In a client with diarrhea, which outcome indicates that fluid resuscitation is successful?

21. A client comes to the ER with complaints of "stomach pains". What approach would the nurse use toconduct a physical examination of the abdomen?A. Auscultation, Percussion, Palpation, and InspectionB. Inspection, Auscultation, Percussion, and PalpationC. Inspection, Palpation, Percussion, and AuscultationD. Palpation, Percussion, Auscultation, and Inspection

22. A client returns to the unit after an endoscopy to investigate frequent throat burning. In order toimplement the safest position post endoscopy, the nurse would select which of the following for theclient?

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23. In a client with diarrhea, which outcome indicates the fluid resuscitation Is successful?

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Choice of resuscitation fluid depends on the cause of the deficit.

Loss of red blood cells diminishes oxygen-carrying capacity. However, the body increases cardiac output to maintain oxygen delivery [DO2] and increases oxygen extraction. These factors provide a safety margin of about 9 times the resting oxygen requirement. Thus, non–oxygen-carrying fluids [eg, crystalloid or colloid solutions] may be used to restore intravascular volume in mild to moderate blood loss. However, in severe hemorrhagic shock, blood products Blood Products Whole blood can provide improved oxygen-carrying capacity, volume expansion, and replacement of clotting factors and was previously recommended for rapid massive blood loss. However, because... read more are required. Early administration of plasma and platelets probably helps minimize the dilutional and consumptive coagulopathy that accompanies major hemorrhage. A ratio of 1 unit of plasma for each 1 unit of red blood cells and each 1 unit of platelets is currently recommended [1 Fluids references Almost all circulatory shock states require large-volume IV fluid replacement, as does severe intravascular volume depletion [eg, due to diarrhea or heatstroke]. Intravascular volume deficiency... read more ]. When the patient is stable, if the hemoglobin is

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