Chính sách chiến lược toàn cầu của Mĩ bị thất bại nặng nề nhất ở

Câu hỏi trên thuộc đề trắc nghiệm dưới đây !

Số câu hỏi: 40

Đáp án D

Chiến tranh Việt Nam là cuộc chiến tranh cục bộ lớn nhất thể hiện mâu thuẫn giữa các nước lớn, đặc biệt là Mĩ và Liên Xô trong Chiến tranh lạnh. Trong chiến lược toàn cầu có ba mục tiêu quan trọng trong đó có 2 mục tiêu liên quan đế Việt Nam:

- Ngăn chặn tiến tới hệ thống xã hội chủ nghĩa trên thế giới. Việt Nam là một quốc gia theo chế độ xã hội chủ nghĩa đã chiến thắng đế quốc Mĩ và tay sai, hoàn thành cách mạng dân tộc dân chủ nhân dân trên cả nước. Đây là thắng lợi to lớn, có ý nghĩa quốc tế quan trọng và có tính thời đại sâu sắc.

- Đàn áp phong trào giải phóng dân tộc, âm mưu của Mĩ là thực hiện đặt quan hệ ngoại giao với Trung Quốc và hòa hoãn với Liên Xô để cô lập cuộc kháng chiến của nhân dân ta nhưng bất thành. Mĩ phải kí Hiệp định Pari và rút quân về nước.

=> Thất bại nặng nề nhất của Mĩ trong quá trình thực hiện “Chiến lược toàn cầu” là thất bại trong chiến tranh Việt Nam.

Thất bại nặng nề nhất của đế quốc Mĩ trong việc thực hiện "Chiến lược toàn cầu" là

A. thắng lợi của cách mạng ở Cuba 1959

B.thắng lợi của cách mạng hồi giáo ở Iran 1979

C. thắng lợi của cách mạng Trung Quốc 1949

D.thắng lợi của cách mạng Việt Nam 1975.

Chính sách thực lực và chiến lược toàn cầu hóa của Mĩ bị thất bại nặng nề nhất ở:





03/09/2020 2,563

Câu hỏi Đáp án và lời giải Ôn tập lý thuyết

Đáp án và lời giải

đáp án đúng: B

"Chính sách thực lực" và “Chiến lược toàn cầu" của đế quốc Mĩ bị thất bại nặng nề nhất ở Việt Nam

Nguyễn Hưng [Tổng hợp]

Chính sách thực lực và chiến lược toàn cầu hoá của Mĩ bị thất bại nặng nề nhất ở


Trung Quốc.


Triều Tiên.




Việt Nam.

Đáp án và lời giải

Đáp án:D

Lời giải:

Đáp án đúng là D!

Câu hỏi thuộc đề thi sau. Bạn có muốn thi thử?

Bài tập trắc nghiệm 60 phút MĨ, TÂY ÂU, NHẬT BẢN [1945 - 2000] - Lịch sử 12 - Đề số 8

Làm bài

Chia sẻ

Một số câu hỏi khác cùng bài thi.

  • Nguyên nhân cơ bản quyết định sự phát triển nhảy vọt của nền kinh tế Mĩ sau chiến tranh thế giới thứ hai:

  • Từ đầu những năm 70 của thế kỉ XX, Nhật Bản trở thành

  • Nguyên nhân các nước tư bản Tây Âu lâm vào tình trạng khùng hoảng và suy thoái, không ổn định từ năm 1973 - 1991 là vì lý do nào?

  • Mĩ đối mặt với nguy cơ mới nào khi bước sang thế kỉ XXI?

  • Điểm khác của tình hình nước Mĩ so với các nước đồng minh sau Chiến tranh thế giới thứ hai là

  • Để thực hiện mưu đồ bá chủ thế giới Mĩ lo ngại nhất điều gì?

  • Mục tiêu bao trùm trong chính sách đối ngoại của Mĩ sau Chiến tranh thế giới thứ hai là gì?

  • Sau chiến tranh thế giới thứ 2, Mĩ thực hiện chính sách đối ngoại

  • Điều kiện để Mĩ triển khai chiến lược toàn cầu thực hiện tham vọng bá chủ thế giới sau Chiến tranh thế giới thứ hai là gì?

