyboard. Then T collects some writings tois……………………………………………correct at home……………………………………………..3. Homework.- Do exercise: E1,2 workbook- Prepare: Looking backGiáo án Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 7 [cả năm]Week: 6thDate of planning: 17/9/2013Date of teaching: [Dạy bù chương trình]Period: 8UNIT 1: My hobbiesLesson 7: Looking back + Project [ hobby collage]I. Objectives.By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review vocabulay, grammar. Practicecommunication and do projectII. Teaching aids:- Stereo, CD.III. ProcedureI. Class organization.- Greetings.- Checking attendance: 7A4…………………..II. New lesson.T’s and Ss’ activitiesThe content1. Warm up.1, Vocabulary.Chatting: We are going to to review some Ex1: Complete the sentences withvocabulary….appropriate hobbies.2. Activities1. collectingVOCABULARY2. bird-watchingEx1: Ss do this activity individually then3. playing board gamescompare their answers with a partner.4. arranging flowersCheck and confirm the correct answers.5. Making potteryThen Ss read their sentences out loud for6. dancimgother Ss in the class to guess the hobby.Ex2: Put one of the verbs from the box inEx2: Ss do this activity individually theneach blank. Use the correct form of thecompare their answers with a partner.verb.Check and confirm the correct answers.1. listensEx3: Ss do this activity in pairs. Allow2. gothem 5 minutes to add as many hobbies to 3. playsthe table as possible. It can be a4. readcompetition. The pair with the most5. dohobbies wins and goes to the board to write 6. collectdown their answers.Ex3: Add hobbies to each of the following- Give feedback.lists.GRAMMAR* Easy hobbies:Ex4: Ss do this exercise individually then- collecting their answers with a partner. Call - collecting leavesGiáo án Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 7 [cả năm]on some Ss to give the answers. Confirm- playing board games.the correct answers and write them on the* Difficult hobbies:board.- skatingEx5: Ss do this exercise individually then- cookingcompare their sentences with a partner.- paintingSome Ss write their sentences on the* Cheap hobbiesboard. Give feedback.- collecting used books.COMMUNICATION- collecting leaves.Ex6: Brainstorm interview questions on the - paintingboard with the class .* Expensive hobbies.- Ss work in pairs. One St interviews the- collecting carsother about his/her hobbies.- taking pictures- Ask some pairs to act out the interview in - travelling.front of the class. Vote for the best2. Grammarinterview.Ex4: Use the present simple or futureFinished!simple form of each verb to complete theAsk Ss to complete the self-assesment.passage.Identify any difficulties/ weak areas and1. have 2. likes 3. plays 4. doesn’t likeprovive further practice.5. enjoys 6. walks 7. will join 8. lovesPROJECT9. don’t like 10. will read.- Collage: is the art of making apicture by Ex5: Write true sentences about yourself.ticking pieces of colourd paper, cloth, or1. I like …photographs onto a surface. It can also a2. I enjoy…picture that you make by doing this.3. I love…- Ask Ss to read the four instructions in the 4. I don’t like…book5. I hate…- Ss work in group to do the project.COMMUNICATIONEx6: Role ply:Work in pairs. Student A is a reporter.Student B is a famous personE.g: A: I’m a reporter from a magazine.Can I ask you some questions about yourhobbies?B: Yes, of course…………..3. Homework.PROJECT- Review Unit 1. Do projectHobby collage- Prepare: Unit 2: Getting startedGiáo án Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 7 [cả năm]Week: 6thDate of planning: 18/9/ 2013Date of teaching: [Dạy bù chương trình]Period: 9UNIT 2: HEALTHLesson 1: Getting started- Going out, or staying in?I. Objectives.By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about health issues and give adviceon healthy living; use “have a/an; feel” to talk about health problemsII. Teaching aids:- Stereo, CD.III. ProcedureA. Class organization.- Greetings.