wat it is là gì - Nghĩa của từ wat it is

wat it is có nghĩa là

The only proper response to something that makes absolutely no sense.

Ví dụ

1: If all the animals on the equator were capable of flattery, Halloween and Easter would fall on the same day.
2: wat

1: Wow your cock is almost as big as my dad's.
2: wat

1: I accidentially a whole coke bottle
2: You accidentially what?
1: A whole coke bottle
2: wat

wat it is có nghĩa là

Slang. Indicates confusion or a need for clarification. Statement/question.

Ví dụ

1: If all the animals on the equator were capable of flattery, Halloween and Easter would fall on the same day.
2: wat

wat it is có nghĩa là

1: Wow your cock is almost as big as my dad's.
2: wat

Ví dụ

1: If all the animals on the equator were capable of flattery, Halloween and Easter would fall on the same day.
2: wat

1: Wow your cock is almost as big as my dad's.
2: wat

1: I accidentially a whole coke bottle
2: You accidentially what?
1: A whole coke bottle
2: watSlang. Indicates confusion or a need for clarification. Statement/question. 1: "lolz Yea sex is great and everything but its way too overrated. Its like o yea i screwed this girl or this guy and i hear it over and over. And all it causes is more drama, not org drama, but more like Maury drama. So yea, im not gonna have sex till i have a gf that lasts for a year."
2: "wat" Another way of saying what on message boards.

Similar to wut nuh girls can 2
but its not like our cum its like water but clear
i've never done it
well how do u no when to stop
tôi không biết. it feels good for a while and i just decide to stop...
im afraid of my parents walking in
y how do u do it
liekon ur bed or with ur nikers on
at night i get on my bed and put my covers over me
n wat
pull ur nikers down
then i take my panties off and rub some vaseline on my fingers
ok y vaseline
it makes it easier
then i stick my fingers in there...
đẹp đẹp
and start moving it around.

wat it is có nghĩa là

A word, that when perfectly placed, is a powerful ally. It's like saying "What the fuck?" when you are completely and utterly dumbfounded by a concept, idea, or situation.

Ví dụ

u got msn
không xin lỗi
fuk yer
how many fingers have u had in ur pussy before
and eventually i get 2 fingers in there
then i put some vaseline on my other hand
and start rubbing my penis.
như nước A word, that when perfectly placed, is a powerful ally. It's like saying "What the fuck?" when you are completely and utterly dumbfounded by a concept, idea, or situation. Reno: this chick looks kinda like brittany
Reno: except brittany is way way waaaaaaay hotter than her

wat it is có nghĩa là

Nev: that chick

Ví dụ

Nev: no offense
Nev: but she's fuckin hideous
Reno: dude i know lmao
Nev: jesus
Nev: her face
Reno: brittany is like the hot version of that look
Nev: good god

wat it is có nghĩa là

Nev: dude

Ví dụ

Reno: that chicks fugly
Nev: i dont see a hot version of that at all

wat it is có nghĩa là

Reno: lmao

Ví dụ

Nev: thats like posting a picture of carrot top and saying someone is the "hot version". there is no possible way to concieve of it.
Reno: i knew a girl who thought carrot top was hott

wat it is có nghĩa là

Nev: wat

Ví dụ

Wat is the internet troll equivalent to what and is generally used in instances in which what simply does NOT seem to adequately portray the desired level of confusion and general whatthefuckness of the situation.

wat it is có nghĩa là

Guy 1: Hey, Jimmy. Can I ask you a question?

Ví dụ

So you just got busted with hella drugs and weapons and you out in a week end and a fine ?? 😂 Fool I can't even stand next to your sorry ass with out going to jail not just cuz I'm called 187 see that's why [ WATS] WE AIN'T THE SAME!!💯

wat it is có nghĩa là

Guy 2 [presumably Jimmy]: Yeah? Guy 1: Has anyone REALLY been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like? Guy 2: wat?

Ví dụ

"wat." is a full sentence, used as a reply to something that makes no sense at all, to indicate confusion. "wat." is never typed/written with a capital letter, nor with a question mark. Sometimes though, the period is left out.

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