  • Với kế hoạch Macsan, Mĩ đã chi bao nhiêu để viện trợ cho các nước Tây Âu?

  • Mục tiêu của liên minh châu Âu EU là gì

  • Ý không phản ánh đúng tình hình các nước Tây Âu sau Chiến tranh thế giới thứ hailà:

  • Sợi chỉ đỏ xuyên suốt trong chính sách đối ngoại của Nhật Bản từ sau Chiến tranh thế giới thứ hai đến năm 2000 là:

  • Sau năm 1945, Nhật đồng ý cho Mĩ đóng quân và xây dựng căn cứ quân sự trên lãnh thổ vì:

  • Trong giai đoạn từ năm 1952 đến năm 1973, nền kinh tế Nhật Bản có điểm hạn chế là?

  • Trong quá trình thực hiện “chiến lược toàn cầu”, đế quốc Mĩ đã gặp thất bại nặng nề nhất bởi:

  • Sự phát triển “thần kì” của kinh tế Nhật Bản bộc lộ rõ nét nhất ở ý nào sau đây?

  • Giai đoạn kinh tế Nhật Bản phát triển thần kỳ vào

  • Trong quá trình triển khai chiến lược toàn cầu, Mĩ đã thu được một số kết quả ngoại trừ việc

  • Từ nửa sau những năm 70 của thế kỷ XX, Nhật Bản đua ra chính sách đối ngoại mới chủ yếu là do

  • Nguyên nhân chung dẫn đến sự phát triển kinh tế của Mĩ, Tây Âu và Nhật Bản sau Chiến tranh thế giới thứ hai là gì?

  • Từ đầu năm 90 của thế kỉ XX, đặc điểm của nền kinh tế Nhật Bản là

  • Đặc điểm nổi bật nhất của nền kinh tế Mĩ từ sau Chiến tranh thế giới thứ hai đến năm 1973 là:

  • Điểm giống nhau cơ bản trong chinh sách đối ngoại của các đòi Tổng thống Mĩ [từ Truman đến Nichxon] là

  • Hiệp ước đánh dấu bước chuyển từ Cộng đồng châu Âu [EC] sang Liên minh châu Âu [EU]?

  • Các nước Tây Âu liên kết lại với nhau do các điểm tương đồng nào?

  • Chính sách thực lực và chiến lược toàn cầu hoá của Mĩ bị thất bại nặng nề nhất ở

  • Quốc gia đầu tiên trên thế giới đưa con người lên Mặt Trăng là:

  • Sau thất bại ở Việt Nam năm 1975, các Tổng thống Mĩ

  • Vai trò chủ yếu của các tổ chức liên kết kinh tế, thương mại, tài chính quốc tế và khu vực là gì?

  • Sau chiến tranh thế giới thứ hai, Nhật Bản đã gặp phải những khó khăn gì cho quá trình phát triển kinh tế?

  • Tổ chức Hiệp ước Bắc Đại Tây Duong [NATO] thực chất là

  • Nền tảng trong chính sách đối ngoại của Nhật Bản từ năm 1945 đến năm 2000 là gì

  • “ Ba kho báu thiêng liêng ” giúp cho các công ty Nhật Bản có sức mạnh và tính cạnh tranh cao là

  • “Hiệp ước an ninh Mĩ - Nhật“ được hai nước kí kết năm 1951 có giá trị:

  • Sự phát triển “thần kì” của nền kinh tế Nhật Bản diễn ra trong thời gian

  • Nguồn lợi nhuận mà Mĩ thu được trong chiến tranh thế giói thứ hai chủ yếu là từ

  • Ý dưới đây không phải là nét tương đồng về sự hình thành và phát triển của Liên minh châu Âu [EU] và Hiệp hội các quốc gia Đông Nam Á [ASEAN]?

  • Các nước thành viên đầu tiên của liên minh châu Âu [EU]:

  • Cơ sở để Mĩ triển khai chiến lược toàn cầu thực hiện tham vọng bá chủ thế giới sau chiến tranh thế giới thứ hai là:

Một số câu hỏi khác có thể bạn quan tâm.

