joss là gì - Nghĩa của từ joss

joss có nghĩa là

Named for Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. Generally used by fanfiction writers when the shows chose to go in a direction that contradicted the story the fanfiction writer was currently working on. Jossing can mean that the show's writers contradicted earlier episodes, but more often just means that they filled in backstory differently than some fans did.

Ví dụ

"I just wrote a story about Spike's past as a pickpocket, but it turns out he was a wimpy poet when he was human! I've been Jossed!"

joss có nghĩa là

A term initially from Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fanfiction, the term 'Jossed' is now used in many fandoms as a description of when a fanfiction writer's explanation of a certain event or exploration of a characters' motivations which previously is ambiguous, is then explained by the actual fandom, and contradicts the fanfiction writers story.

The term is derived from the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Joss Whedon. The term is most prevalent in the science fiction genre.

It is used most commonly when authors are led to believe that a certain event may happen later in a Television series or book and write a story with that event in it, then the official author goes in a different direction, making their story 'AU' , Vũ trụ thay thế.

Ví dụ

"I just wrote a story about Spike's past as a pickpocket, but it turns out he was a wimpy poet when he was human! I've been Jossed!" A term initially from Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fanfiction, the term 'Jossed' is now used in many fandoms as a description of when a fanfiction writer's explanation of a certain event or exploration of a characters' motivations which previously is ambiguous, is then explained by the actual fandom, and contradicts the fanfiction writers story.

joss có nghĩa là

The term is derived from the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Joss Whedon. The term is most prevalent in the science fiction genre.

Ví dụ

"I just wrote a story about Spike's past as a pickpocket, but it turns out he was a wimpy poet when he was human! I've been Jossed!"

joss có nghĩa là

A term initially from Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fanfiction, the term 'Jossed' is now used in many fandoms as a description of when a fanfiction writer's explanation of a certain event or exploration of a characters' motivations which previously is ambiguous, is then explained by the actual fandom, and contradicts the fanfiction writers story.

Ví dụ

"I just wrote a story about Spike's past as a pickpocket, but it turns out he was a wimpy poet when he was human! I've been Jossed!"

joss có nghĩa là

A term initially from Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fanfiction, the term 'Jossed' is now used in many fandoms as a description of when a fanfiction writer's explanation of a certain event or exploration of a characters' motivations which previously is ambiguous, is then explained by the actual fandom, and contradicts the fanfiction writers story.

Ví dụ

Dude, don't mess with her, she's a total Joss

joss có nghĩa là

The term is derived from the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Joss Whedon. The term is most prevalent in the science fiction genre.

Ví dụ

It is used most commonly when authors are led to believe that a certain event may happen later in a Television series or book and write a story with that event in it, then the official author goes in a different direction, making their story 'AU' , Vũ trụ thay thế.

joss có nghĩa là

A josse is a really nice guy.

Ví dụ

This story about Buffy living in Los Angeles got Jossed when Buffy returned to Sunnydale. Now it's AU.

joss có nghĩa là

To invalidate previous episodes and/or interpretations of a television show. From Joss Whedon, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator, who frequently rewrote or added to his characters' backstories as the show progressed, most notoriously changing the age and previous history of the vampire Spike.
"S1 Doctor Who totally Jossed the 'New Adventures'." "That episode of Heroes Jossed my fanfic." Joss means to be a bite sized elf that loves santa and is very cute and little. A Joss will grow in the future to be big and stong and will become a professional skier.

Ví dụ

look at that joss over there! A female with the strength of a man Dude, don't mess with her, she's a total Joss When a character or his/her close relation is unnecessarily maimed or killed. This includes, but is not limited to the stylings of Joss Whedon [see Fred Weasley].

joss có nghĩa là

Person 1: Dude, On a scale of Spike to Tara, how bad was Wesley jossed?

Ví dụ

Person 2: More than Coulson, less than Connor.

joss có nghĩa là

A josse is a really nice guy.

Ví dụ

Look at that nice guy over there. Must be a Josse!

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