The selling price of 16 spoon is equal to the cost price of 15 school find the loss percent

  • Textbook Solutions
  • Class 7
  • Math
  • profit and loss

Rs_aggarwal Solutions for Class 7 Math Chapter 11 Profit And Loss are provided here with simple step-by-step explanations. These solutions for Profit And Loss are extremely popular among Class 7 students for Math Profit And Loss Solutions come handy for quickly completing your homework and preparing for exams. All questions and answers from the Rs_aggarwal Book of Class 7 Math Chapter 11 are provided here for you for free. You will also love the ad-free experience on Meritnation’s Rs_aggarwal Solutions. All Rs_aggarwal Solutions for class Class 7 Math are prepared by experts and are 100% accurate.

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[i] CP = Rs. 950
Gain = 6%

    SP ={[100 + Gain%]100× CP  } = {[100 + 6]100× 950} = 106100× 950 =  100700100 = Rs. 1007

   [ii] CP = Rs. 9600
Gain = 1623% = 50 3%

            SP={ [100 + Gain%]100× CP} = {[100 +  503]100× 9600} = 350300 ×9600 = 33603 =  Rs. 11200

  [iii] CP = Rs. 1540
Loss = 4%

                SP={[100 - Loss%]100× CP}  = {[100 - 4]100× 1540} = 96100× 1540 = 147840 100 = Rs. 1478.40

[iv] CP = Rs. 8640  
Loss = 1212% = 252%

        SP={[100 - Loss%]100× CP} = {[100 - 252]100× 8640} = 175200× 8640 = 1512000200 =  Rs. 7560

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[i] CP = Rs. 2400  
SP = Rs. 2592
    Gain = SP - CP = Rs. [ 2592 - 2400] = Rs. 192

      Gain%  = GainCP × 100 = 1922400× 100 = 8

[ii] CP = Rs. 1650  
SP = Rs. 1452
    Loss = CP - SP = [ 1650 - 1452] = Rs. 198

         Loss%  = LossCP × 100 =1981650 × 100 = 12

[iii] CP = Rs. 12000   and   SP = Rs. 12800
    Gain = SP - CP = [ 12800 - 12000] = Rs. 800

         Gain% = GainCP × 100 = 80012000× 100 = 6.66

[iv] CP = Rs. 1800  
SP = Rs. 1611
     Loss = CP - SP = [ 1800 - 1611] = Rs. 189

         Loss% = LossCP × 100 =1891800  × 100 = 10.5

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[i] SP = Rs. 924  
Gain = 10%

       CP ={ 100[100 +  Gain%]× SP} 

={100[100 + 10]× 924} = 92400110  = Rs. 840

[ii] SP = Rs. 1755  
Gain = 1212% =252%

       CP = { 100[100 + Gain%]× SP} ={100[100 + 252]× 1755}  =  {200225× 1755} = 351000225 = Rs. 1560

                                  [iii] SP = Rs. 8510  
Loss = 8%

              CP = {100[100 - Loss%]× SP} = {100[100 - 8 ]× 8510} = 85100092= Rs. 9250

  [iv] SP = Rs. 5600  
Loss = 623% = 203%

           CP = {100[100 - Loss %]× SP} = {100[100 - 203]×5600} = {300280 × 5600} = 16800028 = Rs. 6000

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Cost price of an almirah = Rs. 13600
Transportation cost = Rs. 400
Total cost price = Rs. [13600 + 400] = Rs. 14000
Selling price = Rs. 16800
Now, SP > CP
Gain = SP - CP = [ 16800 - 14000] = Rs. 2800

Gain% = GainCP× 100  %

=280014000× 100%

=2800140% = 20%

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Cost price of the house = Rs. 765000
Cost  of repairing the house = Rs. 115000
Total Cost price = [765000 + 115000] = Rs. 880000
Ravi sold it at a gain of 5%.

 SP= {[100 + gain %]100× CP} = {[100 + 5]100× 880000} = 105100× 880000 = Rs.  924000

 He gets Rs. 924000.

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CP of 12 lemons [dozen] = Rs. 25
CP of one lemon = Rs. 2512

CP of five lemons = 5 ​× 2512 = 12512 = Rs. 10.42

SP of five lemons = Rs. 12            [given]

Gain = SP - CP = [ 12 - 10.42 ] = Rs 1.58

Gain% =GainCP × 100%

=1.5810.42 × 100 %

= 15.2%

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Let the cost price of the pen be Re 1.
Cost price of 12 pens = Rs 12
SP of 12 pens = CP of 15 pens = Rs 15
Gain = SP - CP = Rs [15 - 12] = Rs 3

Gain% = GainCP× 100 %

=312×  100 %= 25%

Gain% = 25%

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Let the cost price of one spoon be Re 1.
CP of 16 spoons = Rs 16
SP of 16 spoons = CP of 15 spoons = Rs 15
Loss = CP - SP = [16 - 15] = Re 1

Loss% =  LossCP× 100% = 116× 100 %=6.25%

Loss% = 6.25%

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Cost price of a video = Rs. 12000
SP of a video at a gain of 10% ={[100 + Gain%]100× CP}

 ={[100 +  10]100× 12000} = {110100× 12000} = Rs.13200

So, Rahul purchased at a cost price of Rs. 13200.

