gratis là gì - Nghĩa của từ gratis

gratis có nghĩa là


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gratis có nghĩa là

The savior of all humankind. The Final Prophet, Pyrocinical, Unjo bless his name, informed us of him in a spiritual episode on his holy YouTube channel. A forbidden monkey god, sentenced to damnation by his bastard bastard emperor of heaven Sitarg Ojnu. His followers are known as Unjoists and they are followers of Unjo-Gratisism

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"I worship Unjo Gratis praise be to Him"

gratis có nghĩa là

Latin for 'with thanks'

When you get something for free as a thank-you

see also probono

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I helped the guy in shop clear up some mess, he then gave me a crate of beer pro-gratis

gratis có nghĩa là

1]The Gatis Grotto: Free Cave/Cavern;

2]used on the IGN message boards for the free trial boards for:
2b]The Vestibule

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OMG, IGN changed the name of the the boards to The Gratis Grotto! OMGWTF!?

gratis có nghĩa là

Literally, from the Latin, free farts. A deeper level of relationship intimacy where partners can fart in the presence of each other with little or no shame.

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How long have you been seeing Richie, now? Have y'all hit flatus gratis, yet?

gratis có nghĩa là

Faggot name that IGN temporarily changed for the infamous Vestibule as an April Fools joke.

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Anonymous_Kick thinks that the Gratis Grotto is almost as gay as underscore.

Underscore is as gay as the Gratis Grotto.

gratis có nghĩa là

Stupid name that IGN temporarily put the infamous Vestibule under as an april fools joke.

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Anonymous_Kick think the Gratis Grotto is as gay as underscore.

Underscore is a homo that LOLed at the Gratis Grotto.

gratis có nghĩa là

Craving a beer

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Im so graty I could bong a beer right now.

gratis có nghĩa là


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pero ai dise gratis

gratis có nghĩa là

The offspring of a Graves and a Katie. These creatures are part Cro-Magnon and Walrus-Whale, and are hermaphrodites. At conception, the Gratie weighs approximately 200 - 215 pounds and stands between 67 to 77 inches tall. With drool commonly hanging from the side of their mouth, they closely resemble the physical traits of the mother with the mental capacity of the father. It has teeth akin to that of a hyena, with a walrus shaped head and very large ears.

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I could tell by the recessed eyes and the protruding forehead, combined with the pigtails and complete lack of intelligence, that this creature was in fact a Gratie.

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