abercrombie zombie là gì - Nghĩa của từ abercrombie zombie

abercrombie zombie có nghĩa là

One of the many [millions] of clones and mindless copies of one another who can't think for themselves, so they shop at Abercrombie & Fitch in order to try and give meaning to their empty lives. What they need is to be able to make their own decisions, based on what they really like and need, not what they think that people will like them for.


Abercrombie Zombies should be destroyed.

abercrombie zombie có nghĩa là

Anyone who purchases a pair of pre-ripped jeans has a serious social problem. Anyone who refuses to cut through the clothing section in wal-mart to reach the food aisles in fear of being spotted and wrongly accused of shopping for clothes at wal-mart [anyone who regularly wears abercrombie shit rags] has a very serious social disorder. Get in school, learn to play an instrument, pick up a sport... do anything besides waste your time trying to fit in with the other assholes. NO, not everyone who wears abercrombie is a peice of shit... just about 90% of them.

There are two reasons to not shop at abercrombie:

1. You look like all the other frat assholes.
2. It's retarded to spend money on that shit that isnt worth it.


abercrombie zombie is a retarded word to describe people who wear that shit

abercrombie zombie có nghĩa là

You know who the real Abercrombie zombies, whores, soldiers are? the ones who bitch and moan about it all the time! You see, Abercrombie doesn't advertise, it survives through word of mouth and its incredibly strategic PR. so while all you emo pop culture hating dumbshits look for a scapgoat for your jealous emotions over your highschool "in crowd" you actually aid A&F as a company by keeping they're name in conversation or even putting it out on the internet! So next time you think you're being really cool or rebelious by bashing Abercrombie i hope you realize that you are just another part of their system, like a gear turning in a machine ironically enabling the commercial entity you despise so much... you are the real drones because you think you are working against it, so just shut the fuck up.


"oh wow those abercrombie zombies are such fags blah blah blah I'm a fucking biggot asshole who selfrightously whines about other peoples clothing choices, im so secretly obsessed with these attractive people that I pretend to hate yet I cant stop talking about them."

abercrombie zombie có nghĩa là

A person who buys their clothes at Abercrombie & Fitch. As opposed to someone who buys their clothes at Gap, Hot Topic, Old Navy, Sears, or the Salvation Army. Apparently, the simple fact of where they shop determines their intelligence level. Who knew?


"While we're at the mall, I need to head to Abercrombie & Fitch for a second."
"You Abercrombie Zombie! I didn't realize you were a stupid frat-boy who wants to look like everyone else."
"Actually, I just need to pick up a pair of jeans. It won't take long. You can wait outside."

abercrombie zombie có nghĩa là

Somebody who pays a lot of money for clothes that are worn, ripped, have holes, and paint splatter on them. I have clothes like this too, but I don't need to pay for jeans that make it look like I have a physically demanding job, I earned my marks.

I also enjoy the new anorexic...er...athletic fit that they now have. Nothing says style and fashion, like 'Hey look at me, I stick my finger down my throat, so I don't get over 70 pounds.


The Abercrombie Zombie used to shop at Hollister because they were surfer wanna-be's. Soon they will shop at Ruehl because their Dad just gave them a job in the office filing, and other hard tasks, because they flunked out of State.

abercrombie zombie có nghĩa là

An abercrombie zombie is someone who thinks about abercrombie all the time and wastes there pathetic lives boycotting a great store because secretly they want to be the people who shop at abercrombie and look good in those clothes but they can't. They could never afford the clothes, and so now they are jumping on the "I hate abercrombie" band-waggon. Listen, me and my friends shop at abercrombie and we are not "dumb blondes" We are just normal girls that happen to like the clothes. The other day somebody called me an abercrombie zombie and I couldn't stand it! I had to tell people that not all people that shop at abercrombie are stupid model bimbo's! We have feelings, we just happen to have a great sense of style. So before you write some long comment on here about how much you hate the people who shop at abercrombie, realize they are people just like you who happen to like a certain brand of clothing, and you are the real abercrombie zombie. Plus you're doing wonders for their marketing! abercrombie owes you and your pathetic friends a big thank you! So go put on your all black clothes as a big "screwyou" to the world. Really you are just another jealous "abercrombie zombie". Thanks guys! You are just making it cooler to shop there, I mean probably a lot of people want to shop there because they don't want to be associated with you!


abercrombie zombie: I hate the people that shop at abercrombie! They think they are so cool, when really they are just air heads. But instead of ignoring them and not shopping there, I'm going to think about them all the time!

abercrombie shopper:I am happy with my life! I have some great clothes, friends, and a great life! I am comfortable with who I am.

abercrombie zombie có nghĩa là

Stupid suburban dudes, who are overly good looking, overly dumb, and date fuck heads. Great to look at, but damn at least i know what the capital of France is.


Paris is the capital, see i am not an Abercrombie Zombie!

abercrombie zombie có nghĩa là

The people who shop at Abercrombie & Fitch do not do so because they want to be popular. They do it because they can afford the clothes, and they like them. If you can afford 20-50 dollars for a shirt, then why would you buy one of less quality and of no name brand at K-Mart?


I do not need an example for Abercrombie Zombie.

abercrombie zombie có nghĩa là

A person that only wears Abercrombie, is annoying and is a slut


"Jeez, Brenily, you're such an Abercrombie-Zombie!" I told her as she stood glaring at me in her ultra-ultra short-short mini abercrombie skirt.

abercrombie zombie có nghĩa là

here is my opinion of aberzombies,im not saying that the clothes suck. im saying that the people that wear them are the sheep of society that cant think for themselves. they act like the dicks they could never be in real life,to people who actually live. I, may dress mor elike a zombie but at least i dont treat worthless douchebags like shit [to their face anyways] honestly the clothes are over priced and go to the government to make sure pot's still illegal and the republicans can still control you. Dont be asshole naive idiots. Fight the Submission. because all you are is a staple to society. you are nothing. you will be nothing. you will become either a doctor or teacher and bitch and over all fuck us over even more. abercrombie is a stupid brainwashing store with nothing better to do but be racist and steal your cash,and style....


"i wish everyone was an abercrombie zombie...." "yeah its depressing to see what our world has become"

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