ucsc là gì - Nghĩa của từ ucsc

ucsc có nghĩa là

An area where trees are the only things you will see more than white people.


is that ucsc over there?

ucsc có nghĩa là

Wow. Needless to say, I think it's the only campus in North America where "History of Conciousness" is an accepted major. Also, if you go to UCSC, and haven't done First Rain at least once, you're just faking the funk. Also, the best college book ever, "Don't Tell the Parents" was written by the proctor of my old dorm, and is highly suggested reading to all interested in the campus.


UCSC: Where the forest animals are protected more than the students.

ucsc có nghĩa là

people don't just walk around naked here. Deer walk around naked too.
this is also a good place to get brainwashed from the FAR left, walk around in the woods, learn to like the way pot smells, learn to take public transportation,evaluate everything, and most improtantly learn how to live compleatly seperated from anything you might need or want, like a best buy or an In and Out.


ted is doing really great at UCSC his perfomance in "how to be part of the world:injustice and america" was evaluated as "moderatly successful".

ucsc có nghĩa là

University of California at Santa Cruz

A beautiful campus where people are generally great, you get around on public transportation or biking, you learn to think for yourself b/c some of the professors are completely off their rocker, and you work hard not to get pegged as "bleeding-heart liberal," "wigger," "AzN," "token angry black person," "fascist conservative," "that immigrant kid that can't speak English," or "rich emo kid."


UCSC has the coolest mascot ever - GO SLUGS!

ucsc có nghĩa là

-A breathtakingly beautiful campus, home of the Banana Slugs.

-School some of the best programs in the country like astronomy and psychology. Great tennis and swim teams without a hyper inflated sports budget. Offers courses called History of The Beatles, and History of Bob Dylan.

-Not comprised entirely of hipsters, hippies, and stoners. Whatever stereotype you are identified as/identify with is most likely represented also.


Angry Local: Brah! You can't surf here, uck-suck kid!

UCSC Student: Dude, we represent, like, 25% of the SC economy, so piss off and get a job!

ucsc có nghĩa là

University of California, Santa Cruz


the kids went to college at UCSC

ucsc có nghĩa là

University of Collegians Smoking Chronic


1. 1156 High Street

2. "How do you like UCSC?"

"I don't remember."

3. Even the weirdo Merrill kids smoke herb

ucsc có nghĩa là

A hellhole posing as a university. Unless you're already broke, it takes shitloads of your/your parent's money and gives you shit in return. Useless protests often drown out the professors, who would prefer to talk about their last vacation rather than the appropriate subject anyway.

The only way to make friends is to smoke pot and have the same five minutes of discussion [dude, where u from? o no weyy! i'm from this place 300 miles from ther!!] over and over and fucking over, or to go on protests discouraging the use of shampoo and/or conditioner. The stink of B.O. and pot is commonly accepted and follows 95% of the students around campus, to classes, the dining hall, etc. Anyone who chooses to clean themselves and flush their piss and shit down down the throne is chastised for being "privileged". The dining hall is filthy as a rat's ass, and dishes are rarely washed. But not to worry; vegan options are always available in excess! Every female on campus has taken several severe beatings with the ugly stick, it's no wonder the males have a reputation for being gay.

If you are considering going here, I highly discourage it, unless you find my description tantalizing. I went in with an open mind and have regretted it every single day.


On June 12, 2009, I will never have to see the hell known as UCSC again in my life.

ucsc có nghĩa là

University of Constantly Smoking Chronic. Everyone here blazes, if they say otherwise, they're lying.


Porter Field @ UCSC on 4-20

ucsc có nghĩa là

University of California, Santa Cruz This amazing university is sadly and extremely underrated. UCSC definitely has higher prestige than UC Merced and UC Riverside, and UCSC is quickly becoming more prestigious and selective. UCSC is ranked equally if not better than UCSB.
UCSC was ranked in the top 100 colleges/universities in the nation. We boast many things that cannot be compared to, including the beach as well as a redwood forest. It is surrounded by the best scenery compared to all other UC campuses [hands down]. Among other things, we boast the #2 ASTROPHYSICS program in the nation. Do your research before you make your judgments based on ignorant trolls you have not even set foot on the campus. We are also the REAL surf city [Huntington Beach is stereotypical and quite frankly lacks the diversity and the original surf attitude. They have the stereotypical spoiled rich kids that have everything handed to them and they have closed minds as to what diversity really is].


A few UCSC achievements: - The computer engineering Ph.D. program was rated 1ST nationally for publication impact by the National Research Council in 2010.
- UCSC was rated 3RD IN THE WORLD for research influence in 2011 by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings.
- In 2010, the UCSC Economics Department was ranked 7TH IN THE WORLD--and 6TH among all academic departments--for research in international finance, according to Research Papers in Economics [RePEc].

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