How do you effectively manage a team?

The first rule of team building is an obvious one: to lead a team effectively, you must first establish your leadership with each team member. Remember that the most effective team leaders build their relationships of trust and loyalty, rather than fear or the power of their positions.

  • Consider each employee's ideas as valuable. Remember that there is no such thing as a stupid idea.
  • Be aware of employees' unspoken feelings. Set an example to team members by being open with employees and sensitive to their moods and feelings.
  • Act as a harmonizing influence. Look for chances to mediate and resolve minor disputes; point continually toward the team's higher goals.
  • Be clear when communicating. Be careful to clarify directives.
  • Encourage trust and cooperation among employees on your team. Remember that the relationships team members establish among themselves are every bit as important as those you establish with them. As the team begins to take shape, pay close attention to the ways in which team members work together and take steps to improve communication, cooperation, trust, and respect in those relationships.
  • Encourage team members to share information. Emphasize the importance of each team member's contribution and demonstrate how all of their jobs operate together to move the entire team closer to its goal.
  • Delegate problem-solving tasks to the team. Let the team work on creative solutions together.
  • Facilitate communication. Remember that communication is the single most important factor in successful teamwork. Facilitating communication does not mean holding meetings all the time. Instead it means setting an example by remaining open to suggestions and concerns, by asking questions and offering help, and by doing everything you can to avoid confusion in your own communication.
  • Establish team values and goals; evaluate team performance. Be sure to talk with members about the progress they are making toward established goals so that employees get a sense both of their success and of the challenges that lie ahead. Address teamwork in performance standards. Discuss with your team:
    • What do we really care about in performing our job?
    • What does the word success mean to this team?
    • What actions can we take to live up to our stated values?
  • Make sure that you have a clear idea of what you need to accomplish; that you know what your standards for success are going to be; that you have established clear time frames; and that team members understand their responsibilities.
  • Use consensus. Set objectives, solve problems, and plan for action. While it takes much longer to establish consensus, this method ultimately provides better decisions and greater productivity because it secures every employee's commitment to all phases of the work.
  • Set ground rules for the team. These are the norms that you and the team establish to ensure efficiency and success. They can be simple directives [Team members are to be punctual for meetings] or general guidelines [Every team member has the right to offer ideas and suggestions], but you should make sure that the team creates these ground rules by consensus and commits to them, both as a group and as individuals.
  • Establish a method for arriving at a consensus. You may want to conduct open debate about the pros and cons of proposals, or establish research committees to investigate issues and deliver reports.
  • Encourage listening and brainstorming. As supervisor, your first priority in creating consensus is to stimulate debate. Remember that employees are often afraid to disagree with one another and that this fear can lead your team to make mediocre decisions. When you encourage debate you inspire creativity and that's how you'll spur your team on to better results.
  • Establish the parameters of consensus-building sessions. Be sensitive to the frustration that can mount when the team is not achieving consensus. At the outset of your meeting, establish time limits, and work with the team to achieve consensus within those parameters. Watch out for false consensus; if an agreement is struck too quickly, be careful to probe individual team members to discover their real feelings about the proposed solution.

Managing a team to success requires more than just simply appointing tasks to people. A crucial role in cultivating business growth, being in charge of team management requires a fusion of interpersonal, technical, and of course, organizational skills.

What Does it Mean to Manage a Team Successfully?

A great approach to achieving business outcomes, working in a team environment has many benefits. Not only is the effect of a combined effort greater than individual performances, but teamwork exposes you to different perspectives, and encourages communication and collaboration.

The measure of success is different to every team. From the executive board in a corporate enterprise to the creative department in a small agency, each team has their own purpose, goals, and objectives. They also have their own set of individuals who make up the team. Just think of the plethora of personalities, skill sets, and experiences; it is highly unlikely that two teams are the same.

As a manager, your job is to steer your team towards achieving the end goal. This not only means coordinating the process that will meet your objectives within its required criteria and timeframe, but it also means having to consider and accommodate the individuals involved. Achieve this kind of harmony, and you are well on your way to a fruitful result.

So, how can you achieve this? Well, first things first, you need management skills.

Key Management Skills

Being tasked with the responsibility of guiding a team towards their target requires particular skills, especially if you’re going to be good at it. Traditionally, a manager’s job is to deal with the administration of the business, things like setting the strategy, organizing resources, and coordinating employees. But nowadays, it takes more than just being a tip-top organizer to manage a team successfully.

