Python list of lists to json

I'm having trouble finding how to convert python list of of elements like this:

[[["thisid", 24024502], ["points", [[["lat", 37.8732041], ["lon", -122.2562601]], [["lat", 37.8729153], ["lon", -122.2561566]]]], ["name", "Latimer Hall"]]

to json array of elements like that:

{"thisid":24024502, "points": [{"lat": 37.8732041, "lon": -122.2562601}, {"lat":37.8729153, "lon":-122.2561566}], "name":"Latimer Hall"}

Basically, I'm trying to convert list of lists with inner structure to a corresponding list in json.

Plain json.dumps[mylist] just returns the original list [I guess, it's bc it's a valid json object as well...]

Many thanks for any suggestions you may have!

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