The __________ approach to formal corporate ethics initiatives is proactive and aspirational.

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Quiz Compilation - Managing Ethics & CSR

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The __________ approach to formal corporate ethics initiatives is proactive and aspirational.

  • Q23:

    Your friend,Sam,has been selected to create a new ethics training program at work.What advice should you give Sam? A)Ensure that all employees receive the same training content. B)Focus on new employees only;the other employees already know this stuff. C)Provide separate training depending on the needs of different groups of employees. D)Bring in outside consultants to conduct the training.

  • Q24:

    Under the 2004 sentencing guidelines,the __________ are expected to oversee the compliance and ethics program while __________ is/are charged with ensuring its effectiveness within the company. A)Board of directors;top management B)Board of directors;the CEO C)The CEO;general managers D)The company's ethics officer;top management

  • Q25:

    You are a top executive charged with evaluating the state of ethics communications in your company.List four key questions you will need to ask as part of your evaluation.In addition,provide an example that clarifies the meaning of each question.

  • Q26:

    Which of the following is true? A)Fines applied by the US Sentencing Commission have decreased on average since 1990. B)Only the presence of a code of ethics in the organization is necessary to meet the US Sentencing Commission's idea of an effective compliance program. C)The US Sentencing Commission allows prosecutors to assess the quality of an organization's compliance program in order to determine appropriate penalties. D)The 1987 sentencing guidelines mandated incarceration for only the worst felony offenders.

  • Q27:

    Under the U.S.Sentencing Guidelines,the same crime can be subject to a wide range of penalties.In determining the penalty,the following will be considered: A)Prior violations B)Whether management reports itself C)Whether management cooperates with authorities D)Whether the firm has an effective program in place to prevent and detect illegal behavior E)All of the above

  • Q28:

    The _________ approach to formal corporate ethics initiatives focuses on meeting required behavior norms or obeying the letter of the law. A)Rules B)Compliance C)Principles D)Values

  • Q29:

    Which of the following is false? A)An effective approach to managing ethics has a compliance-only focus. B)Abstract value statements can appear hypocritical to employees. C)Strictly compliance-oriented programs are often viewed by employees with cynicism. D)With a compliance-only focus,employees believe anything goes as long as there isn't a rule against it.

  • Q30:

    You are a top executive charged with developing a plan for the company's formal communication of ethics.Briefly describe three communication channels and an example of how you would use each one.

  • Q31:

    _____________ is a term frequently used to describe ethics initiatives that begin at the top of the organization and work their way down,level by level. A)Surveying B)Globalizing C)Auditing D)Cascading E)Collaborating

  • Q33:

    The US Sentencing Guidelines use a "carrot and stick" approach to managing corporate crime.What is meant by the use of "carrot" and "stick"? A)The carrot dangles at the end of the stick as an incentive for organizations to continue to behave ethically. B)The carrot refers to the guidelines as "food for thought" and the stick refers to the punishment if the guidelines are not followed. C)The carrot refers to incentives in the guidelines to behave ethically and the stick refers to the punishment if the guidelines are not followed. D)None of the above.

Is a term frequently used to describe ethics initiatives that begin at the top of the organization and work their way down level by level?

Command-and-control is a term frequently used to describe ethics initiatives that begin at the top of the organization and work their way down, level by level. Organizational experience suggests that an "ethics action line" is unnecessary because it promotes "tattling" on people an employee doesn't like.

What does it mean when it is said the us sentencing guidelines use a carrot and stick approach?

This approach combines the threat of heavy criminal fines for law violators and the likelihood of court-supervised probation (the “sticks”), with the opportunity for very substantial fine mitigation (and perhaps no probation) (the “carrots”) for those convicted entities who either have instituted an “effective program ...