Which of the following scenarios best reflects the process of political socialization Quizlet

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Terms in this set [68]

Which of the following perspectives reflects Thoreau's beliefs based on this passage?

Law is less important than an individuals beliefs

Which American cultural value does Thoreau highlight in this passage?


Which of these federal officers are most influenced by public opinion polling?

Representatives in the house

Which of the following is necessary for a public opinion poll to be valid?

Poll must have a low margin of error

Millennials political socialization was colored by the 9/11 attack by Al-Qaeda terrorists showing most clearly which effect on the formation of political views?

Generational Effect

Accurate comparison of millennials and silent generation?

Millennials: tend to believe the us should stay out of foreign countries
Silent: tend to see the us as a world guardian of freedom and democracy

Which of the following questions is most likely to appear on a push poll?

Do you approve of the waste of money on failing social service agencies under gov

Based on the text, which of the statements would the author most likely agree?

Telemarketing disguised as research has decreased response rates and harmed public opinion polling

Which of the following best describes the trend in the graph?

Support for the death penalty among Republicans individuals, Democrats have dropped

Which of the following is an accurate conclusion based on the trends in the line graph above and your knowledge on political attitudes?

Conservatives tend to support the death penalty more than liberals

What two concepts does reagan base his remarks in this excerpt?

Federalism & limited government

Which of the following best describes the sequence of the policy decision making process?

Development of agenda, cost benefit analysis, and plan for funding

Which of the following best describes how policy reflects the attitudes and beliefs of citizens who choose to participate at a given time?

Marijuana legalized from pressure of interest groups

Which argument do supporters of supply side economics make?

Leaving more $ to citizens with stimulate the economy & generate government revenues

Which of the following statements would the cartoonist agree?

To provide tax cuts, politicians want to make social security less stable

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of contemporary conservative and liberal political views?

Conservative: Believes government should do less
Liberal: believes in expanding governments roll

The pie graph represents the key element of which of the following

Fiscal policy

To reduce the deficit, Democrats would most likely recommend increasing which source of revenue?

Corporate income tax

To which economic theory does Roosevelt refer in his first example?

Supply side

I'm Roosevelt's second theory which agent is making the average of humankind comfortable and secure?


Which of the following statements is most consistent with the authors argument in the passage?

Social safety nets

Which of the following ideological perspectives is most consistent with the passage?

Undermining freedom will extinguish both freedom and equality.

Which of the following governmental policies would the author most likely support?

Libertarian, allowing individuals to purchase marajuana for recreational use

Which of the following most likely accounts for different results?

The questions contained a difference in wording

A recent poll indicates that 60% of all people in the US support a flat tax system. Which of the following supports the credibility of the poll result?

Polls reported a sampling error

Which of the following statements reflects a pattern in the line graph?

Most presidents exit with a lower approval rating than when they enter

Which of the following correctly identifies an implication of this line graph?

Congress is more likely to act on a presidents policy proposal in the first term than the second

Which of the following best describes an exit poll?

A poll that asks people who they voted for so results can be predicted quicker

Which of the following sets of policies appears to be most influenced by a libertarian ideology?

Regulate marajuana and reduce spending on prisons

Which of the following scenarios best reflects the process of political socialization?

An individual takes a civics course in school and develops an opinion about politics

Which of the following best explains this decision?

Company wanted to assure that the sample of the population was truly random

Which of the following policies would an individual who identifies as a democrat most likely support?

Strengthening anti discrimination policies for married gay couples

Which of the following accurately compares liberal and conservative ideology?

Liberal: in favor of raising corporate taxes
Conservative: in favor of lowering corporate taxes

Which of the following public opinion polls is the cartoonist referencing in the above visual?


Which of the following pest explains how the poll references in the cartoon effects elections?

The poll can change the outcome of an election by causing voters to rethink who they are voting for.

Which of the following is important for random sampling in public opinion polling to be successful?

Each individual must have an equal opportunity from being selected from the general population.

Which of the following best describes the relationship between socioeconomic status and participation in politics?

The higher ones economic social status the greater probability of active in politics

Which of the following groups would be most likely to support a constitutional amendment banning all abortions?


Which of the following best describes the process of political socialization?

Political values are passed towards the next generation

Comparison of millennials and silent generation

Millennials: tend to believe the ya should stay out of foreign countries
Silent: tend to the us as a world guardian of freedom and democracy

Comparison of Democratic Party and Republican Party philosophy regarding the environment?

Democratic: The federal government should pass laws regulating carbon emissions
Republican: the federal government should allow clean coal production

Which of these is most consistent with the liberal economic fantasy in the cartoon?

