Printable college dorm checklist 2021

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This post: The Best College Dorm Checklist Free Printable / Post updated 7/2021

Shopping for your college dorm is such an exciting time! But, come on wed all be fibbing just a bit if we didnt agree its also a crazy, busy time and maybe even a tad stressful.

It doesnt have to be, though! With the right checklist that zeros in on everything you need, you can sail through your dorm shopping without all the chaos, worry or stress. Take it from a mom whos been through the college shopping gig twice, life is so much easier when you know exactly what you need to buy [and what you dont]!

Everything from bedding basics and organizational items to kitchen supplies and the extras you might not think of, weve made it easy by taking the guesswork out of dorm shopping! So, before you hit the stores, take a peek at this college dorm shopping list. And, to make things really easy, weve created a handy printable you can take with you when you shop!

The Best College Dorm FREE Printable

To download our Dorm Checklist FREE Printable! CLICK HERE!

But waittheres SO much more!

Visit our FREE RESOURCES PAGE to get access to THE ULTIMATE DORM BUNDLE! Heres what youll receive:

  • Stock the Essentials Checklist: A full checklist with everything you need to stock your dorm including toiletries, cleaning and laundry supplies, the best food list youll find and all the extras that make living in a dorm so much easier!

  • Medicine Checklist: Nothing worries parents more than having their child sick when theyre away at college with no one to care for them. As a mom whose daughter attends college clear across the country, its always my biggest worry! This medicine checklist is the next best thing to moms tender loving care. Weve thought of everything!

  • Simple Dorm Recipes: Youll have access to recipes that are so incredibly easy to whip up in a dorm! No stove and no oven required just easy recipes that can easily be made right in your dorm!

  • 13 Adorable, Fun and Sassy Frameable Prints You Can Download for Your Dorm: Who says decorating your dorm has to be expensive? Check out our totally free [and totally fun] free frameable prints you can download for your dorm including dorm sweet dorm, good vibes, focus! and my room was clean, but then I had to decide what to wear. Plus, many more!

Its all here, its all free and its super easy to download! To download the rest of the Ultimate College Dorm Bundle visit our FREE RESOURCES PAGE!

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