The smallest 4 digit number that can be made using the digits 1853 without repetition is

Make the greatest and the smallest 4-digit numbers by using any one digit twice. The digits are \[8, 0, 5\].

Arranging the number in ascending order becomes \[0, 5, 8\].

Arranging the number in descending order becomes \[8, 5, 0\].

Here zero is the least digit.  But if we use zero in the leftmost place, we will get only the two-digit number \[[0058]\].

So let us take the next smallest digit as leftmost digit and then place \[0\] to get the smallest four-digit number.

Since one of the digits repeats twice, let us make \[0\] repeats to get the least number.

That is the smallest four-digit number is \[5008\].

For largest four-digit number, let us repeat the number \[8\] twice.

That is the largest four-digit number is \[8850\].

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Hint: We will first arrange the given numbers in an ascending order, then we will form the smallest four digit number with the help of the obtained arranged ascending number sequence. It is to be noted that at the ten thousands place, we cannot place zero as the number will become a three digit number and we require a four digit number.Complete step-by-step solution -
It is given in the question that we have to find the smallest four digit number using the digits 1, 2, 5, 0 without repetition. We will first arrange the given numbers in an ascending order, so we get,
0 < 1 < 2 < 5
So, the smallest number that can be formed using the digits 0, 1, 2 and 5 will be 125. But, we can see that 125 is a three digit number and we have been asked to find a four digit number. So, the smallest four digit number cannot be 125.
Now, if we interchange the place of 0 and 1, we get,
1025, which is a four digit number. Also, we can see that 1025 is the smallest four digit possible.
Hence, 1025 is the smallest four digit number that can be formed using the digits 1, 2, 5, 0.

Note: The most possible mistake that the students can make in this question is by writing 0125 as the smallest four digit number. But this is wrong, because if we place 0 in the ten thousands place, then the obtained number, that is, 125 will be a three digit number and not a four digit number as, when we place 0 before a number, that 0 has no value. For example, we can write 1 as 01, but we know that 01 is the same as 1 and it is a single digit number and not a two digit number.

Four digit numbers [4-digit numbers] are numbers that have four digits in them. They range from 1000 to 9999. Therefore, there are a total of 9000 4-digit numbers.

Furthermore, a four digit number is divisible by 1853 if you divide the four digit number by 1853 and you get a whole number with no remainder.

We listed all the 4-digit numbers divisible by 1853 further down on this page, but we will start by answering some questions.

How many four digit numbers are divisible by 1853?
Yes, we counted all the 4-digit numbers divisible by 1853. There are 5 four digit numbers divisible by 1853.

What is the sum of all four digit numbers divisible by 1853?
We added up all the 4-digit numbers on our list below. The sum of all four digit numbers divisible by 1853 is 27795.

What is the first four digit number divisible by 1853?
The first 4-digit number divisible by 1853 is 1853. This is sometimes also referred to as the smallest four digit number divisible by 1853 or the lowest 4-digit number divisible by 1853.

What is the last four digit number divisible by 1853?
The last 4-digit number divisible by 1853 is 9265. This is sometimes also referred to as the largest four digit number divisible by 1853 or the greatest 4-digit number divisible by 1853.

List of all four digit numbers divisible by 1853
And now without further ado, here is the list of all four digit numbers divisible by 1853:

1853, 3706, 5559, 7412, 9265

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What is the smallest 4 digit number without repetition?

So we will first need to arrange the numbers in ascending order before using them. Hence, the greatest and smallest 4-digit numbers without repetition are 8742 and 2478 respectively.

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