  • Read the following passage and blacken the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions:

    In 776 BC the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honor the Greek’s chief, Zeus. The Greeks emphasized physical fitness and strength in their education of youth. Therefore, contests in running, jumping, discus and javelin throwing, boxing, and horse and chariot racing were held individual cities, and the winners completed every four years at Mount Olympus. Winners were greatly honored by having olive wreaths placed on their heads and having poems sung about their deeds. Originally these were held as games of friendship, and any wars in progress were halted to allow the games to take place. The Greeks attached so much importance to these games that they calculated time in four–year cycle called “Olympiads” dating from 776 BC.

    Question: Which of the following contests was not mentioned?

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answers:

    It takes a long time to raise a family of owlets, so the great horned owl begins early in the year. In January and February, or as late as March in the North, the male calls to the female with aresonant hoot. The female is larger than the male. She sometimes reaches a body length of twenty-two to twenty-four inches, with a wingspread up to fifty inches. To impress her, the male does a strange courtship dance. He bobs. He bows. He ruffles his feathers and hops around with an important air. He flutters from limb to limb and makes flying sorties into the air. Sometimes he returns with an offering of food. They share the repast, after which she joins the dance, hopping and bobbing about as though keeping time to the beat of an inner drum.

    Owls are poor home builders. They prefer to nest in a large hollow in a tree or even to occupy the deserted nest of a hawk or crow. These structures are large and rough, built of sticks and bark and lined with leaves and feathers. Sometimes owls nest on a rocky ledge, or even on the bare ground. even to occupy the deserted nest of a hawk or crow. These structures are large and rough, built of sticks and bark and lined with leaves and feathers. Sometimes owls nest on a rocky ledge, or even on the bare ground. The mother lays two or three round, dull white eggs. Then she stoically settles herself on the nest and spreads her feather skirts about her to protect herprecious chargesfrom snow and cold.

    It is five weeks before the first downy white owlet pecks its way out of the shell. As the young birds feather out, they look like wise old men with their wide eyes and quizzical expressions.Theyclamor for food and keep the parents busy supplying mice, squirrels, rabbits, crayfish, and beetles. Later in the season baby crows are taken. Migrating songsters, waterfowl, and game birds all fall prey to the hungry family. It is nearly ten weeks before fledglings leave the nest to search for their own food. The parent birdsweary offamily life by November and drive the young owls away to establish hunting ranges of their own.

    Question: According to the passage, young owlets eat everything EXCEPT

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answers:

    It takes a long time to raise a family of owlets, so the great horned owl begins early in the year. In January and February, or as late as March in the North, the male calls to the female with aresonant hoot. The female is larger than the male. She sometimes reaches a body length of twenty-two to twenty-four inches, with a wingspread up to fifty inches. To impress her, the male does a strange courtship dance. He bobs. He bows. He ruffles his feathers and hops around with an important air. He flutters from limb to limb and makes flying sorties into the air. Sometimes he returns with an offering of food. They share the repast, after which she joins the dance, hopping and bobbing about as though keeping time to the beat of an inner drum.

    Owls are poor home builders. They prefer to nest in a large hollow in a tree or even to occupy the deserted nest of a hawk or crow. These structures are large and rough, built of sticks and bark and lined with leaves and feathers. Sometimes owls nest on a rocky ledge, or even on the bare ground. even to occupy the deserted nest of a hawk or crow. These structures are large and rough, built of sticks and bark and lined with leaves and feathers. Sometimes owls nest on a rocky ledge, or even on the bare ground. The mother lays two or three round, dull white eggs. Then she stoically settles herself on the nest and spreads her feather skirts about her to protect herprecious chargesfrom snow and cold.

    It is five weeks before the first downy white owlet pecks its way out of the shell. As the young birds feather out, they look like wise old men with their wide eyes and quizzical expressions.Theyclamor for food and keep the parents busy supplying mice, squirrels, rabbits, crayfish, and beetles. Later in the season baby crows are taken. Migrating songsters, waterfowl, and game birds all fall prey to the hungry family. It is nearly ten weeks before fledglings leave the nest to search for their own food. The parent birdsweary offamily life by November and drive the young owls away to establish hunting ranges of their own.

