josiahs là gì - Nghĩa của từ josiahs

josiahs có nghĩa là

Always genuine and real, a true friend. He tends to be somewhat of a clown when in the mood and is a talented wordsmith. He is also very competitive and loves the taste of victory. Josiahs' find the right girl and stick with her but don't mind being a player once in a while... he is most compatible with Virgos' and their personalities tend to click. Due to their creativity, many Josiahs' are writers. He is goal oriented and works hard chasing his dreams, a fact much admired by others. Despite this, he loves having fun and will risk any embarrassment for a good laugh. His jokes tend to be corny but people love him anyways. Never has a problem with self-esteem and comes off as confident, masculine and attractive to the people he meets. All in all, Josiahs' are well balanced personalities and a constant source of entertainment to those round them.


"Hey, can you introduce me to Josiah?"

josiahs có nghĩa là

Josiahs are some of the greatest people you will ever meet in your entire life. Josiahs tend to make everyone around them laugh and is well known for being the greatest of all time. While josiahs are usually acting a fool they are surprisingly intelligent. Josiahs are the type of person you want to know due to their good looks intelligence and just being an all around awesome dude.


Man that type of josiah is such a character.

josiahs có nghĩa là

A sexy sweet guy who shows his girl love and affection he never wants his princess to be sad he will make his baby girl feel so special and he spends most of his time thinking about her and he will stay up all night talking to her he is the type of guy that everyone loves but he doesn't care about other girls he cares about his one and only Josiah Is the type of guy you can trust and tell him everything Josiah is also Very athletic he is the type of guy who plays basketball and baseball or even soccer he will try and act like he is the best basketball player in the world but he is not lol, Josiah is also the type of guy that has so much money and will spend every little dollar and his baby girl or on shoes or clothes he has so many friends but when he is around his friends he acts different he loves to have fun and to joke around and he is like the sweetest guy u can ever meet he is so sexy and he has a nice booty and a big dick Josiah is also the type of guy who beeted his meet when he was younger and he still does it just not as much Josiah is also an amazing friend he has a sence of humor and he is truthful and nice and he will listen and if u need a hug he is there for you.....he is also an amazing kisser and he is the best in bed.


Josiah is amazing i think everyone needs a Josiah

josiahs có nghĩa là

An amazing, funny person. Out of all your friends, Josiah will most likely display the most leadership. Josiah's are very intelligent, and will have a great career with a great salary in life. Josiah's will always try new things, and are daredevils too. But, a Josiah will always settle down and enjoy one of his favorite hobbies, playing with action figures.


Caleb - Dude, that kid was so funny. Jonah - I know Cal, he was such a Josiah. Caleb - So true!

josiahs có nghĩa là

A talented smart,sexy guy who is a good friend and artistic.Good lover and funny at times.All around good guy.


A Josiah would be great right about now.

josiahs có nghĩa là

Josiah is one of the greatest people you will ever meet! He is so musically gifted and so much more! He has amazing dark brown/black curly hair, he’s super tall, and overall amazing. He is so romantic and funny. He will do anything to make his special someone happy. He has such a great sense of humor. He’s very dorky. Once you get to know him there’s nothing you won’t find great. You’ll definitely fall hard. If you find a Josiah, don’t let him go. He’ll take you on the greatest journey of your life.


Have you herd Josiah’s music?! It’s incredible!

josiahs có nghĩa là

Josiah is one of the greatest people that have ever existed. A good athlete, an all-star. Great at school. A person who actually cares about others and always knows the right thing to say. You are lucky if you get to have this person in your life.


Josiah is my best friend.

josiahs có nghĩa là

Josiah is the best friend you will ever have, and he is so fine but you don’t want to tell him cuz you too shy and almost all the girls tryna be all up on him.
Josiah’s curls are just the best thing in your hole life and they will make you fall for him


Girl: omg did you see Josiah Friend: omg yes mmm he fine

josiahs có nghĩa là

The kid you wish you were cause he is a sexy thang and gets all the girls. He is also great at all sports except for soccer and he will steel yo ho any day but he won’t cause he is humble and sticks with his girl. He is better than you and if you wanna be cool be friends with Josiah or change your name to Josiah. He will always be charming and awesome cause he is just to dope. He is the DOPEST DAMN person ever and he knows it he just doesn’t brag about it. He ain’t cocky but he knows he the coolest person in the world. He is also a straight OG SaVaG So overall he is just the most lit, dopest person in the world and he gets all the chicks.


The girl: That Josiah over there is the coolest/hottest guy in the world!

josiahs có nghĩa là

Josiah is the best guy youll ever meet. He's smart, funny, and adorable. He pretends to be a man of no emotions but deep down he's very feelingsy. He loves to help others but pushes himself too far sometimes. Very loyal to his girl and never makes mistakes twice. Shows his appreciation well and often. Very smart in some areas, but needs a bit of help in others. A great boyfriend, great friend, and all around amazing guy.


Girl 1: Are you dating Josiah?!
Girl 2: Yeah, he's the best.
Girl 1: Wow, I wish I was that lucky!

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