Rahul sells it at a loss of 5%.

SP of a video at loss of 5% = {[100 - Loss%]100× CP} 

={[100 - 5]100×  13200} = 95100× 13200 = Rs. 12540

∴ Rakesh pays = Rs. 12540

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SP of the sofa set = Rs. 21600
Gain% = 8

 CP of the sofa set={100[100 + Gain%]×SP} = {100[100 + 8]× 21600} = 2160000108 = Rs. 20000

He purchased it at the cost of Rs. 20000.

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SP of the watch = Rs 11400
Loss% = 5

CP = {100[100 - Loss% ]× SP} 

={100[100 - 5]× 11400} = 1140095  = Rs. 12000

 He purchased it at the cost of Rs. 12000.

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SP of the calculator = Rs. 1325
Gain % = 6

CP of the calculator = {100[100 + Gain%]×  SP} 

={100[100 + 6]×1325} = 132500106 = Rs . 1250

               SP of the calculator= {[100 + Gain%]100× CP} = {[100 + 12]100× 1250} = 140000100 = Rs.1400

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SP of a computer = Rs. 24480
Loss% = 4

   CP of the computer={100[100 - Loss%]× SP}  = {100[100 - 4]× 24480} = 244800096= Rs. 25500

In order to gain 4%:
   SP of the computer={[100 + Gain%]100× CP} = { [100 + 4]100× 25500} = {104100× 25500} = 2652000100 = Rs. 26520

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Let the CP of the tricycle be Rs. x

SP at 15% gain = {[100 + Gain%]100× CP } 
={[100 + 15]100× x} = 115100x

=Rs.  2320x

SP at 20% gain = x × 120100 = Rs. 65x

65 x-2320x=108⇒24x-23x20=108⇒x20=108⇒x=2160

Hence, the cost price of the tricycle is Rs. 2160

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Let CP of  a television be Rs x.
SP at 8% loss =  [100 - 8]100× x = Rs. 92 100x
SP at 6% gain =     [100 + 6]100× x = Rs. 106100x

      106100x - 92100x = 3360

                         ⇒14100x =  3360

                                                                                                   ⇒         x  = 33600014 = 24000

∴ CP = Rs. 24000
Sandeep bought it at the cost of Rs. 24000.

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SP of each cycle = Rs. 2376
He gains 10% in one cycle.
CP = {100[100 +  Gain%]× SP} 
 ={100[100 + 10] × 2376} = 100110 × 2376 = Rs. 2160

He looses 10% in the second cycle.
CP = 100[100 - Loss%] × SP

=100[100 - 10]× 2376= 10090× 2376 = 237609 = Rs. 2640

Total CP = Rs. [ 2160 + 2640 ] = Rs. 4800                                                                            
Total SP =    Rs. [ 2376 + 2376 ] = Rs.  4752                                                                         
 Loss = CP - SP = Rs. [ 4800 - 4752  ] = Rs. 48
    Loss%  = LossCP× 100%
=484800  × 100% = 1%

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Let the CP of the exhaust fan be Rs. x.
Gain = Rs. x6

​SP =  Rs [ x + x6]

      SP = Rs. 7350

∴     x + x6 = 7350
 ⇒     76x = 7350
⇒        x = 7350 × 67 = 441007 =6300
CP of the fan = Rs. 6300

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Mohit sold a watch to Karim at Rs. x.
Mohit sold it at a gain of 10%.
SP of the watch = 110% of x
                  =   [x + 110100] = Rs. 1120x                                                                        
Karim sold it to Rahim at a gain of 4%.
SP of the watch = 104% of 1110x =  [104100 × 1110x] = Rs.  [2625× 1110x]

                                                                                                     But, Rahim pays Rs. 14300.
∴ 2625× 1110x = 14300

⇒x = 14300 × 25 × 10 26 × 11 =3575000286 =12500

Mohit purchased it at Rs. 25000.