    Question: The phrase "precious charges" refers to

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answers:

    It takes a long time to raise a family of owlets, so the great horned owl begins early in the year. In January and February, or as late as March in the North, the male calls to the female with aresonant hoot. The female is larger than the male. She sometimes reaches a body length of twenty-two to twenty-four inches, with a wingspread up to fifty inches. To impress her, the male does a strange courtship dance. He bobs. He bows. He ruffles his feathers and hops around with an important air. He flutters from limb to limb and makes flying sorties into the air. Sometimes he returns with an offering of food. They share the repast, after which she joins the dance, hopping and bobbing about as though keeping time to the beat of an inner drum.

    Owls are poor home builders. They prefer to nest in a large hollow in a tree or even to occupy the deserted nest of a hawk or crow. These structures are large and rough, built of sticks and bark and lined with leaves and feathers. Sometimes owls nest on a rocky ledge, or even on the bare ground. even to occupy the deserted nest of a hawk or crow. These structures are large and rough, built of sticks and bark and lined with leaves and feathers. Sometimes owls nest on a rocky ledge, or even on the bare ground. The mother lays two or three round, dull white eggs. Then she stoically settles herself on the nest and spreads her feather skirts about her to protect herprecious chargesfrom snow and cold.

    It is five weeks before the first downy white owlet pecks its way out of the shell. As the young birds feather out, they look like wise old men with their wide eyes and quizzical expressions.Theyclamor for food and keep the parents busy supplying mice, squirrels, rabbits, crayfish, and beetles. Later in the season baby crows are taken. Migrating songsters, waterfowl, and game birds all fall prey to the hungry family. It is nearly ten weeks before fledglings leave the nest to search for their own food. The parent birdsweary offamily life by November and drive the young owls away to establish hunting ranges of their own.

    Question: According to the passage, which of the following is the mother owl's job?

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answers:

    It takes a long time to raise a family of owlets, so the great horned owl begins early in the year. In January and February, or as late as March in the North, the male calls to the female with aresonant hoot. The female is larger than the male. She sometimes reaches a body length of twenty-two to twenty-four inches, with a wingspread up to fifty inches. To impress her, the male does a strange courtship dance. He bobs. He bows. He ruffles his feathers and hops around with an important air. He flutters from limb to limb and makes flying sorties into the air. Sometimes he returns with an offering of food. They share the repast, after which she joins the dance, hopping and bobbing about as though keeping time to the beat of an inner drum.

    Owls are poor home builders. They prefer to nest in a large hollow in a tree or even to occupy the deserted nest of a hawk or crow. These structures are large and rough, built of sticks and bark and lined with leaves and feathers. Sometimes owls nest on a rocky ledge, or even on the bare ground. even to occupy the deserted nest of a hawk or crow. These structures are large and rough, built of sticks and bark and lined with leaves and feathers. Sometimes owls nest on a rocky ledge, or even on the bare ground. The mother lays two or three round, dull white eggs. Then she stoically settles herself on the nest and spreads her feather skirts about her to protect herprecious chargesfrom snow and cold.

    It is five weeks before the first downy white owlet pecks its way out of the shell. As the young birds feather out, they look like wise old men with their wide eyes and quizzical expressions.Theyclamor for food and keep the parents busy supplying mice, squirrels, rabbits, crayfish, and beetles. Later in the season baby crows are taken. Migrating songsters, waterfowl, and game birds all fall prey to the hungry family. It is nearly ten weeks before fledglings leave the nest to search for their own food. The parent birdsweary offamily life by November and drive the young owls away to establish hunting ranges of their own.

    Question 44: According to the passage, great horned owls

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answers:

    It takes a long time to raise a family of owlets, so the great horned owl begins early in the year. In January and February, or as late as March in the North, the male calls to the female with aresonant hoot. The female is larger than the male. She sometimes reaches a body length of twenty-two to twenty-four inches, with a wingspread up to fifty inches. To impress her, the male does a strange courtship dance. He bobs. He bows. He ruffles his feathers and hops around with an important air. He flutters from limb to limb and makes flying sorties into the air. Sometimes he returns with an offering of food. They share the repast, after which she joins the dance, hopping and bobbing about as though keeping time to the beat of an inner drum.

