Organic flowers deep rich toner review năm 2024

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Features & Advantages

  • Suitable for dry & normal skin
  • Highly moisturising
  • Contains fermented ingredients

Item no.: CARL-5001, Content: 33,50 ml, EAN: 8809403814809

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I think we all have those products that follow us, haunt us almost, with their amazing reviews, popularity and hype. Those products you can’t help but get interested in from your repeated exposure to them.

For me, one of those products is most definitely the Whamisa Organic Flowers Toner. I have had this baby on my radar for *years* and only recently did I discover there is actually 3 different versions of the toner!

So of course skincare blogger mode turned on and I thought, why not compare all three together to create a comprehensive Whamisa Organic Flowers Toner Review?

So let’s dive into the Whamisa Organic Flowers Toner and learn about the similarities and differences between the Deep Rich, Original and Refresh versions.

Fermented Goodness

Whamisa is a skincare line that is all about using natural, botanical ingredients and they try to use organic whenever possible. They are also famous for their use of fermented ingredients.

While fermented ingredients often get the spotlight for their digestive and gut health benefits [hello kombucha and kimchi], did you know fermented ingredients are also good for your skin?

The fermentation of skincare ingredients actually concentrates down the beneficial compounds and makes them more potent. But fermenting can also unlock other, additional beneficial compounds in the skincare ingredient that aren’t available in its unfermented state. Fermentation can unlock antioxidants, peptides and amino acids, all amazing for skin.

If that wasn’t enough to convince you, fermented ingredients are also better accepted by our skin. That means that the ingredients will penetrate our skin better and deeper. When it comes to effectiveness in skincare, it’s all about how far the ingredient can generate, because when ingredients can get deeper, they will work faster and better to give us visible results.

The fermentation definitely sets Whamisa apart as a brand, but so does their commitment to using organic and natural ingredients. All three toners contain a whopping 97% organic ingredients and they are all EWG Green level verified.

Key Ingredients

Besides the fermented goodness, there are some key ingredients found in all three versions of the Organic Flowers Toner.

Aloe Leaf Juice — This is what really struck me as interesting about the Organic Flowers Toner, there is no water in the formula. Yup, no water, no aqua. Water is often used as a filler ingredient in skincare products and isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it is often used to pad out ingredients lists with weak concentrations of beneficial ingredients. No worries of finding water at the top of the ingredients list of these toners, or on the list at all.

Instead, Whamisa has chosen to use aloe leaf juice to fill out their toners, and that is good news because, unlike water, aloe leaf juice has a lot of benefits for skin beyond pure hydration, like calming and soothing. Aloe leaf juice and the aloe extract in these toners are a powerhouse of vitamins A, C and E, fatty acids and antioxidants.

Chrysanthemum Morifolium — aka Mums. This extract is found in the ingredients list in its unfermented *and* fermented state. It is a great anti-acne ingredient with anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Fermented Lotus Flower — Maybe the most interesting ingredient in the Organic Flowers Toner because lotus flower actually contains naturally occurring AHA’s.

AHA’s, or alpha hydroxy acid, are known for their ability to exfoliate the top layer of skin resulting in brighter, softer skin. However, some of you out there may be wondering if this is going to make the toner harsh on your skin, as chemical exfoliation can be irritating to skin.

I’m happy to report that it is not irritating. AHA’s most effectively exfoliate the skin at a pH level of about 3-4. The Deep Rich tests at a pH level of 4.5 and Original also tests at 4.5, which means they will have a weak exfoliation effect. This is good news for sensitive skin that needs cell turnover without the irritation of full-on chemical exfoliation. The Refresh version tests slightly lower at 4, but is still on the high end of the ideal range.

FYI: All three toners contain rosewood and bergamot essential oils. Deep Rich and Original also contain lemongrass, and Refresh also contains orange oil.

Essential oils can be irritating to some, including your writer, however I did not experience any issues of sensitivity with any of the three toners.

And those concerned about the photosensitivity issue with bergamot oil, rest assured the bergamot oil used in all three toners is bergaptene free.

Deep Rich

Whamisa Organic Flowers Deep Rich Toner* | Whamisa Organic Flowers Original Toner* | Whamisa Organic Flowers Refresh Toner*

What is the meaning of Whamisa?

Whamisa means Flower + Beauty + 4. "Wha" means flower because flowers are present in all Whamisa cosmetic care formulas. "Mi" means beauty because Whamisa offers natural and organic treatments to sublimate women's skin and natural beauty.

What does toner do?

It removes oil and traces of dirt. Toner is part of the cleansing process. It can remove dirt, bacteria, makeup, pollution and dust that your cleanser may have left behind. Using a toner can give your skin an extra-deep clean.

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