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Let the production cost of a washing machine be Rs. x.
Profit of the manufacturer  = 10%
SP of the manufacturer = 110% of x
                                    =  [x + 110100] = 110100 x = Rs. 1110                                                             
Profit of the wholesale dealer = 15%
SP of the wholesale dealer =   115 % of Rs 1110x                                           
                                        = Rs [1110x × 115100] = Rs [1110x × 2320]

                                            Profit of the retailer = 25%
SP of the retailer = 125% of Rs [1110x × 2320]

                                                     = Rs. [ 1110x × 2320×125100] = Rs.  [1110x × 2320× 54]

Retail price = Rs. 37950
∴ [1110x  × 2320 × 54] = 37950

                                                                                                                               ⇒x = 37950 × 10 × 20 × 411 ×  23 × 5 
=> x= 303600001265 = 24000

                                       ∴ Production cost of a washing machine = Rs. 24000

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Mr. Mehta purchased a video at the cost of Rs. 20000.
Mr. Mehta purchased a television at the cost of Rs. 30000.
Total cost = Rs. [20000 + 30000] = Rs. 50000

He lost 5% on the video.

SP= [100-Loss%]100×CP=100-5100×20000=95100×20000=Rs. 19000

                                                  He gained 8% on the television.

SP= [100+Gain%]100×CP=100+8100×30000=108 100×30000=Rs. 32400

                                                                                  Total SP =  Rs. [ 190000 + 32400 ] = Rs. 51400

                                                                                 Total CP = Rs. 50000
Total Gain = SP - CP = Rs. [ 51400 - 50000 ] = Rs. 1400                                                     
Gain% = GainCP× 100 %=  1400 50000 × 100% = 2.8%

Page No 158:


Let the CP of 1 orange be Rs. x.
∴ CP of 36 oranges = Rs. 36x
Let SP of orange be Rs. y.
∴ SP of 36 oranges = Rs. 36y

​Loss = SP of 4 oranges = 4y      [given]

We know:
Loss = CP - SP 
         ⇒            4y = 36x - 36y
        ⇒            4y + 36y = 36x  
        ⇒                      40y = 36x
        ⇒                         10y = 9x
​        ⇒                             y = 9 10x

                                Loss% = LossCP×100 %

=4y 36x× 100 %

=4 × 9x36x× 10× 100% =  10%

   ​Loss% = 10%

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Let the CP of one pencil be Rs. x.
Therefore, the CP of 96 pencils will be Rs. 96x.
Let SP of one pencil be Rs. y.
​∴ SP of 96 pencils = Rs. 96y
Gain= SP of one dozen pencil = Rs.12y           [given]

Gain = SP - CP

       ⇒12y=96y-96x⇒96x=96y-12y⇒96x=84y⇒x=84y 96

                                Gain% = GainCP×100 % =12y96x×100%=12y×9696×84y×100%=14.28%

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[b] 25%

CP of the book = Rs. 80
SP of the book = Rs. 100
Gain = SP - CP = Rs. [100 - 80] = Rs. 20
Gain% = GainCP× 100 %=  2080× 100 %= 25%

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[a] 1212%

CP of a football = Rs. 120
SP of a football = Rs. 105

∴ Loss = CP - SP = Rs. [ 120 - 105 ] = Rs. 15
Loss% = LossCP × 100%= 15120× 100 %= 252 %= 1212%

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[b] 25%

SP of the bat = Rs. 100
Gain = Rs. 20

 Gain = SP - CP 
     ⇒    20  = 100 - CP
    ⇒   CP = 100 - 20 = Rs. 80

Gain% = GainCP× 100 %=2080× 100% =  25%

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[a] Rs. 180

SP of the racket = Rs. 198
Gain% = 10

   CP of the racket={100[100 + Gain %]× 100} = {100[100 + 10]× 198} =100110× 198 = Rs. 180

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Let the cost price be Rs. x.
 Loss = Rs. x7
∴  SP =   [x  - x7] = Rs. 67x

SP = Rs. 144

∴  67x = 144 
⇒ x =  144 × 76 =Rs. 168

∴ CP = Rs. 168
SP = Rs. 144

New SP = Rs. 189
Gain = SP - CP = Rs. [ 189 - 168 ]  = Rs. 21

                      Gain% = GainCP× 100%= 21168 × 100%=12.5%

The correct answer is 12.5%.
All the given options are wrong.