    Owls are poor home builders. They prefer to nest in a large hollow in a tree or even to occupy the deserted nest of a hawk or crow. These structures are large and rough, built of sticks and bark and lined with leaves and feathers. Sometimes owls nest on a rocky ledge, or even on the bare ground. even to occupy the deserted nest of a hawk or crow. These structures are large and rough, built of sticks and bark and lined with leaves and feathers. Sometimes owls nest on a rocky ledge, or even on the bare ground. The mother lays two or three round, dull white eggs. Then she stoically settles herself on the nest and spreads her feather skirts about her to protect herprecious chargesfrom snow and cold.

    It is five weeks before the first downy white owlet pecks its way out of the shell. As the young birds feather out, they look like wise old men with their wide eyes and quizzical expressions.Theyclamor for food and keep the parents busy supplying mice, squirrels, rabbits, crayfish, and beetles. Later in the season baby crows are taken. Migrating songsters, waterfowl, and game birds all fall prey to the hungry family. It is nearly ten weeks before fledglings leave the nest to search for their own food. The parent birdsweary offamily life by November and drive the young owls away to establish hunting ranges of their own.

    Question: It can be inferred from the passage that the courtship of great horned owls

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answers:

    It takes a long time to raise a family of owlets, so the great horned owl begins early in the year. In January and February, or as late as March in the North, the male calls to the female with aresonant hoot. The female is larger than the male. She sometimes reaches a body length of twenty-two to twenty-four inches, with a wingspread up to fifty inches. To impress her, the male does a strange courtship dance. He bobs. He bows. He ruffles his feathers and hops around with an important air. He flutters from limb to limb and makes flying sorties into the air. Sometimes he returns with an offering of food. They share the repast, after which she joins the dance, hopping and bobbing about as though keeping time to the beat of an inner drum.

    Owls are poor home builders. They prefer to nest in a large hollow in a tree or even to occupy the deserted nest of a hawk or crow. These structures are large and rough, built of sticks and bark and lined with leaves and feathers. Sometimes owls nest on a rocky ledge, or even on the bare ground. even to occupy the deserted nest of a hawk or crow. These structures are large and rough, built of sticks and bark and lined with leaves and feathers. Sometimes owls nest on a rocky ledge, or even on the bare ground. The mother lays two or three round, dull white eggs. Then she stoically settles herself on the nest and spreads her feather skirts about her to protect herprecious chargesfrom snow and cold.

    It is five weeks before the first downy white owlet pecks its way out of the shell. As the young birds feather out, they look like wise old men with their wide eyes and quizzical expressions.Theyclamor for food and keep the parents busy supplying mice, squirrels, rabbits, crayfish, and beetles. Later in the season baby crows are taken. Migrating songsters, waterfowl, and game birds all fall prey to the hungry family. It is nearly ten weeks before fledglings leave the nest to search for their own food. The parent birdsweary offamily life by November and drive the young owls away to establish hunting ranges of their own.

    Question: The phrase "a resonant hoot" is closest in meaning to

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answers:

    It takes a long time to raise a family of owlets, so the great horned owl begins early in the year. In January and February, or as late as March in the North, the male calls to the female with aresonant hoot. The female is larger than the male. She sometimes reaches a body length of twenty-two to twenty-four inches, with a wingspread up to fifty inches. To impress her, the male does a strange courtship dance. He bobs. He bows. He ruffles his feathers and hops around with an important air. He flutters from limb to limb and makes flying sorties into the air. Sometimes he returns with an offering of food. They share the repast, after which she joins the dance, hopping and bobbing about as though keeping time to the beat of an inner drum.

    Owls are poor home builders. They prefer to nest in a large hollow in a tree or even to occupy the deserted nest of a hawk or crow. These structures are large and rough, built of sticks and bark and lined with leaves and feathers. Sometimes owls nest on a rocky ledge, or even on the bare ground. even to occupy the deserted nest of a hawk or crow. These structures are large and rough, built of sticks and bark and lined with leaves and feathers. Sometimes owls nest on a rocky ledge, or even on the bare ground. The mother lays two or three round, dull white eggs. Then she stoically settles herself on the nest and spreads her feather skirts about her to protect herprecious chargesfrom snow and cold.

