What are the advantages and disadvantages that users experience when working with computers

Computer has making human life faster because of its incredible speed,Accuracy and storage, with which human can save anything and search it out easily when needed. We can say computer a versatile machine because it is very flexible in performing their jobs. but Computers have several important advantages and disadvantages.


Multitasking is one of the major advantage of computer. Person can perform multiple task, multiple operation, calculate numerical problems within few seconds. Computer can perform trillion of instructions per second.


Now computer is not just a calculating device. Now a day’s computer has very important role in human life. One of the main advantages of computer is its incredible speed, which helps human to complete their task in few seconds. All the operations can be performed very fast just because of its speed elsewise it takes a long time to perform the task.

Cost/ Stores huge amount of data

It is a low cost solution. Person can save huge data within a low budget. Centralized database of storing information is the major advantage that can reduce cost.


One of the root advantage of computer is that can perform not only calculations but also with accuracy.

Data Security

Protecting digital data is known as data security. Computer provide security from destructive forces and from unwanted action from unauthorized users like cyber attack or access attack.

Disadvantage of Computer

As we know advantage comes with disadvantage.

Virus and hacking attacks

Virus is a worm and hacking is simply an unauthorized access over computer for some illicit purpose. Virus is being transferred from email attachment, viewing an infected website advertisement, through removable device like USB etc. once virus is transferred in host computer it can infect file, overwrite the file etc.
For example: Huge portion of internet was going down including Twitter, Netflix, Reddit and CNN in October 2016 because the largest DDoS attack was launched on service provider DYN using IoT Botnet.

Online Cyber Crimes

Online cyber-crime means computer and network may have used in order to commit crime. Cyberstalking and Identity theft are the points which comes under online cyber-crimes. For example: one may get the access of the access to your shopping account like amazon account now that person will be able to know your personal details like debit card or credit card number which can be than misused.

Reduction in employment opportunity

Mainly past generation was not used of the computer or they have the knowledge of computer they faced a big problem when computer came in field. As we have seen in banking sector senior bank employees faced this problem when computer came to the banking sector.
Above were the main disadvantage of computer, no IQ, Dependency, No feeling, Break down are the basic disadvantages of computer.

Updated: 07/06/2021 by

Although there are many advantages to using a computer, there are also dangers and disadvantages [like most things in life]. Computers pose several potential health concerns if not used properly. Below is a list of many of the negative impacts of using digital technology and computers and what type of problems you may personally experience.

Carpal tunnel and eye strain

A computer requires a lot of repetitive movement that often leads to carpal tunnel syndrome. For example, moving your hand from your keyboard to a mouse and typing are all repetitive and inflict injuries.

In addition to repetitive movements, staring at a bright screen for hours can cause a lot of eye strain and even CVS [computer vision syndrome].

Taking breaks, keeping the proper posture, and understanding computer ergonomics help prevent or delay these injuries.

  • How to protect your eyes when using a computer.

Too much sitting

Too much of anything is bad, and too much sitting for a long time and becoming a mouse potato can lead to health problems. Also, substituting a traditional desk for a standing desk is not a perfect solution. Studies show that standing for long periods of time is not healthy but is better than sitting. The best solution is to take frequent breaks to move around, stretch, and exercise.

Short attention span and too much multitasking

With today's computers, computer devices, and the Internet, humans have become hooked on instant gratification. As you use a computer and the Internet and get immediate answers to your questions and requests, you become accustomed to getting that quick dopamine fix. You can become easily frustrated when something doesn't work or is not answered in a timely matter.

With a reduced attention span, it is also not uncommon to multitask more and work on more than one thing at the same time. Many studies show that multitasking is less productive, can cause more mistakes, and may even be bad for your brain.

Can limit learning and create a dependency

If you can remain focused, a computer with the Internet can be one of the greatest tools in history to learn about anything. It's also easy to become overly reliant on a computer and other electronic devices. For example, a spell checker is a great tool for finding spelling errors. However, if you never learn the proper spelling of a word and rely on a spell checker or autocorrect, you're more likely to make spelling errors.

Other tools like grammar checkers, GPS, and calculators are also extremely helpful. However, if you become too reliant on these tools, you may be helpless when they're not available.

Potential of loss of privacy

With computers storing so much personal information, it's at risk of getting into the hands of others. Once a malicious person has your information, they could access your online accounts or use identity theft to open other accounts, such as a new credit card under your name.

  • How to protect yourself while on the Internet.

Time sink and lots of distractions

Although a computer can increase your productivity, it also can waste a lot of your time. For example, you could be trying to learn more about computers and see an interesting link on cooking spaghetti, spending a few minutes reading that page. Then, you read a page about the best pot to use, which leads to reading about healthy eating. Two hours later, you realize you never achieved your original goal.

Also, with the popularity of social networks and notifications, you can become easily distracted while you are trying to work.

Increases waste and impacts the environment

With the speed that computers and other electronics get replaced, older devices get thrown away frequently. These disposed of electronics can significantly impact the environment and be a hazard to humans and other life if disposed of improperly.

  • Computer disposal and recycling information and help.

Can reduce jobs

As computers become smarter and more capable, they also replace the need for many jobs. In the future, it is also not inconceivable that computers can carry out any job.

  • What jobs are being taken over by robots and computers?

Trolls, abuse, stalking, and exploitation

Anyone who has spent time on the Internet has encountered trolls or abusive people, intentionally inflicting pain and suffering on others. Unfortunately, with the anonymous nature of the Internet, it's easier to encounter these people.

With more people sharing information on the Internet, it is also easier for stalkers to find personal information about people and their family. They can also use online services to find information about people.

Finally, the Internet also makes it easier for those who prey on others to find people to exploit. For safety tips, see: How to protect yourself while on the Internet.

You could become anti-social or depressed

With all the possibilities available on a computer, it is easy to get obsessed to the point you become anti-social. For example, many online games [e.g., World of Warcraft] are designed to be addictive, causing you to play the game more than being around others. Others may find online shopping so beneficial that they rarely go out to shop.


See our computer addiction page for further information about and help with computer addiction.

Social networks can also be an escape from the real world by socializing with friends and family over social networks, like Facebook. Many studies are showing social network sites can be depressing because they only show all the good, fun, and interesting things friends and family are doing. It can result in people believing that other people's lives and experiences are better than theirs.

What are the disadvantages that users experience when working with computers?

What are the disadvantages of using a computer?.
Carpal tunnel and eye strain. ... .
Too much sitting. ... .
Short attention span and too much multitasking. ... .
Can limit learning and create a dependency. ... .
Potential of loss of privacy. ... .
Time sink and lots of distractions. ... .
Increases waste and impacts the environment. ... .
Can reduce jobs..

What are the advantages that users experience when working computers?

Computers increase your productivity and, with a good understanding of the software running on them, you become more productive at everything you do. For example, once you have a basic understanding of using a word processor, you can create, store, edit, share, and print documents and letters.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using computers?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Computers | MIS.
Speed: The speed of carrying out the given instruction logically and numerically is incomparable between a computer and human being. ... .
Accuracy: ... .
Versatility: ... .
Reliability: ... .
Storage: ... .
Automatically: ... .
Compactness: ... .

What are the advantages of using computers explain?

One of the most useful advantages of computers is able to store and access vast amounts of data, which can be retrieved in the future. For example, a computer system and devices like eBook readers have enough storage capacity as they can store hundreds or thousands of books.

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