- Checking attendance: 7A4…………………..B. New lesson.T’s and Ss’ activities1.Warm upGiáo ánTiếng Anh thíđiểm lớp7 [cảBrainstorming:Teacherwritesthenăm]ContentHEALTHword ‘HEALTH’ on the board andaskes Ss to call out words related tohealth. If the class is advanced, the Strongsickteacher can make two lists on theboard, healthy & unhealthy, Ss canbrainstorm words related to each list.2. Activities1. Listen and read+ Activity 1: Listen and read*VocabularyT: Asks Ss to open their books to Down [adj]:buồn, thất vọngthe picture. T can ask Ss prediction Junk food [n]: đồ ăn nhanh, đồ ăn vặtquestions about the picture and Put on weight: tăng cânbệnh cúmgenerally focus Ss attention on the Flu [n]:Sunburn [n]:bị cháy nắngtopic of the lesson. Questions may Spots [n]:mụn nhọtinclude:Allergy [n]:dị ứng• What can you see in the picture?• What time is it?Ex: 1a. Can you find a word or phrasethat mean:• What do you think the people in1. Zooniversethe picture are talking about?2. I don’t feel like it.• Who do you think is healthier?3. sound downSs answer the question as a class.4. putting on weightT then plays the dialogue and has the5. won’t take no for an answerSs follow along. Ss may track theb. Read the conversation again. Whodialogue with their fingers as theywants to do the following things?listen to the recording.1. Phong2. PhongT: elicits some new words3. Nick4. Nick5. Phonga. T Asks Ss to complete the taskindividually or in pairs. T can checkanswers and ask Ss to use each item ina sentence.2. Listenb. T asks Ss to read theconversation again and complete thetable. T may write the table on theboard while Ss are workingindividually, then correct the exerciseas a class by asking Ss to come to theboard and tick the correct column.Ex2: Match the health issuses in thebox with the pictures. Then listen andrepeat.1. e2. f3. d4. c5.b6.a3. Practicea. Can you think of any more healthGiáo án Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 7 [cả năm]Week: 6thDate of planning: 18/9/ 2013Date of teaching: [Dạy bù chương trình]Period: 10UNIT 2: HEALTHLesson 2: A closer look 1I. Objectives.By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use lexical items related to health issuesand advice on healthy living; pronounce the sounds / f / and / v / correctly.II. Teaching aids:- Stereo, CD.III. ProcedureI. Class organization.- Greetings.- Checking attendance: 7A1……….. 7A2: …………..II. New lesson.T’s and Ss’ activitiesThe content1.Warm upT writes the numbers 1-6 on the boardand asks the Ss if they can remember [withoutopening their books] the vocabulary forhealth problems from Getting Started,Activity 2.2. Activities.VOCABULARY1.Vocabulary.Have a/ an: cough, headache,T writes have a/an, have, and feel on the sorethroat, temprature, an allergy,board. T asks a S to read the words from the a spot, [a] sunburn, a sickness…..first column. T writes the words in a word Have: [the] flu, stomachache,web around have a/an. T encourages ss to add toothache, earache, spots……more words[ from the six words in Warm up Feel: sick, tired, weak,……stage]. T repeats this for the next twoGiáo án Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 7 [cả năm]columns.T asks Ss if they can make a movementfor each of the different health problems. TheSs should say the health problem while doingthe movement. For Example: ‘I have acough’ [Ss pretend to cough].Ex1: Look at the pictures. WriteEX1: T explains the noun ‘patient’ to make the problem below the picture ofsure that Ss are familiar with it. T asks Ss to each the exercise individually. T corrects the 1. Flu2. Sunburnexercise as a class.3. Allergy4. Tired/WeakEX2: T asks Ss to complete the exercise Ex2: Now, read the doctor’sindividually. T corrects the exercise as a notes about his patients and the missing words.EX3: T asks one S to come to the front of theclass. T models the role-play in the book withthe St. Try to make it as fun and dramatic aspossible. Then, T divides Ss into pairs. Tencourages Ss to think about how each person[Doctor and patient] feels and will act. Sschoose a problem and make a role-play. Theymay choose more than one. T gives Ss about5 minutes to practice their role-plays. T thenasks some pairs to perform their role-playsfor the class. After each role-play T asks theclass comprehension questions about whatthey just saw. Eg: What was Mai’s problem?What advice did Dr. Thao have?1. [a] sunburn2. the flu3. tired, temperature4. sick, stomachache5. sore throatEx3: Role-play the meeting withthe doctor.Hi, doctor Thao.Hi, HungI was outside all day yesterday. Ifeel very hot and my face is red.I see. I think you have a