pythagoras là gì - Nghĩa của từ pythagoras

pythagoras có nghĩa là

the triangle dude


screw this sin, cos, tan crap... pythagoras what did you dooooo

pythagoras có nghĩa là

Using Pythagoras Theorem, the third side of a right-angled triangle can be calculated when two sides are given.

Suppose A = length of hypotenuse and
B & C = lengths of the sides containing the right angle

Then [A^2] = [B^2]+[C^2]


If a = angle opposite side A [ =90 degrees]

b = angle opposite side B

c = angle opposite side C

then B = A sin a and C = A cos a

Squaring and adding,we get the result.


Pythagorean triplets:




pythagoras có nghĩa là

c. 582-c. 507 B.C.E. A Greek cosmologist who believed that numbers described the true nature of the universe. A very influential teacher, about whom many legend were written and later attatched to Jesus in the New Testament.
It is uncertain why the Pythagorean theorem is so named; it was neither Pythagoras nor his followers who discovered or even proved the rule, nor were they even particularly concerned with it in any way.


pythagoras có nghĩa là

A japanese Kids show made popular by it's fansubbing by the acclaimed dattebayo. This show opens and ends with crazy complex "Pythagoras Switches" which usually involve marbles, dominos and tubes. At the end or each of these rube Goldberg inventions the name of the show is revealed followed by children singing "Pitagora Suicchi". Because it's a kids show it tries to teach basic speech skills making it a fun way for the average English speaking japanophile to get a beginners grasp of Japanese. The show has also gained some popularity over you-tube which is filled with people performing the so called "algorithm march" which is usually done by tmen in suits in the middle of the show. They often have accompanyment in the form of soccer teams, and ninjas.


pitagora Suicchi is japanese for Pythagoras Switch

pythagoras có nghĩa là

See pythagoras.

Pythagors' theorum allows one to calculate the lenght of the "opposite" side [That is, opposite to the right angle] in a right-angled triangle By knowing only the lengths of the other two sides. It can also be mixed with the sine and cosine rules, trigonometry and such to calculate every angle and side length in pretty much any structure. Practical uses involve the measurement of buildings and such.

The method:

•Use the same unit of measurement for all sides.
Sqaure the lengths of the two shorter sides
•Add the sqaures of the numbers toghether
•Find the sqaure root of that number
•Your answer is the length of the longest side.


A| \C
. B

Side A is 5cm, side B is 4cm and side C is unknown.

A- 5x5= 25 square cm
B- 4x4= 16 square cm

25+16= 36

Square root of 36= 6.

Side C is 6cm.

Of course, this can also be worked backwards to find the length of the smaller sides, provided there are at least two sides given.

If you try to practically apply this with any lengths other than those given, you will end up with decimals. The above example is the only one that does not end in decimal places.

pythagoras có nghĩa là

Sexual position where the woman is being penetrated sideways while the guy is on his knees and one of her legs ends up on the guy's shoulder; hence, a rough geometrical triangular shape is formed. Also know as the RC kick.

Note that this position is often use in BD sessions to hin the woman and at the same time establish that the guy is the man [hedeman]. It is more pleasurable is done with a baldey.


Last night I pythagoras your sister

pythagoras có nghĩa là

A japanese Kids show made popular by it's fansubbing by the acclaimed dattebayo. This show opens and ends with crazy complex "Pythagoras Switches" which usually involve marbles, dominos and tubes. At the end or each of these rube Goldberg inventions the name of the show is revealed followed by children singing "Pitagora Suicchi". Because it's a kids show it tries to teach basic speech skills making it a fun way for the average English speaking japanophile to get a beginners grasp of Japanese. The show has also gained some popularity over you-tube which is filled with people performing the so called "algorithm march" which is usually done by tmen in suits in the middle of the show. They often have accompanyment in the form of soccer teams, and ninjas.


pitagora Suicchi is japanese for Pythagoras Switch

pythagoras có nghĩa là

The Pythagoras position is where 3 people engage in oral and traditional sex while in the shape of a right triangle. One person lays on the ground and fucks one person and eats our the other person. The people on the top of the position make out. This produces a right triangle shape, hence the name, Pythagoras Position.
*note: requires one male
*note: can be done in both a vertical or horizontal position


Jane, Beth, and Billy created Pythagoras Position last night.

pythagoras có nghĩa là

The only thing that you'll remember after four years of high school math.


What is pythagoras' threorum? a^2+b^2=c^2?

pythagoras có nghĩa là

A variation of the 69 sexual position where a person sits upright while eating their partner's ass. The second partner is simultaneously sucking on their toes.


Have you heard about The Pythagoras, the wise CupcakKe described it in her song Juicy Coochie: "show you a different sixty nine that no one knows, like I'm sucking your toes while you eating my butthole"

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