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[d] Rs. 72

SP of the pen = Rs. 48
Loses = 20%
Then , CP = { 100[100 - Loss%]× SP} 
={100[100 - 20]× 48}=  Rs. 60

In order to gain 20%:

SP = {[100 + Gain%]100× CP} = {[100  + 20]100× 60} = 120100× 60 = Rs. 72

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[a] 20%

Let the cost price of each pencil be Rs.1
Cost of 15 pencils = Rs 15
SP of 15 pencil = CP of 12 pencil = Rs 12
∴ CP = Rs 15
    SP = Rs 12

Loss = CP - SP =  Rs [15 -12] = Rs 3

Loss% = LossCP× 100 %= 315× 100% =  300 15%= 20%

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[d] 3313%

Let the cost price of each toffee be Rs. 1
Cost price of three toffees = Rs 3
SP of three toffees = CP of four toffees =  Rs 4

CP = Rs 3  
SP = Rs 4

Gain = SP - CP = Rs [ 4 - 3 ] = Re 1
Gain% =  GainCP× 100% = 13× 100 %=1003% =3313%

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[c] Rs. 176

SP of an article = Rs. 144 
Loss% = 10
CP = {100[100 - Loss%] × SP} = {100[100 - 10]× 144} = 10090× 144  = 14409= Rs. 160

In order to gain 10%:

S.P. = [100 + Gain%] 100× CP= [100 + 10]100× 160= 110100× 160= Rs . 176

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[a] 50%

CP of six lemons = Re 1
CP of one lemon = Rs 16

CP of four lemon = Rs 46
SP of four lemon = Re 1

 Gain =  1 - 46 =26 = Rs 13
Gain%=GainCP×  100 = 32×3× 100 = 1002=50

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[d]Rs. 600

SP of the chair = Rs 720
Gain% = 20

C.P. = {100[100 + Profit percentage]× S.P.} = {100120× 720} = 720012 = Rs. 600

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[c] Rs. 700

SP of a stool = Rs 630
Loss% = 10
CP = {100[100 - Loss%]× SP} ={100[100 - 10] × 630} = 10090×630 = Rs 700

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SP of the chair = Rs 1375
Gain% = 10

 CP  of the chair={100[100 + Gain%]× SP} 

={100[100 +  10]× 1375} =137500110 = Rs. 1250

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Let the cost of each pen be Rs. 1
CP of 10 pens = Rs. 10
SP of 10 pens = CP of 14 pens = Rs. 14
Gain = SP - CP = 14-10= Rs. 4
Gain% = GainCP × 100% = 410× 100%= 40%

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Let the cost price of the fan be Rs. x.
Gain = Rs. x10
SP of the fan = [ x +  x10]= Rs. 1110x                                                                  
SP of the fan = Rs. 2585       
∴  1110x = 2585 
⇒ 11x = 25850 
⇒ x =  2585011 = 2350

So, CP of the fan is Rs. 2350.

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Cost price of six lemons = Rs. 10
Cost price of one lemon = Rs. 106
Cost price of eight lemons =  8  × 106 = Rs. 806 = Rs. 13.33                                         
Selling price of eight lemons = Rs. 15

  Gain = SP- CP=Rs. [15 - 13.33] = Rs. 1.67

                                                            Gain% = GainC.P.× 100 %
=1 .6713.33× 100  %

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SP of the bat = Rs 486
Loss = 10%
CP of the bat = {100 [100 - Loss%]× SP} 
={100[100 - 10]× 486} =   4860090 = Rs 540

CP of the bat = Rs 540

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[b] Rs 85

SP of a football = Rs 100
Gain = Rs 15
Gain = SP - CP
        ⇒    15 = 100 - CP
       ⇒    CP = Rs [100 - 15]
       ⇒    CP= Rs 85

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[c] 15.2%

Cost price of 12 bananas = Rs. 25
Cost price of one banana = Rs. 2512
  Cost price of  five bananas=Rs. 5 × 2512 = Rs. 12512 =Rs. 10.42

He sells five bananas at the cost [SP] of Rs. 12.
Gain = SP - CP

= =Rs. [12 - 10.42] = Rs. 1.58

 Gain%  = GainCP× 100% = 1.5810.4× 100 %=  15.2%

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[c] Rs. 196

Let the cost price of the jug be Rs. x.
Loss = Rs. x7
SP of the jug = CP - Loss
=Rs. [  x - x7] = Rs. 67x

                                                                                     ​SP of the jug = Rs 168         [given]

∴   67x = 168 
⇒ =168 × 76 ⇒x= 11766 ⇒x=196

    ∴ CP of the jug = Rs. 196

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[c] 6623%

Let the cost price of each banana be Re 1.
Cost price of three bananas = Rs. 3
SP of three bananas = CP of five bananas = Rs. 5
Gain = SP - CP =  Rs. [ 5  - 3 ] = Rs. 2

                                                          Gain% =  GainCP× 100% = 23× 100% = 2003 %= 6623%

Page No 160:


[i] Loss = [CP] - [



[ii] CP = 100 × SP[100  + Gain%]

[iii] Profit or loss is always reckoned on

the cost price

[iv]  100 × SP[100 - loss%]  =


Page No 160:


[i] False
Gain or loss is always reckoned on the cost price.

   [ii] True
[iii] True
[iv] True

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