mclain là gì - Nghĩa của từ mclain

mclain có nghĩa là

when you and your sexual partner are in a hottub, and one [or potentionally both] of you proceed to hold your breath, go under water, and perform oral sex on the other for as long as you can hold your breath.


1. How was your date yesterday? Did you guys go in the hottub?
2. Actually, I McLain Snorkel'd her!

mclain có nghĩa là

1]The correct value of the Quantum mechanic variable “PSI”; useful in describing everything about a electron
2]The correct answers on a test; a guaranteed 100%
3]A from of transportation; a trucking company
4]A term to describe a Electronic Engineer
5]A term to describe a Leadership figure
6]An anti force capable of stopping an unstoppable force; only known force that can stop a Mongeni
7]A Unit of Measurement; 1 McLain= 9.9x10^[9.9x10^[9.9x10^[9.9x10^[9.9x10^[9.9x10^[… Mongeni; 1Wilson = 1McLain; 1Hill = 1McLain.
8]A Set of Rules applied in Math; A McLain cannot be added or multiplied by a Mongeni however a Mongeni can be divided or subtracted by a McLain. A McLain cannot be subtracted or divided by a Wilson however a Wilson can be added or multiplied by a McLain.


1]The electron is at McLain position
2]You have a McLain scores on your midterm
3]The People were moved by a McLain to Wal-Mart
4]A McLain built the circuit
5]The man was filled with McLain
6]The Mongeni was stopped when a McLain appeared

mclain có nghĩa là

McLain is also referred to as "McDonalds Lame-o" or "McLame-o"

This is a person who only eats chicken nuggets and is very fat.


The McDonalds guy jizzed on your chicken nuggets. =[

mclain có nghĩa là

She is like the funniest person ever. She is such a good friend and she has great looks! She can be crazy and wild but that is what makes her McLain. She has a bunch of friends, but keeps her close friends near. McLain is a sporty person but she has good style! McLain is never afraid to tell the truth and she is not afraid to tell it to your face. Never loose a McLain. They are awesome 🤪💗


P1: I want to be McLains friend P2: she is so fun to hang out with!!

mclain có nghĩa là

Ember Mclain is Queen, Owner and creator of EGS [Embers Ghost Squad], That is one of the most finest squads in the afterlife. Ember Mclain used to be ordinary teenage girl in the 80s, But she died in house fire. The cause of fire is yet unknown. She is well known by humans thanks to her song: "Remember"


Remember by Ember Mclain Lyrics: Yeah! Oh! It was, it was September
Winds blow, the dead leaves fall
To you, I did surrender
Two weeks, you didn't call Your life goes on without me
My life, a losing game
But you should, you should not doubt me
You will remember my name Oh, Ember, you will remember
Ember, one thing remains
Oh, Ember, so warm and tender
You will remember my name Your heart, your heart has rendered
Your loss, now bear the shame.
Like dead trees, in cold December
Nothing but ashes remain Oh, Ember, you will remember
Ember, one thing remains
Ember, so warm and tender
You will remember my name
Oh, woah, woah! Ember, you will remember
Ember, one thing remains
Ember, so warm and tender
You will remember my name
Yeah! You will remember my name

mclain có nghĩa là

A person that can't keep it in his pants and is in madly in love 4-8 ppl at the time and fucks ppl and leaves them :]]


Mclaine is a manwhore!!!

mclain có nghĩa là

Mclain is the best guy you will EVER meet. He is so funny, even when he tries not to be. He will go out of his way to make sure that every one is always happy. Mclain never gets mad, he always looks at the bright side of things and is ALWAYS positive. Mclain has the best voice you've ever heard, He loves to sing and he is really good at it. Mclain will always make you feel happy when your feeling down.
Mclain Is VERY athletic, and is really good at soccer, but chances are he can probably beat you in anything else too. Mcain has curly hair that some what resembles Napoleon Dynamite. He's got a smile that radiates everywhere, and eyes that shine like no other. He's a good kisser, and the perfect guy for a lucky girl. The girl that gets his love is the most lucky girl on this earth. He is such a pleaser and ladies man. He knows exactly how to treat and talk to a girl.


hey mclain!

mclain có nghĩa là

They don't take any showers and they don't wear deodorant. They are some of the worst people at singing ever possible. Sometimes they are smart but most of the time they just door smak u. They may also ask you if you play pub-g


The Mclain Twins Smak u.

mclain có nghĩa là

A crazy motherfucker


"Broc McLain is fucking insane"
"I know, did you see him dive into the garbage can head first?"

mclain có nghĩa là

An enigma. One of the most beautiful, unique women you will ever encounter, both inside and out. Caring, compassionate, intelligent, a little weird, with a weird sense of humor. She's gregarious and will leave a positive impression on nearly everyone she meets, make friends with almost anyone, but few truly know who she really is. Dedicated and exceptionally kind, she will do anything for those she truly loves. She's an open book, but some chapters are written in a foreign language. You can't fight the urge to get closer, but you know you'll never quite figure her out.


She was the one that got away... I regret the day I let McLaine out of my life.
I think of McLaine and can't help but smile.

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