mongoloids là gì - Nghĩa của từ mongoloids

mongoloids có nghĩa là

Term for a mentally retarded person. This used to be used to denote people with Down's Syndrome, and now is just generally derogatory.


That Matt Cancian is a real mongoloid. What an idiot!

mongoloids có nghĩa là

[n.] Someone from southern or eastern asia according to a now obsolete racial classification. The name is given, probably as a result of genghis khan's mongol empire, which saw mongols breed with the natives of most asian races/tribes. The key factors in deciding whether a skull is mongoloid or not lie in the eyes and nose.


Most Chinese, Japanese and Koreans were once called 'mongoloid'.


mongoloids có nghĩa là

A race of people who inhabit East Asia and parts of Southeast Asia and Central Asia. In addition, some scientists classify American Indians as members of the greater Mongoloid race due to the fact that their ancestors came from Asia thousands of years ago.

Typical of members of the Mongoloid race are straight black hair, charcoal black eyes, a short, roundish face, a low nose bridge, high cheekbones and epicanthal fodes that give the appearance of "slanted" eyes.


This man has Visible Mongoloid Ancestry

mongoloids có nghĩa là

A term used to describe the people of East Asia, that is no longer considered politically correct in general usage, but is still used by anthropologists. It derives from the mistaken belief that the East Asian racial type originated in Mongolia.


Some experts classify Native Americans as Mongoloid while others classify them as a separate race.

mongoloids có nghĩa là

The term "Mongoloid" is a racial category used to describe people of East Asian origin. Its use originated from a variation of the word "Mongol", a people who are considered one of the main proto-populations for the race. The classification is primarily useful when studying human prehistory, and in forensic analysis of human remains, in which "Mongoloid" denotes a particular racial skull type. "Larger brain, larger braincase, broader skull, broader face, flat roof of the nose, inner eye fold, more protuberant eyes, lack of brow ridges, greater delicacy of bones, shallow mandibular fossa, small mastoid processes, stocky build, persistence of thymus gland into adult life, persistence of juvenile form of zygomatic muscle, persistence of juvenile form of superior lip muscle, later eruption of full dentition [except second and third molars], less hairy, fewer sweat glands, fewer hairs per square centimeter and long torso" "Mongoloid subjects were found to have approximately 20% higher bone density at the angle of mandible than Caucasoid subjects


Mongoloid race are very smart people, fact the smartest people. And others are so insecure, so they made up an medical word opposing it, and desperately trying to hide the meanings of it.

mongoloids có nghĩa là

1] An old fashioned name for someone with down syndrome, originating from the belief that people with down syndrome resembled Mongolians. 2] An offensive term for someone who is idiotic or stupid. Often shortened to mongo or mong.


I'm afraid your son is a mongoloid. You spilt coke on the carpet you mongo!

mongoloids có nghĩa là

A retarded child that eats heaps of prunes, thinking they're nipples.


Someone get that mongoloid child away from her!

mongoloids có nghĩa là

A large, inproportional creature with arms that hang down past its knees. It's legs are long and it's body is short and fat. It also has a major case of retardation. It usually is found in scoutcraft


Mort: hey guys, have you seen the mongoloid?
Skinny Pete: yea I saw that beast in scoutcraft

mongoloids có nghĩa là

Mongoloid is a word that represented in the past indigenous people to East Asia, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, North Asia, South Asia, the Arctic, the Americas, and the Pacific Islands. One common trait they shared was a birth mark named "Mongolian spot" which was a mark each individual received on their lower lumbar, and was a flat blue to gray discoloration marked on the skin. This was usually resolved by puberty. Elders would refer to children as "blue butts" for example due to the commonality of the condition amongst the mongoloids. This term was then phased out in the late 60s and had a resurgence in the early 80s due to a popular punk band that used the word "mongoloid"to denote it as a word to reference severely handicapped individuals, or to be more frank, people with Down syndrome. This term is now used as a derogortory term in any way other than its original use. Although the use of it to describe the previous stated nationalities, it is now deemed derogatory as well. To sum this explanation up, today the word is used to insult others of their sever lack of intelligence, and in the past it was originally used to denote a large group of ethnic ethnicities.


Stevie and Sarah saw Scott run into a wall that he mistaken for automatic sliding door. Stevie laughed and told Sarah he must be a Mongoloid. Scott overheard this conversation and felt extremely insulted and upset. Sarah insisted on Stevie to apologize for the rude comment. Dr. Blake requested simple information such as what his patient's rave was, and the patient replied, "Mongoloid". The Doctor instructed his patient that term is no longer applied to her, and so she responded with a more politically correct term.

mongoloids có nghĩa là

Someone with an ugly face, reminiscent of a Mongol, or someone with the IQ of a Mongol.


"Hey that chip guy has a fat ugly face and is super dumb"
"yeah he's such a mongoloid!

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