parlour là gì - Nghĩa của từ parlour

parlour có nghĩa là

danh từ. The legendary den of the mysterious DJ YR LTTL PWNY has moved from El Sobrante, California to a currently undisclosed location. Site of many an all night rave and new disco soirée. One of DJ Willow from Paris favorite haunts. Where you're likely to find other members of the B-town posse dancing, chillaxin', or puking in the neighbor's bushes.

Ví dụ

The lava lamp added to the psychedelic haze that was cast upon the Disco Parlour early Saturday morning as DJ YR LTTL PWNY titillated the remaining disco guests, as world famous DJ Willow from Paris danced on till the break of dawn.

parlour có nghĩa là

A place to relieve yourself of urine. Despite the existance of alternate terminology, a wise man noted their obvious flaws. He deemed "the loo" far too effeminate, "the toilet" far too boring and "the bog" far too vulgar for the feminine ear. A male in the presence of females is therefore advised to use the term "Piss Parlour" as it gives off an air of masculinity with its use of the word "piss", whilst also masking the unpleasantness of the deed he is about to partake in with the use of the word "parlour". Studies undertaken by a wise man have shown that the female mind associates a parlour with happy thoughts of pretty things.

Ví dụ

The lava lamp added to the psychedelic haze that was cast upon the Disco Parlour early Saturday morning as DJ YR LTTL PWNY titillated the remaining disco guests, as world famous DJ Willow from Paris danced on till the break of dawn. A place to relieve yourself of urine. Despite the existance of alternate terminology, a wise man noted their obvious flaws. He deemed "the loo" far too effeminate, "the toilet" far too boring and "the bog" far too vulgar for the feminine ear. A male in the presence of females is therefore advised to use the term "Piss Parlour" as it gives off an air of masculinity with its use of the word "piss", whilst also masking the unpleasantness of the deed he is about to partake in with the use of the word "parlour". Studies undertaken by a wise man have shown that the female mind associates a parlour with happy thoughts of pretty things. Girl: "blah blah blah yap yap yap"
Guy [full bladder]: "hmmm thats right...hold that thought I need the Piss Parlour"

parlour có nghĩa là

Girl: "Lovely, off you go then"

Ví dụ

The lava lamp added to the psychedelic haze that was cast upon the Disco Parlour early Saturday morning as DJ YR LTTL PWNY titillated the remaining disco guests, as world famous DJ Willow from Paris danced on till the break of dawn.

parlour có nghĩa là

A place to relieve yourself of urine. Despite the existance of alternate terminology, a wise man noted their obvious flaws. He deemed "the loo" far too effeminate, "the toilet" far too boring and "the bog" far too vulgar for the feminine ear. A male in the presence of females is therefore advised to use the term "Piss Parlour" as it gives off an air of masculinity with its use of the word "piss", whilst also masking the unpleasantness of the deed he is about to partake in with the use of the word "parlour". Studies undertaken by a wise man have shown that the female mind associates a parlour with happy thoughts of pretty things. Girl: "blah blah blah yap yap yap"
Guy [full bladder]: "hmmm thats right...hold that thought I need the Piss Parlour"
Girl: "Lovely, off you go then"
Guy [full bladder]: *goes to piss parlour* "Aaaaaaaaaaahhhh!"

Ví dụ

The lava lamp added to the psychedelic haze that was cast upon the Disco Parlour early Saturday morning as DJ YR LTTL PWNY titillated the remaining disco guests, as world famous DJ Willow from Paris danced on till the break of dawn. A place to relieve yourself of urine. Despite the existance of alternate terminology, a wise man noted their obvious flaws. He deemed "the loo" far too effeminate, "the toilet" far too boring and "the bog" far too vulgar for the feminine ear.

parlour có nghĩa là

A male in the presence of females is therefore advised to use the term "Piss Parlour" as it gives off an air of masculinity with its use of the word "piss", whilst also masking the unpleasantness of the deed he is about to partake in with the use of the word "parlour". Studies undertaken by a wise man have shown that the female mind associates a parlour with happy thoughts of pretty things.

Ví dụ

Girl: "blah blah blah yap yap yap"

parlour có nghĩa là

Guy [full bladder]: "hmmm thats right...hold that thought I need the Piss Parlour"

Ví dụ

Girl: "Lovely, off you go then"

parlour có nghĩa là

Guy [full bladder]: *goes to piss parlour* "Aaaaaaaaaaahhhh!"

Ví dụ

Guy [empty bladder]: "yeah so you were saying?"
Girl: "blah blah blah yap yap yap" One [usually young] urban living, spoilt upper class educated gob shite woman who espouses causes for the furtherance of womenhood that most women would not touch with a barge pole and anyway for whom such causes are academic because they don't have the money to take the benefit of them. Usually to be seen in the Parlours of Westminster, Wandsworth, Islington, Camden, Wimbledon etc... If they ever do get involved with the police, it is to shop the sisterhood in to them when they have had enough of them or when they threaten their cosey political or local authority management sinecure or when they wet their knickers at the site of them on any very infrequent occasion they do go on a protest and need assistance in changing them.

parlour có nghĩa là

Harriett Harman and Patricia Hewitt. Parlour Feminist Variant of parlor i.e. British and French word.

Ví dụ

'I'm off to the Tinkle Parlour, back in a sec!'

parlour có nghĩa là

A private place in a house for entertaining guests.

Ví dụ

I was going to get a tattoo but the place down the road is a total AIDS parlour.

parlour có nghĩa là

Another word for brothel. See turn a trick.

Ví dụ

See Bordello, cathouse, whorehouse, Fuckhouse, House of Joy, Meat House, Message Parlour, House of Tricks or Brothel. "Please Bethel come into my Parlour." See also Parlor.

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