Sửa lỗi the number must be between 1 and 600

Em nói ngắn gọn thế này :Em tạo mục lục tự động, có các heading,nhưng không hiểu sao heading 2 hôm nay lại bị lỗi,nó không hiển thị ra số nữa [ ví dụ 2.1 ; 3.1 ] chỉ hiện nội dung.Em đã cố chỉnh bằng mọi cách nhưng không được.Tìm google thấy trên diễn dàn có một bạn bị y chang,nhưng chưa thấy trả lời,nên e muốn hỏi lại.

Em có đính kèm nội dung để mọi người xem.

Chân thành cảm ơn mọi người.

p/s Lần đọc viết bài,có gì sai sót mong mod chỉnh sửa và bỏ qua giúp em.

  • DANM 2.docx 61.8 KB · Đọc: 48

  • 2

Cái heading 2 của bạn bị lỗi. Xóa numbering hoặc chọn loại numbering khác, lưu lại, sau đó chọn lại numbering cũ là được.

  • DANM 2.rar 79.4 KB · Đọc: 24
  • 3

    Cái heading 2 của bạn bị lỗi. Xóa numbering hoặc chọn loại numbering khác, lưu lại, sau đó chọn lại numbering cũ là được.

Cảm ơn a nhiều ạ.Mà chọn numbering cũ là làm sao đơn giản nhỉ,hay là phải định dạng lại như tạo cái numbering đó.

  • 4

Up cái coi có bác nào xử lý triệt để dc cái này ko

  • 5

Tình hình là sau khi search trên mấy trang nước ngoài thì được hướng dẫn như thế này, rất hiệu quả

This is definitely a bug. I succeeded in fixing it as follows: 1. Put your cursor on the heading just right of the black box 2. Use the left arrow key on your keyboard to move left until the black box turns grey 3. Use the keyboard combination ctrl+shift+s, the dialog "Apply Styles" should appear 4. In this box, click "reapply"

This fixed the issue for me. Good luck.

  • 6

Tình hình là sau khi search trên mấy trang nước ngoài thì được hướng dẫn như thế này, rất hiệu quả


Error - The number must be between 1 and 600.

[too old to reply]

I am working in Word 2000 on a Windows 2000 PC. I have a document that has been manually redlined and I am trying to clean up the font colors and strikethroughs but every time I select text and go into format/font I get the following error popup

"The number must be between 1 and 600." [click ok]

The font in this document is our standard font - Times new Roman, 11pt. and has either red or blue coloring and double underlines or strikethroughs. I am able to get around the color issue using the button on the toolbar and was able to use cut/paste special [Unformatted text] to clear the other font issues but I would like to know what causes the error because the work around is annoying.


Hi Holly,

You can scale text between 1% and 600% ["Format > Font > Character spacing"].

For some reason, Word seems to think that your text is scaled even more [or even less].

Something like that can happen with Word documents that have been created by other applications, which didn't do the job properly. Or the document might be slightly damaged.

The tip Terry gave you in another group [select the text, use Ctrl+Spacebar] might work, or select all text and set the scale to 100%, or, if the faulty scale setting is in a style definition, you might try pasting the text into a new document.

Regards, Klaus

I am working in Word 2000 on a Windows 2000 PC. I have a document that has been manually redlined and I am trying to clean up the font colors and strikethroughs but every time I select text and go into format/font I get the following error popup "The number must be between 1 and 600." [click ok] The font in this document is our standard font - Times new Roman, 11pt. and has either red or blue coloring and double underlines or strikethroughs. I am able to get around the color issue using the button on the toolbar and was able to use cut/paste special [Unformatted text] to clear the other font issues but I would like to know what causes the error because the work around is annoying. thanks

Thanks I will give this a try :-]

-Original Message- Hi Holly, You can scale text between 1% and 600% ["Format > Font >


spacing"]. For some reason, Word seems to think that your text is

scaled even more [or

even less]. Something like that can happen with Word documents that

have been created by

other applications, which didn't do the job properly. Or the document might be slightly damaged. The tip Terry gave you in another group [select the text,

use Ctrl+Spacebar]

might work, or select all text and set the scale to 100%,

or, if the faulty

scale setting is in a style definition, you might try

pasting the text into

a new document. Regards, Klaus

I am working in Word 2000 on a Windows 2000 PC. I have a document that has been manually redlined and I am trying to clean up the font colors and strikethroughs but every time I select text and go into format/font I get the following error popup "The number must be between 1 and 600." [click ok] The font in this document is our standard font - Times new Roman, 11pt. and has either red or blue coloring and double underlines or strikethroughs. I am able to get around the color issue using the button on the toolbar and was able to use cut/paste special [Unformatted text] to clear the other font issues but I would like to know what causes the error because the work around is annoying. thanks



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