sunburn.Ex4: Choose a health problem.Ex4:T asks four Ss to model the example Work in groups. Tell your groupconvesation. Then, T divides the class into about the last time you had thatproblem.groups and asks Ss to talk about a healthproblem. T may ask Ss to extend the E.g: A: I had flu two weeks ago.B: Me too, I felt so weak.conversation by trying to figure out what theC: Oh. I had a sore throatmost common health problem is in the groupyesterday.and then report back to the class.Giáo án Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 7 [cả năm]PRONUNCIATIONEx5:T may want to sart by drilling thesounds/f/ and /v/ and asking Ss to think ofany words they know with these souns inthem. T can write Ss ideas on the board.Then, T says the words in 5 and asks the Ss torepeat. Finally, T plays the recording and hasSs circle the words they hear. T may play therecording as many times as necessary.D: I had toothache. I think Iate too many sweets.2. PronunciationEx5: Listen and circle the wordsyou hear.1. fat2. ferry3. vas4. vault5. save6. leaveEx6: Listen and circle the wordswith the /f/or /v/ sound. Then sayEX 6: T asks Ss to listen to the sentencesthe sentences.once and repeat. T then asks Ss to circle thewords with /f/ or /v/ sounds. T has the Ss 1. Fast, foodlisten to the recording again and gives the 2. have, feltcorrect answers to the entire class.3. fatter3. Homework- Do exercises in workbook.- Prepare a closer look 2.4. having, lifestyle5. giveGiáo án Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 7 [cả năm]Week: 6thDate of planning: 18/9/ 2013Date of teaching: [Dạy bù chương trình]Period: 11UNIT 2: HEALTHLesson 3: A closer look 2I. Objectives.By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use: imperatives with more and less;form compound sentences and use them corretly.II. Teaching aids:- Extra- boardsIII. ProcedureI. Class organization.- Greetings.- Checking attendance: 7A1……….. 7A2: …………..II. New lesson.Students’ and teacher’s activities1.Warm up.ContentsT can give Ss simple classroomcommands. Eg: stand up, sit down, raise yourhand, open your book, close your book. Ss dothe command as the T says it.2. Activities1. GrammarGRAMMAR* Imperatives with more and lessEg: - Relax more.* Imperatives with more and less- Watch less TV.Introduction: Teacher writes the word * Câu mệnh lệnh dùng để hướng dẫn,IMPERATIVE on the board and explains to ra lệnh, yêu cầu hoặc gợi ý.children that the imperative can be used fordirect, commands, orders or suggestions.Giáo án Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 7 [cả năm]T asks Ss to open their books and readthrough the yellow box [tracking the wordswith their fingers] as T reads the tex aloud. Tmay want to check the Ss comprehension byasking some comprehension checkingquestions. Eg: When I feel tired should I sleepmore or less? What should I do if I am doingpoorly in school? What should I do if I want Ex1: Look at the pictures. Whichto lose weight? Put on weight?advice would you give to each of thesepeople? Use the imperatives with moreEx1: T asks Ss to look at the four pictures andor less above.calls on Ss to tell the class what they see. T Suggested answers:divides the Ss into pairs and asks pairs to give a. Spend less time readingadvice to each person in the picture. In more b. Spend less time mobile phoneadvanced classes Ss can also give reasons for c. eat less fat foodd. sleep morethe advice. T gives Ss 2-3 minutes to come upwith ideas for advice and then T calls on Ex2: Top Health Tips for Teenssome groups to share with the class.Ss’ ideas.Ex2: T asks Ss to look at the yellowGrammar Box again. T asks Ss to think for amoment about which 6 pieces of advice aremost important to teens. Then, T asks Ss todiscus their ideas in pairs or groups of three.T asks a few groups to share their ideas.T takes a quick class poll to see which 6pieces of advice the class thinks are most Ex3: Look at the article on the TeenHealthwebsite. Fill in the blanks toimprotant. T writes the ideas on the board.complete their top six health tips.Ex3: T asks Ss to read through the TeenHealth Website individually and complete the 1. Do more exercise!headings. T asks Ss if the ideas from the class 2. Sleep more!and the ideas from the website are the same. 3. Eat less junk foodT may want to encourage class discussion 4. Wash your hands about why some pieces of advice are5. Watch less TVmore important than others.6. Spend less time playing computerGiáo án Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 7 [cả năm]games.