Increase spending by congress on roads, bridges, and other infrastructure

Which of the following differences in economic thought does the cartoon address?

Supply side vs Keynesian

How do liberals differ from conservatives?

Liberals are more likely than conservatives to envision a wide scope for central Gov often involving policy's that aid to promote equality

Based on the graph what is the relationship between income and political participation?

The nations highest earners had the highest voting percentages

What technique is key to the accuracy of public opinion polls?

Random sampling

what sector do conservatives generally favor?


which of the following viewpoints is more likely to be held by a liberal than a conservative?

gov should regulate economy and public interest

women are more likely than men to cast their ballots for which type of candidate?

democratic candidates who support higher levels of spending on social services opposed to military

of the following which is a form of political participation?

calling your representative to express your opinion on upcoming legislation

which of the following is responsible for influencing interest rates in the United States?

the federal reserve board

which of the following is true of ow the US government handles ensuring healthcare to the poor and elderly?


In a random sampling of 1,000 high school students...which of the following statements is true?

It is likely that between 25-53% of the population have read the declaration of independence

which of the following accurately describes the information presented in the chart above?

george w bush left office with a lower approval rating than when he entered

which of the following was a likely consequence of the trend illustrated in the graph?

president bush's political party lost the 2008 election

a libertarian would most likely vote for what?

to legalize gambling

which of the following is an accurate comparison of contemporary conservative and liberal political view?

conservative- believe in government doing less
liberal- believe in expanding governments role

which of the following is an accurate comparison of the contemporary platforms of each of the following?

Republican- affirm that the unborn child has a right to life that cannot be infringed
democratic- believe that roe v wade should be upheld

which type of polling would be best for a politician to discover what the people in his/her district care about?

benchmark poll

when running for office what should politicians focus on?

wedge issue, high saliency

which party would support the following quote? "we oppose the use of public funds to promote or perform abortion. we will not fund or subsidize healthcare that covers abortion.

Republican Party

the Democratic Party is likely to support a policy that

supports tackling climate change

which group influences political socialization the most?


according to Kennedy what mistake did state pollsters make that led to overestimating support for Hillary Clinton?

state pollsters did not have a random sample of the us population

which of the following is a characteristic of a scientific public opinion poll?

poll has a low margin of error

assume that Howard an Javier used proper sampling techniques.... which of the following statements is true?

Howard and Javier could be more confident of the 2,000 person sample

which of the following is an accurate comparison of conservative and liberal views concerning social policy?

conservative- individuals should not rely on government aid for their economic well being
liberal- the government should be responsible for helping to improve the economic position of low-income people

where does mr Boice fall on the political spectrum?

letter D

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Arrange the vocabulary terms below into groups of related words. Explain why you put the words together. **Content Vocabulary** - **digits [p. $\bf{165}$]** - **fractions [p. $\bf{166}$]** - **numerator [p. $\bf{166}$]** - **denominator [p. $\bf{166}$]** - **mixed number [p. $\bf{166}$]** - **decimal number [p. $\bf{167}$]** - **RPN [p. $\bf{175}$]** - **percentage [p. $\bf{178}$]** - **bar graph [p. $\bf{180}$]** - **line graph [p. $\bf{180}$]** - **circle graph [p. $\bf{181}$]** - **pie chart [p. $\bf{181}$]** **Academic Vocabulary** - **survey [p. $\bf{166}$]** - **formula [p. $\bf{172}$]** - **estimate [p. $\bf{175}$]** - **percent [p. $\bf{178}$]**

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Consider the following two equations estimated using the procedures developed in this section: i. $y_i=4 x^{1.8}$ ii. $y_i=1+2 x_i+2 x_i^2$ Compute values of $y_i$ when $x_i=1,2,4,6,8,10$.

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Which of the following scenarios is an example of the process of political socialization?

The process by which people form their ideas about politics and acquire their ideas about government. Which of the following scenarios is an example of the process of political socialization? Parents discuss at the dinner table who they are voting for in the next presidential election.

What is political socialization?

Political socialization is the process by which individuals learn and frequently internalize a political lens framing their perceptions of how power is arranged and how the world around them is [and should be] organized; those perceptions, in turn, shape and define individuals' definitions of who they are and how they ...

Which of the following is considered the strongest agent of political socialization?

The most prominent agents of socialization are family and school. Other influential agents are social groups, such as religious institutions and friends, and the media. Political socialization is not unique to the United States.

Which of the following best explains how the passage relates to the political process?

Which of the following best explains how the passage relates to the political process? There are important political and cultural events that can cause the development of lasting political beliefs across groups of people in society.

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