    It is five weeks before the first downy white owlet pecks its way out of the shell. As the young birds feather out, they look like wise old men with their wide eyes and quizzical expressions.Theyclamor for food and keep the parents busy supplying mice, squirrels, rabbits, crayfish, and beetles. Later in the season baby crows are taken. Migrating songsters, waterfowl, and game birds all fall prey to the hungry family. It is nearly ten weeks before fledglings leave the nest to search for their own food. The parent birdsweary offamily life by November and drive the young owls away to establish hunting ranges of their own.

    Question:What is the topic of this passage?

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answers:

    It takes a long time to raise a family of owlets, so the great horned owl begins early in the year. In January and February, or as late as March in the North, the male calls to the female with aresonant hoot. The female is larger than the male. She sometimes reaches a body length of twenty-two to twenty-four inches, with a wingspread up to fifty inches. To impress her, the male does a strange courtship dance. He bobs. He bows. He ruffles his feathers and hops around with an important air. He flutters from limb to limb and makes flying sorties into the air. Sometimes he returns with an offering of food. They share the repast, after which she joins the dance, hopping and bobbing about as though keeping time to the beat of an inner drum.

    Owls are poor home builders. They prefer to nest in a large hollow in a tree or even to occupy the deserted nest of a hawk or crow. These structures are large and rough, built of sticks and bark and lined with leaves and feathers. Sometimes owls nest on a rocky ledge, or even on the bare ground. even to occupy the deserted nest of a hawk or crow. These structures are large and rough, built of sticks and bark and lined with leaves and feathers. Sometimes owls nest on a rocky ledge, or even on the bare ground. The mother lays two or three round, dull white eggs. Then she stoically settles herself on the nest and spreads her feather skirts about her to protect herprecious chargesfrom snow and cold.

    It is five weeks before the first downy white owlet pecks its way out of the shell. As the young birds feather out, they look like wise old men with their wide eyes and quizzical expressions.Theyclamor for food and keep the parents busy supplying mice, squirrels, rabbits, crayfish, and beetles. Later in the season baby crows are taken. Migrating songsters, waterfowl, and game birds all fall prey to the hungry family. It is nearly ten weeks before fledglings leave the nest to search for their own food. The parent birdsweary offamily life by November and drive the young owls away to establish hunting ranges of their own.

    Question : What can be inferred from the passage about the adult parents of the young great horned owls?

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answers:

    It takes a long time to raise a family of owlets, so the great horned owl begins early in the year. In January and February, or as late as March in the North, the male calls to the female with aresonant hoot. The female is larger than the male. She sometimes reaches a body length of twenty-two to twenty-four inches, with a wingspread up to fifty inches. To impress her, the male does a strange courtship dance. He bobs. He bows. He ruffles his feathers and hops around with an important air. He flutters from limb to limb and makes flying sorties into the air. Sometimes he returns with an offering of food. They share the repast, after which she joins the dance, hopping and bobbing about as though keeping time to the beat of an inner drum.

    Owls are poor home builders. They prefer to nest in a large hollow in a tree or even to occupy the deserted nest of a hawk or crow. These structures are large and rough, built of sticks and bark and lined with leaves and feathers. Sometimes owls nest on a rocky ledge, or even on the bare ground. even to occupy the deserted nest of a hawk or crow. These structures are large and rough, built of sticks and bark and lined with leaves and feathers. Sometimes owls nest on a rocky ledge, or even on the bare ground. The mother lays two or three round, dull white eggs. Then she stoically settles herself on the nest and spreads her feather skirts about her to protect herprecious chargesfrom snow and cold.

    It is five weeks before the first downy white owlet pecks its way out of the shell. As the young birds feather out, they look like wise old men with their wide eyes and quizzical expressions.Theyclamor for food and keep the parents busy supplying mice, squirrels, rabbits, crayfish, and beetles. Later in the season baby crows are taken. Migrating songsters, waterfowl, and game birds all fall prey to the hungry family. It is nearly ten weeks before fledglings leave the nest to search for their own food. The parent birdsweary offamily life by November and drive the young owls away to establish hunting ranges of their own.

    Question: The word "they" refers to

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