What is the normal baseline temperature in newborns?

When we talk of normal body temperature, the figure that comes to one’s mind is 37°C. This number is an average and may vary slightly to be higher or lower by up to 0.6°C.1a,b

With the recent global pandemic, the thought of having a temperature that is higher than 37°C may be worrying.

However, at different stages of life, the average body temperature varies. Below are guidelines for the average body temperature of babies, children, adults, and the elderly:1c

  • Babies and children - In babies and children, the average body temperature ranges from 36.6°C to 37.2°C
  • Adults - Among adults, the average body temperature ranges from 36.1°C to 37.2°C
  • Adults over age 65 - In older adults, the average body temperature is lower than 37°C

What causes changes in body temperature?1d,2a

  • Time of the day - A fever in the early morning might occur at a lower temperature than a fever that appears later in the day
  • Age - Younger people tend to have higher average body temperatures. This is because our ability to regulate body temperature decreases with age
  • Physical Activity
  • Certain foods or drinks
  • Hormonal changes in women – Body temperature may rise or fall at different points during a woman’s menstrual cycle
  • How you take your temperature - Armpit readings can be up to an entire degree lower than a reading from the mouth. And temperature readings from the mouth are often lower than readings from the ear or rectum
  • Viral or bacterial infections
  • Heat exhaustion
  • Certain inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis — inflammation of the lining of your joints [synovium]
  • A malignant tumour
  • Some medications - such as antibiotics and medicines used to treat high blood pressure or seizures
  • Some immunisations - such as the diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis [DTaP] or the pneumococcal vaccine

What is a fever?3d,g,h

  • Fever is a normal response of the body to illness that facilitates and accelerates recovery
  • Fever is defined as a body temperature that is more or equal to 38°C. Fever is frequently a cause for concern among parents and doctors
  • In children, it is more accurate to measure body temperature in the ear, or in the armpit.
  • Fever is not harmful. However, fever in a child younger than 3 months of age should be further investigated by your doctor

How to treat a fever?

  • Medicines to relieve pain and fever are mostly given to relieve the discomfort for you and your child. If your child has a fever, relieving discomfort enables the child to eat better, to prevent dehydration and to reduce irritability3a,4a
  • Paracetamol and ibuprofen may be given to relieve pain and fever. Aspirin should not be given to children or adolescents younger than 12 years of age, as it increases the risk of a rare but serious condition called Reyes syndrome3a,i
  • For parents and caregivers, anxiety and fear manifest and this results in the child receiving more medicine than is needed to adequately treat a fever5b
  • For pain and fever medicine to work most effectively, it is very important to take or give the medication at the prescribed dose5g,h
  • Taking or giving too much medicine may result in unwanted side-effects or toxicity and taking or giving too little will hamper the effect of the medicine5h

When to see a doctor?

Most of the time, rest is the best medicine. However, it is time for adults to call the doctor if: 1e

When the bedroom is too hot or too cold, it's hard to get a good night’s sleep. This is as true for babies as it is for adults. Finding the right room temperature for your baby is important to keeping them safe and healthy.

The Best Room Temperature for Babies

Your baby can’t put into words how they feel, so it’s up to you as a parent to find the right room temperature for them. You don’t want your baby’s room to be either too hot or too cold. It's recommended that the best temperature for babies is between 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit or 20 to 22 degrees Celsius.

Babies are more sensitive to changes in room temperature because they're so small and their bodies are still growing. By around 11 weeks, though, babies’ bodies start to regulate their temperature at night just like older humans do. Within four hours of bedtime, babies reach a minimum core body temperature of 97.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

You can monitor the temperature in your baby’s room with an indoor thermometer if the room doesn’t have a thermostat. However, it’s not necessary to constantly monitor the temperature or to keep the heating or cooling running throughout the night if your baby is properly dressed for the weather.

Both babies and toddlers feel comfortable at the same room temperature as adults do. Sometimes your baby will need an extra layer, but you should dress your baby the same way that you dress yourself: not too hot and not too cold.

Why the Right Temperature Is Important

Lots of parents think that they need to keep their baby bundled and extra warm, but this isn’t really true. It’s crucial that your baby has a stable temperature that isn’t too hot or cold. In fact, the risk of goes up if your baby becomes too hot. Children are at risk of SIDS throughout their toddler years, but the highest risk is within the first six months of life.

Overheating is linked to , so it’s important that you don’t bundle your baby too tightly in the winter. Try to keep their room cool in the months when the temperature outside is higher than 70 degrees Fahrenheit. There's some evidence that suggests that high environmental temperatures are also linked to SIDS.

Is Baby Too Hot or Cold?

In the beginning, it might be hard to tell if your baby is too hot or cold. Follow these steps to help you figure out the ideal temperature for your little bundle of joy:

Is Baby Too Hot?

To check if your baby is too warm, touch the nape of their neck to see if it's sweaty. Babies usually don’t sweat the same way that adults do, but sweat on the neck can indicate that they're too hot.

You can also try putting your hand on your baby’s chest or ears to test the temperature of their skin. Avoid checking their hands and feet, as they will always feel cooler than the rest of your baby’s body. Your baby’s skin might be flushed, or they might be irritable if they're too hot.

Is Baby Too Cold?

It’s a bit easier to know when your baby is too cold. Their hands and feet may turn slightly blue, which is normal for infants. Their fingers and toes will feel quite cold to the touch, and your baby may even shiver. To warm themselves up, babies have to burn extra calories that they can’t spare. 

How to Regulate Your Baby’s Temperature

Many parents swaddle or wrap up their baby to sleep, but it’s not necessary. Too many blankets and wrapping your baby too tightly increases their risk of SIDS. Instead, opt for minimal bedding in their crib, and consider using a lightweight sleep sack to keep them comfortable. Never use hot water bottles or electric blankets in your baby’s crib.

In Warmer Months

When the outside temperature is warm, your baby doesn’t need to wear as much clothing. Consider using a fan in their room to circulate the air, but don’t point it directly at the baby. Studies also show that using a fan in your baby’s room can reduce the risk of SIDS.

If it's safe to do so, you can keep the window or door of your baby’s room open to let in some fresh air and keep them cool.

In Cooler Months

When the weather cools down, use light, breathable blankets that only come up to your baby’s chest, or a light sleep sack. Make sure that their head is uncovered to reduce the risk of SIDS.

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