What type of sensory information does cranial nerve number VIII convey quizlet?

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What type of sensory information does cranial nerve number VIII convey quizlet?

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What type of sensory information does cranial nerve number VIII convey quizlet?

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Recommended textbook solutions

What type of sensory information does cranial nerve number VIII convey quizlet?

Hole's Human Anatomy and Physiology

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What type of sensory information does cranial nerve number VIII convey quizlet?

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What type of sensory information does cranial nerve number VIII convey quizlet?

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What type of sensory information does cranial nerve number VIII convey quizlet?

Human Anatomy

8th EditionElaine N. Marieb, Jon B. Mallatt, Patricia Brady Wilhelm

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Recommended textbook solutions

What type of sensory information does cranial nerve number VIII convey quizlet?

Hole's Human Anatomy and Physiology

15th EditionDavid Shier, Jackie Butler, Ricki Lewis

1,950 solutions

What type of sensory information does cranial nerve number VIII convey quizlet?

Hole's Human Anatomy and Physiology

13th EditionDavid N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis

1,402 solutions

What type of sensory information does cranial nerve number VIII convey quizlet?

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1st EditionJett Chinn, Karen Krabbenhoft, Nora Hebert, Olga Malakhova, Ruth Heisler

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What type of sensory information does cranial nerve number VIII convey quizlet?

Human Anatomy

8th EditionElaine N. Marieb, Jon B. Mallatt, Patricia Brady Wilhelm

1,433 solutions

Motor & Sensory
-inferior and largest division of the trigeminal nerve
-motor root runs along the floor of the trigeminal cave and joins the sensory root before leaving the cranium through the foramen ovale
-divides into branches:

meningeal nerve branch
auriculotemporal n
buccal n
inferior alveolar n
lingual n

1) motor to 8 skeletal muscles of mastication (masseter, M & L pterygoids, temporalis, tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini, anterior belly of digastric, and mylohoid m.)
2) sensory to meninges, teeth of lower jaw, mucous membranes of lower mouth, cheek and lower lip, skin over mandible, posterior cheek, lower temporal region and part of auricle, anterior 2/3 of tongue (NOT taste), temporomandibular joint

most common cause of facial paralysis, it usually affects just one side of the face, symptoms appear suddenly and are at their worst about 48 hours after they start, can range from mild to severe

symptoms include:
-twitching, weakness, paralysis, drooping eyelid or corner of mouth, drooling as result of mouth drooping (somatic motor fibers)
-dry eye or mouth (PSNS fibers)
-impaired ability to taste (special sensory fibers)

Possible cause: viral infection causing facial nerve swelling or inflammation, more common if someone is pregnant, diabetic, sick with cold or flu

Tx: most patients improve without treatment, usually within 2-3 weeks and often completely within 3 to 6 months

What type of sensory information does cranial nerve number VIII convey?

Cranial nerve VIII. CN VIII (vestibulocochlear nerve) involves the vestibular nerve (small portion) and cochlear nerve (large portion), which transmit balance sense and sound from the internal ear, separately.

What is cranial nerve VIII quizlet?

Cranial Nerve VIII (Vestibulocochlear Nerve) + Anatomy of the Ear Diagram | Quizlet.

What is cranial nerve VIII responsible for?

Cranial nerve VIII brings sound and information about one's position and movement in space into the brain. The auditory and vestibular systems subserve several functions basic to clinical medicine and to psychiatry.

Which of the following is a function of cranial nerve VIII quizlet?

What is the function of cranial nerve VIII? The vestibulocochlear nerve is responsible for hearing and equilibrium.