Is Microsoft Remote Desktop compatible with Big Sur?

Remote Desktop for Mac not connecting after Big Sur update

After upgrading to Big Sur, I can no longer connect to any windows computer using Remote Desktop app.
Any fixes?



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LeoStevens-1360 · Mar 09, 2021 at 07:33 PM

Are there any updates on a fix for this problem? I just started having the screen flicker issue with Remote Desktop running Big Sur.

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NickolasBoyce-6948 · Dec 19, 2021 at 02:50 AM

no problems on Big Sur, but now with Monterey update - getting regular connection hangs and key passing errors...?

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JennyYan-MSFT answered Nov 20, '20 | MariaRobison-7145 commented Apr 16, '21

Several steps you could have a try:
1.Go to Microsoft Remote Desktop > preferences > General Tab> uncheck “use system proxy configurations “ and
Also uncheck “Use hardware acceleration ”

This is one suggestion shared in another thread and many users reported that if fixed their issues.

2.Please try the beta version which included the newest testing features than the officially released version:


3.Please also update the VPN version if used in your remote connection.

Hope this helps and please help to accept as Answer if the response is useful.


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Ashish-4732 · Apr 11, 2021 at 02:32 PM

Thanks Jenny a lot . Microsoft remote desktop using beta as suggested by you is working.

For everyone who are facing issues, please try the beneath link for beta download .


PS: you dont need to do any extra settings ,please mention the remote desktop Ip address you want to connect .


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MariaRobison-7145 · Apr 16, 2021 at 03:08 AM

Thanks Jenny!!!

Mine just started crashing today both on my MacBook Pro and iMac due to macOS Big Sur update. I downloaded beta version 10.5.0 [1836] just as you have suggested and boom! I am able to connect without any issues now. I have been unable to connect all afternoon today and glad I am able to connect now so I can get my presentation ready for work for 9am tomorrow morning! Whew!

Super thank you for this link! //

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RobertSchwarz-2568 answered Nov 22, '20 | LarryAlexander-1838 commented May 8, '21

I'm also having RDP issues after Big Sur update. My issues is after connecting, the window rapidly "flickers" I'm running OS X 11.0.1 and RDP client 10.4.1. Turning off hardware acceleration doesn't work.


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JennyYan-MSFT · Nov 23, 2020 at 01:46 AM

What if beta version of remote desktop client for mac?


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RobertSchwarz-2568 JennyYan-MSFT · Nov 23, 2020 at 01:50 AM

I I tried the beta. It had the same issue.

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JennyYan-MSFT RobertSchwarz-2568 · Nov 23, 2020 at 01:55 AM

If above three suggestion did not resolve your issue, please report the issue via application and also post your question with details in the uservoice forum:


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LarryAlexander-1838 · May 08, 2021 at 08:24 AM

I've found that by not using 'full screen' and instead using 'fit to window', I was able to get rid of the flickering I experienced. I good enough workaround for me.

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MarielaG-2418 answered Dec 13, '20 | RPerk-2070 published Dec 17, '20

I'm having the same issue. I tried the recommendations mentioned above but they didn't work for me. I have Microsoft remote desktop 10.5.0 version and Big Sur as well. How can I make it work again? I tried calling Microsoft but unable to speak with a real person.

Error code: 0x204

I am able to connect from a different Mac that doesn't have the Big Sur update, so evidently the remote computer is ok. The problem is the upgrade.



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RPerk-2070 · Dec 17, 2020 at 01:41 AM

I am having the same issue, and have the same versions of RD and IOS. Have also tried the fixes above to no avail.

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Slvrscoobie-8885 answered Dec 14, '20

turning off gateway and graphics acceleration fixed my issue of user account but now I get an error about password being old? I also tried the newest version on Catalina and that gave the same issues.
Connecting to a windows server via VPN - can ping server, just cannot get it to connect


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Carl-2047 answered Dec 31, '20

For me, Remote Desktop worked under both Catalina and Big Sur until we removed NTLM authentication to force Kerberos only. Once this was done, Domain\Users could no longer log into remote computers. The only account that does work is the Domain\Admins account. Administrators can log into remote machines as Administrator but they cannot log in as any other user.

In my case, it would appear to be an authentication issue when Active Directory is not using NTLM.

We have tried the latest Beta build 10.5.1 and it has the same issue.


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RoyArauz-3349 answered Mar 7, '21

Are there any updates? I am about to buy a new Mac with OS Big Sur pre-installed and need to ensure Remote Desktop is working to log in to my work computer.



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AndreasBaumgarten answered Mar 9, '21

Here on my MacBook Pro running msOS Big Sur 11.2.3 with MS Remote Desktop 10.5.2 it's working fine without any problem.

[If the reply was helpful please don't forget to upvote and/or accept as answer, thank you]

Andreas Baumgarten


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Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac 10.6.3 is not compatible with Big Sur

After updating Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac to 10.6.3 it fails to start.

Mac OS Big Sur gives the message it is not compatible with this version of Mac OS



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KarlieWeng-MSFT answered Apr 23, '21

Hello @JeroenGuldemond-0463

For version 10.6.3 , it requires only macOS 10.14 or later. Big sur should be compatible with that version.

Could you try update Microsoft Remote Desktop to Version 10.6.4 which released on 22 Apr 2021.

And here's the download link for Beta version of Version 10.6.4 [1878].

Best Regards

If the Answer is helpful, please click "Accept Answer" and upvote it.


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JeroenGuldemond-0463 answered Apr 23, '21

Thanks! 10.6.4 is working again!


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