Why was the print revolution that occurred in the colonies during the early eighteenth century significant quizlet?



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RQ 1, RQ 2, Pre-Quiz, Both Kahoots

Terms in this set [37]

Many relatively equal landowning families whose livelihoods came from agriculture and trade

Which of the following characterized the New England freehold society of the early eighteenth century?

Wives acted as helpmates to their husbands and performed both domestic and agricultural tasks

How did farmwives throughout the colonies in the eighteenth century contribute to their families?

The Marriage Portion

In the eighteenth-century New England, the notion that parents would pay grown children for their past labors in exchange for the privilege of choosing the children's spouses was known as?

Colonists' sense of personal worth and dignity in rural New England contrasted sharply with European peasant life.

Which of the following statements describes rural life in the New England colonies during the eighteenth century?

Cultural diversity.

Which of the following features characterized the Middle Atlantic colonies of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania in the eighteenth century?

Negotiated the terms for a period of servitude through which they would pay for their trip

What did the German immigrants known as redemptioners do on their arrival in Pennsylvania in the eighteenth century?


Men claimed power in the state and authority in the family; women weren't subordinate


Women in the colonies were raised to be dutiful helpmates to their husbands

20's, 40's

Most women married in their early ______ and by their early ______ had given birth to six or seven children


By the 1760s _________ of all white men in the Middle colonies owned no property


The Middle colonies were not a patchwork of ethnically and religiously diverse communities


The Quaker vision attracted many...

redemptioner system

Many traveled through the ____________ a flexible form of indentured servitude that allowed families to negotiate their own terms upon arrival


Emigrants from ________ formed the largest group of incoming Europeans?

Princeton, Rutgers, Columbia & Brown

One lasting product of the Awakening was the founding of colleges including ____?


The Awakening boosted support of traditional churches and challenged their tax-supported status


________ churches were founded that favored the separation of church and state

Old light

_________ condemned the preaching of traveling ministers


In _______, traveling preachers were prohibited from speaking to established congregations without the ministers' consent

George Whitefield

Starting in 1739, the compelling ________, a follower of John Wesley's preaching, transformed local revivals into a G.A


The Ohio Company of Virginia obtained a royal grant of _______ acres along the upper Ohio River


By ________, French claims in the Ohio Valley had become tenuous


African Americans didn't embrace the Baptist message of equality and attended revivals


During the 1760s, enthusiastic Baptist revivals attracted many farm families


Anglicans supported Presbyterian meeting houses to prevent the spread of the New Light Doctrine


The Great Awakening in the South challenged both the dominance of the Church of England and the planter elite

Printing allowed for the broad transmission of new ideas

Why was the print revolution that occurred in the colonies during the early eighteenth century significant?

It stressed an individual's relationship with God

How did the Pietism movement of the eighteenth century differ from Puritanism?

William Pitt and Lord Halifax persuaded Prime minister Pelham to start a war in America against the French

How did the British government respond to the hostilities in America in 1754?

Neither the colonist nor the British found the other's plan acceptable

The 1754 Albany Congress was a significant event because it demonstrated that?

France lost all of their North America territory east of the Mississippi River

Which was a provision of the Treaty of Paris of 1763?

Britain's new ability to produce more and cheaper goods than ever before transformed American markets and raised most colonists' standard of living

Which of the following statements describes the early Industrial Revolution and its impact on the American colonies in the eighteenth century?

Pennsylvania and Connecticut

The growth of the colonial population cause conflicts over land, particularly in _________; settlers from two colonies asserted their claims by burning down their rivals' houses and barns?


The Treaty of Paris of 1763 granted British sovereignty over _______ the continent of North America

Proclamation Line

In return, the British established the _________ of 1763, barring settlers from going west of the Appalachians


The first American spending binge landed many colonists out of debt?

Paxton Boys

In Pennsylvania, Scots-Irish demands for the expulsion of Indians and the ensuing massacre led by the _______ left a legacy of racial hatred and political resentment

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How did the print revolution contribute to the great awakening?

How did the print revolution contribute to the Great Awakening? It spread the ideas of the New Lights. New Lights: Converts by George Whitefield.

Which of the following statements describes the early Industrial Revolution and its impact on American colonies in the 18th century?

Which of the following statements describes the early Industrial Revolution and its impact on the American colonies in the eighteenth century? Britain's new ability to produce more and cheaper goods than ever before transformed American markets and raised most colonists' standard of living.

Which of the following statements describes the role of money and economic exchange in eighteenth century rural New England?

Which of the following statements describes the role of money and economic exchange in eighteenth-century rural New England? Generally, no money was exchanged between relatives and neighbors, but accounts of debts were maintained and settled every few years by cash transfers.

Which statement assesses the impact of the consumer revolution in the 1750s and 1760s?

Which statement assesses the impact of the consumer revolution in the 1750s and 1760s? American colonies incurred a trade deficit.

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