Which of the following is a characteristic of personalized leaders?

Ever wondered how some seniors at work effortlessly exude confidence?

People who exhibit charismatic leadership traits can be found in all walks of life. Their ability to form deeper connections with people is valuable within an organization, especially in a crisis or during rapid growth. The one thread that holds the team together is the leader’s ability to inspire motivation and action.

But, what is charismatic leadership? In this article, we will explore the past theories, present definitions, charismatic leadership examples and analyze the key characteristics of charismatic leaders to imbibe.

  1. Origins of Leadership Styles

  2. Charismatic Leadership Examples

  3. How to Cultivate Charismatic Leadership Traits?

  4. Notch Up Your Leadership Skills

Origins of Leadership Styles

There are two schools of thought that have shaped the modern definition of charismatic leadership. The German sociologist Max Weber explored why people follow authority. Weber’s theory proposed that charismatic leadership characteristics rely on three components:

  1. Psychology

    Qualities of a charismatic leader are either hereditary or divine.

  2. Social Behavior

    An individual’s exposure to society, family, work, and education plays an important role in developing the qualities of a charismatic leader.

  3. Relationship Building

    Charismatic leadership depends on the support of subordinates; once their trust is withdrawn, the leadership’s legitimacy is threatened.

Weber’s theoretical and speculative ideas had little to no practical implications. But, his work led to Rober J. House’s more testable theory of charismatic leadership. House’s theory stated that charismatic leaders accept authority purely out of emotional sentiment and with no motive of financial gain.

In the present day, charismatic leadership has assumed an altruistic approach, with a behavioral element added to the theories of Weber and House. This has, therefore, simplified learning and practicing of certain traits for leaders to form deeper connections with subordinates in an organization.

Characteristics of Charismatic Leadership

Charismatic leaders are very concerned about their image. Hence, they use different methods to inspire and attract followers. Here are some of the characteristics of charismatic leaders:

  • Creative

    Charismatic leaders accept new challenges and always think outside the box to be creative. They’re adaptable to changes and see challenges as new opportunities.

  • Risk-Taker 

    Leaders should always be risk-takers. Charismatic leaders dare themselves to take personalized risks to obtain their vision.

  • Visionary 

    Leaders plan for the future with imagination and wisdom.

  • Humble 

    Leaders are sensitive to the needs of their followers. They try never to hurt others’ feelings and emotions.

  • Great communicator

    Charismatic leaders are good at communicating with people. They can motivate a large number of people with their speech and behavior.

Charismatic Leadership Examples

Below are some charismatic leadership examples from the past and the present. Some have played an important role in bringing about massive revolutions that shaped world history. Their charismatic leadership traits are taught in schools even today.

  1. Martin Luther King Jr.:

      Martin Luther King Jr. was a social activist who led the Civil Rights Movement in the United States in the 1950s against the oppression of African American citizens. He is an excellent charismatic leadership example for his commitment to non-violence.

  2. Adolf Hitler:

     Known as one of the most hated men in the history of the world, Adolf Hitler rose to power purely based on his oratory skills, a key characteristic of charismatic leaders. He swayed listeners by reinforcing the idea that Germans were the direct descendants of the Aryan race, ergo better and more powerful than anyone else. He used his charismatic leadership characteristics to pin the blame of the downfall of the Germans on the Jews.

  3. Barack Obama:

    Barack Obama was the first African American to hold the office of President of The United States after the 2008 elections. Obama’s primary charismatic leadership traits influenced voters through empathetic public speaking skills and humility. His message of hope won the heart of voters and became his legacy.

  4. Indra Nooyi:

     Consistently ranked among the most powerful women in the world, Nooyi is the CEO of Pepsico. She is lauded as a respectful person showing the ideal qualities of a charismatic leader. She is an inspiration for all women trying to find a balance between work and family.

How to Cultivate Charismatic Leadership Traits?

There exists a common societal notion that people are born with ‘charisma.’ But, many charismatic leadership examples show that these characteristics can be learned or reinforced. We have listed some of the key characteristics of charismatic leaders.

  1. Communication

     Charismatic leaders have exceptional abilities in correspondence. This assists employees work through difficult stretches and keeps them grounded when things are going well. The leaders are open to one-to-one conversations.

  2. Humility

     One of the best qualities of charismatic leaders is that they are sensitive to their employees’ environment. They value each coworker, regularly reminding them of their worth.

  3. Confidence

     This is an unmissable charismatic leadership characteristic. Other than giving their fellows confidence, they are comfortable in their skin and are confident enough to face any situation thrown at them.

  4. Self-monitoring

     Charismatic leaders know that people tend to follow and emulate them. A key characteristic of charismatic leaders is that they look after themselves and their image to set the right example.

Notch Up Your Leadership Skills

Explore and follow charismatic leadership traits to become a better leader with skills such as communication, humility, confidence, and self-monitoring. What’s more, a charismatic vision might give significance to the assignment, adding to the supporter’s inspiration.

At Harappa, we help professionals from across the country acquire abilities that can assist them with prevailing in the working environment. Our Leading Self Program allows heads of HR and deans and VCs at colleges to improve their skills. We will help you take your team to newer heights and embrace growth!

Explore Harappa Diaries to learn more about topics such as Meaning Of Visionary Leadership, What is Calculated Risks Taking, How To Be Charismatic and Importance Of Creative Thinking to advance in your career.

Which of the following is a characteristic of personalized leaders a self aggrandizing B egalitarian C empowering?

Personalized leaders are typically selfish, impulsive, and exercise power for their own self-centered needs and interests rather than for the good of the organization. self-aggrandizing, nonegalitarian, and exploitative, whereas socialized leaders are empowering, egalitarian, and supportive.

What is a characteristic of charismatic leaders?

Charismatic leaders are powerful communicators who can articulate a vision that is meaningful to their employees. They communicate their goals and directives through colourful, imaginative and expressive manners. Communication inspires action and an emotional commitment to make a difference.

Which of the following persons is an example of a charismatic leader?

Martin Luther King, Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro, Nelson Mandela and Winston Churchill are all examples of charismatic leaders.

What are the characteristics of a transformational leader?

7 Characteristics of a Transformational Leader.
Openness to New Thinking. ... .
Talent for Broadening Minds. ... .
Commitment to Active Listening. ... .
Tolerance for Intelligent Risks. ... .
Willingness to Accept Responsibility. ... .
Trust in Team Members. ... .
Ability to Inspire Participation..

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