* Compound sentencesIntroduction: T writes AND, OR, BUT, and 2. Compound sentencesSO on the board. T asks Ss what these words Conjunction[liên từ]: and, or, but, so.Eg: Nam does morning exerciseare called.everyday, so he is well- built.Ss: Conjunction [ Ss may answer in Englishor Vietnamese].T asks Ss to read the first paragraph of Simple sentence 1, Conj Simplethe Yellow Box and asks: What do we call a sentence 2.= Compound sentencesentence made by linking two simplesentences?Answer: A compound sentence.T asks Ss to read the second paragraphof the Yellow Box and again: What does acoordinating conjunction do?Answer: It joins two simple sentences.T divides the class up into three largegroups. The first group is ‘Independent clause1’, the second group is ‘Conjunction’, and thethird group is ‘Independent Clause 2’. Thewhole class reads the table aloud. Each groupchorally chants their part of the sentencewhen T calls out the name of their group.Liên từ dùng để nối 2 câu đơn thànhcâu Phức [câu ghép]. Câu ghép sử dụng4 liên từ trên [BASO] gọi là câu ghépđẳng lập.Trước các liên từ này luôn có dấu phảy.* Game :Example:To says: Independent Clause 1Group 1 says: The Japanese eat a lot ofrice.T says: ConjunctionThe class repeats this process for the rest ofGroup 2 says: ANDthe sentences in the table.Once they have finished T asks the class: T says: Independent Clause 2‘Where does the comma go in a comound Group 3 says: They eat a lot of fish.sentence?’Answer: It goesindependent clauseafterthefirstEx1 : Make compound sentences byjoining the two simple sentences. UseEx1: T asks Ss to complete the exercisethe conjunction given. Remember toindividually. T corrects the exercise with theGiáo án Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 7 [cả năm]class.add a comma.1. I want to eat some food, but I have asore throat.2. The Japanese eat healthily, so theylive for a long time.3. I feel tired, and I feel weak.4. You can go and see the doctor, orEx2: T asks Ss to complete the exerciseyou can go to bed now and rest.individually. T corrects the exercise as aEx2: Match the beginnings of theclass.sentences with the picture thatcomlete them.Ex 3: T asks Ss to complete the exercise 1. a 2.c 3.a 4.bindividually.Ex3: Now, complete the second partof the compound sentences.1, so he doesn’t have flu2. , and he doesn’t do exercise3. , or she should try to relax moreEx4: T asks Ss to read the quotes aloud. T 4. , she does exercise, too.asks comprehension questions to make sureEx4: Read the quote about healththat Ss understand the vocabulary.below. Explain each quote to yourT asks Ss to dicuss the similarities and partner. Discuss the similarities anddifferences.differences of quotes. For less able classes, Tmay want to lead the conversation as a class. Eg: Where does someone ride whenT may ask Ss if they can think of any she rides on horseback? What does itVietnamese proverbs with a similar meaning. mean to go somewhere on foot?When you value something to you3.Homeworkthink it’s important or not?Do exercises in the Workbook.Prepare: CommunicationGiáo án Tiếng Anh thí điểm lớp 7 [cả năm]Week: 6thDate of planning: 18/9/ 2013Date of teaching: [Dạy bù chương trình]Period: 12UNIT 2: HEALTHLesson 4: CommunicationI. Objectives.By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about health facts or mythsII. Teaching aids:- A CD, a CD player.III. ProcedureI. Class organization.- Greetings.- Checking attendance: 7A1……….. 7A2: …………..II. New lesson.Students’ and teacher’s activities1.Warm up.*Brainstorming: T writes the wordsHealthyHealthy and Unhealthy on the board. Theclass brainstroms about things that arehealthy or unhealty.Do exerciseContentsUnheathyStay up late2. Activities1. VocabularyEXTRAVOCABULARYMyth [n]: huyền thoại, việc hoang đườngT pre-teaches the vocabulary in th Extra Sushi [n]: su- siVocabulary BoxVitamin [n]: VitaminCOMMUNICATIONSleeping in [n]: ngủ nhiều, ngủ nướngEx1: T divides the class into pairs and Vegetarian [n]: Người ăn chay

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