sloaned là gì - Nghĩa của từ sloaned

sloaned có nghĩa là

Gaelic for warrior...Sloans are super strong and will fight. Loyal to a fault. Very loving...passionately


That girl in the after school fight was a total Sloan

sloaned có nghĩa là

the act of being owned by a 3rd party that takes no action when a 2nd party blatently violates your rights even though the 3rd party is usually required to intervene.

Particularly used in basketball when the referees do not call a blatently obvious foul after someone has been viciously hacked by the other team


DAMN, that mothafucka got knocked to fuck out! what?! the refs didnt say nothing?! Man, he got sloaned!

or, in an office setting:

DAMN, that mothafucka copied his ass on the copier again and distributed copies to everyone in the office! what?! the bosses didnt say nothing? Man, we got sloaned!

sloaned có nghĩa là

A beautiful, nice, caring person. One who tends to hide his/her feelings, but is always trying to help others with theirs. Sloans tend to be tall and dark complected. In love, they make fantastic partners who will stand by you forever. Amazing kissers. Loyal friends, and usually witty and sarastic.


"Ah man, I love Sloan. She's the best girlfriend ever."
"Yeah, I wish I had a girl like her..."

sloaned có nghĩa là

A term used to describe young rich, upper/ middle class people. They usually go to public or private school, enjoy playing/ watching polo, sailing, and rugby. The girls enjoy shopping in London and hang around King's Road, Notting Hill and High Street Kensington.

The girls can be spotted by their:
Ridiculously backcombed hair, often with a massive side parting near their ears. If the hair's tied up it's in a very messy ponytail or loose knot
Clothing by Jack Wills, Abercrombie and Fitch or Ralph Lauren
Large belts
Massive over-sized sunglasses
Countless amounts of big bangles
Footless tights, denim mini skirt and Ugg boots
Abercrombie and Fitch or Jack Wills jogging botttoms tucked into their Ugg boots
Skinny Jeans
Long often ratty looking cardigans
Over sized JW or A&F jumpers
Ballet pumps
Big set of Faux pearls
Polo/rugy shirts with the collars turned up
Loud, fast speech, saying 'yah' alot

The boys can be spotted weaing:
Any item of clothing by Ralph Lauren, Jack Wills or Abercrombie and Fitch
Polo/ rugby shirts with the collars turned up
Brown loafers

Names include: Harriet [Hats], Charlotte [Charls], Camilla [Mills], Emily [Ems], Antonia [Ants], Victoria [Tors/Tory], Olivia [Livs], Julia [Jules], Rupert, Sebastian, Jeremy [Jez], William [Wills]


Those girls are such sloanes.

[Normal people talking about sloanes]

"Shall we go shopping down the KR darls?"
"Yah! I've seen a new hoodie in Jack Wills it's sooooo fit!"

[Two sloanes talking to each other]

sloaned có nghĩa là

The act of getting owned in an ironic manner, often accompanied by a hypocritical response to said ownage.

The definition stems from a basketball game that took place on March 22nd between the UCLA Bruins and basketball powerhouse Texas A&M Aggies. Trailing by two in the final seconds of the game, Aggie guard Donald Sloan recklessly drove into a lane filled with Bruin defenders. Sloan's complete refusal to pass the ball to open teammates led to a "shot" attempt which was blocked by multiple UCLA defenders. In the following moments, the ball was swooped up by UCLA guard Russell Westbrook and matriculated the length of the floor for a thunderous buzzer-beating dunk and 4 point victory.

Significantly, Westbrook's arguably classless dunk was preceeded a few weeks earlier by a similarly classless, last-second, off-the-backboard, alley-oop dunk against Baylor University by none other than Donald Sloan, giving the play a touch of irony. Westbrook's dunk was proceeded by a chorus of bitching and moaning about it's classlessness on by fans who had lauded the Sloan dunk weeks earlier. Hence, the hypocrisy element of getting "sloaned."


Fan 1: Pass the ball you selfish bastard!
Fan 2: Motherfuck. Donald got sloaned.
Fan 1: Westbrook is a such classless asshole. I'll sleep well knowing that aggieland is better than those left-coast pricks.
Fan 3: Moral Victory!
Fan 2: But isn't this kinda like the Sloan dunk against Baylor?
Fan 1: No, totally different.
Fan 2: Whoop!

sloaned có nghĩa là

The prettiest girl ever. Usually Loves David Bowie


Tommy: did you see that hot girl yesterday? Jack:Oh ya, Sloan

sloaned có nghĩa là

sloan is normally a person who hides their feelings. if she feels like she’s losing a person she will leave them because she fears rejection. when she falls in love with someone or something that is all she thinks about. she has a hard time letting go and when she does, you’ve lost her forever. when you have a sloan, she will always be there for you no matter what. sloan’s also tend to be very hard to let go of. sloan’s are usually very good at hiding their problems, but when they show their problems, they trust you with everything. sloan’s normally don’t have the easiest life and they will go thru some very hard stuff. they have a very big heart that gets broken a lot but they are very very strong people. if you have a sloan in your life, never let them go


“is that a sloan?”
“yeah she’s the best person you’ll ever meet!”

sloaned có nghĩa là

The act of pleasuring oneself in places that are considered to be not acceptable.


Dude did you see that guy sloaning?!?

sloaned có nghĩa là

To complain that one "No-Call" during a 40 minute college basketball game means the a game is rigged. An Aggie fan who cannot accept defeat and blames officials because they only made 2 baskets in the last 10 minutes.

This is why you lost: You Tube video title: Texas A&M UCLA Game - Truth Revealed


All of Aggie nation is Sloaned.

sloaned có nghĩa là

When your getting played by a girl. She tells you she likes you but has a promise ring and wont put out. Total mind fuck. lets just be friends, bitch, mind fuck,


Guy 1: Have you banged her yet?
Guy 2: No but she told me she likes me last night
Guy 1: Dude, your getting sloaned HARD.

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