A team who enjoys working together is more likely to succeed together

You may often hear the terms ‘leader’ and ‘manager’ used inclusively, but there is actually a difference. By definition, a leader is someone who creates the vision, innovates, and focuses on the long-term overview, and a manager is a person who gathers the necessary tools and resources to set, measure and accomplish the vision. The leader is the one with the people skills, whereas the manager focuses on systems and structures. But away with that — we all know that for a manager to stand out, having leadership qualities is a must. [And it wouldn’t hurt a leader to know how to facilitate things!]

Being able to communicate, and develop a relationship with the members of your team is critical for building trust, promoting collaboration, and enhancing teamwork. Interaction that isn’t subjected to following orders lays the foundation of a team who enjoys working together. And a team who enjoys working together is more likely to succeed together.

Tips on How to Manage a Team Successfully

And now, for some team management techniques for you to try.

1] Assemble the right team

The most effective way to ensure that the tasks you set out will be delivered at top quality is to have the right people doing them. A crucial step, selecting the most suitable group of people will avoid any skill gaps within your team.

2] Trust your team to do their job

Delegating tasks is at the top of the team management skills list — so remember to do it. Avoid micromanaging as it can be rather intrusive, and demonstrates a lack of trust in your team’s abilities. However, offer support as some people require more instructions than others. You have to find the perfect balance.

3] Be consistent, but use different approaches

Take into consideration the different types of personalities that make up your team, and apply the diversity to your managing style. For example, there will be people who don’t take constructive criticism as well as others, so tailor your approach when providing feedback. In saying this, however, you do have to be consistent in your team management techniques. The same behaviours need to be rewarded and/or discouraged throughout your team for your management to be effective.

4] Recognize achievements

If someone’s doing a good job, acknowledge it. Recognizing efforts illustrates to your team that you are paying attention to them and that you appreciate their hard work. It can be as little as announcing it in front of their peers, to something more special, like certificates or vouchers. Just remember to be consistent with this, because the last thing you want is for someone to think that you’re playing favourites.

5] Focus your team on a unified goal

On top of their own individual targets, ensure there is at least one goal for your team to work on together. This type of unity will enhance communication and collaboration within your group, and remind them that they are part of a team.

Work together towards the same goal!

6] Improve rapport

I’m not saying you have to be best mates with your staff, but getting to know them on a personal level can help strengthen teamwork. Allocate time outside of work for some team bonding sessions. These types of activities can make your team feel comfortable with each other, and with you. If people don’t comfortable, your team won’t be sustainable.

7] Create an open dialogue

Clear communication is vital for obvious reasons — everyone needs to know what’s going on. Regular updates can help prevent any issues that may arise and forecast the outcome of your work. Also, be open to feedback from your team members. A two-way relationship can help solidify trust, and also improve your team management techniques.

8] Foster development

Not only is managing talent a crucial factor for the business’s overall growth, but it can also ensure that your team members are happy in their roles. Offering support and training show that you prize their talent, and want them to continue working for you. Up-skilling and growing expertise can only really be beneficial.

9] Use a team-based productivity software

This may already be a given in most businesses, but using team-based productivity software [like Zenkit!] is a handy way to centralize resources, and keep everyone updated with work progress. Depending on what type of team you are managing — whether the work is project-based or it’s simple day-to-day business operations — you will find the benefits of using a project management tool or a workflow management system rewarding. These solutions equip you, and your team, with the tools needed to organize, schedule, and execute projects and business activities.

10] Set an example

The best way to communicate your expectations to your team is to show them. As the manager, your behaviour will have a great effect on how your team conduct their work and interact with each other. For instance, you can’t expect your staff to take punctuality seriously if you keep showing up to meetings late. Not only will they think that tardiness is acceptable, but they may start to question your integrity as a manager. The only way to know what you deem the ideal worker is if you influence it through your actions.

Are your effective team management strategies similar to these? Share your experiences in the comments below. As ever, I love to hear them!


Dinnie and the Zenkit Team

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What are the 5 rules of an effective team?

10 ground rules for teams.
Treat everyone with respect. ... .
Communicate openly. ... .
Give constructive feedback. ... .
Treat customers, coworkers and managers equally. ... .
Celebrate each other's accomplishments. ... .
Address conflict as soon as possible. ... .
Be time efficient. ... .
Acknowledge everyone's work..

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One of the most important aspects of effective management is communication. As a manager, you should provide your team with all the relevant information at all times as well as encourage feedback from your employees.

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Effective team management requires the following skills:.
Listening skills. Being an effective leader begins with active listening to your team members. ... .
Collaboration skills. ... .
Communication skills. ... .
Conflict resolution skills. ... .
Flexibility. ... .
Time management skills. ... .
Meet with each team member. ... .
Learn from your predecessors..

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