continuities là gì - Nghĩa của từ continuities

continuities có nghĩa là

A lame plot device consisting of a disclaimer often seen at the unexplained or hasty ending of a TV programme informing the viewer that either: -a main character may have possibly died or left permanently [but usually hasn't, if they have the actor likely quit working on the show due to pay disputes] -the script writers are fresh out of ideas until next week/month -the director of the TV show believes viewers actually have attention spans longer than goldfish, absolutely no lives and care enough about the characters & plot that they are willing to sit on their ass for days and nights patiently awaiting the conclusion of last week's cliff-hanger -the director believes making an audience wait anywhere from 24 hours to 1 week for a continuation will actually build anticipation and suspense among them and generate more interest in his show [instead of actually annoying the living shit out of them] -the script writers got over-ambitious or just plain fucking lazy, and couldn't finish the episode within the deadline -the episode has gone over it's allotted TV channel timeslot and hence will be replayed sometime later -there wasn't enough time to finish the episode within 5 minutes -technical/financial/on-set/casting difficulties made finishing the episode impossible -a cliff-hanger/what-if/multi-part story arc has been planned for future episodes [usually occurs when one season of a show ends, the following episode will begin with a recap of the previous one]


Actor 1: "But wait... I have the answer to the meaning of life of itself!" Actor 2: "Oh my god! OH MY GOD! Quick... TELL ME!" TO BE CONTINUED... Jane: "Billy wait, before we get married... I have something I should tell you." Billy: "Duh?" Jane: "I'm actually cheating on you with your brother, pregnant with your son's child, an alien from Jupiter, the person responsible for killing your parents AND... I'm not actually Jane at all." *Jane rips off her face* Jane: "I'm your mother." *Camera zooms in on Billy's gaping expression of shock and then fades to black" TO BE CONTINUED... Agent Mulder: "Scully, for the first time I can promise you behind this door lies a real, extraterrestrial, alien being... here on earth. See for your own eyes..." Agent Scully: "Mulder, this is the 789th time you've said that... but okay, open the door. I'm ready." *Agent Mulder opens the door to reveal...* TO BE CONTINUED... "The End?" can also be used a substitute for "To be Continued..."

continuities có nghĩa là

1. a continuous or connected whole.

2. a movie scenario giving the complete action, scenes, etc., in detail and in the order in which they are to be shown on the screen. Along with Symmetry shown in the scene


Stephen: "George, you have to fix this film you made, the continuity is all wrong."


Stephen:"In the last shot the clock said 2 P.M., In the next shot the clock says 1:15 P.M."

George:"I have always been bad with continuity."

continuities có nghĩa là

A meme that occurs when a traumatizing event is about to happen.


Kid:*walks on street*
Car:*0.000001 seconds away from running him over* TO BE CONTINUED

continuities có nghĩa là

The most visited word in UD. The word on the orange button that signifies "I have understood the instructions and wish to proceed." The word that all UD editors click on before adding a definition.


and the dumb example requires 20 letters, so I am adding this line.

continuities có nghĩa là

Continuous nudity


Guy 1 "Those nudists are seriously pissing me off with them being continuously nude"
Guy 2 "continuity dude"

continuities có nghĩa là

In sociology, a continuity is a lingering attachment such as a couple who got a divorce but still have sex.


The continuities of their relationship makes me wonder why they ever broke up.

continuities có nghĩa là

When someone is doing a verb repetitively.


He was continuallying saying "lol." It was continuallying annoying me.

continuities có nghĩa là

When a hookup that was only intended to occur once, or occurred in an unexpected fashion, happens again at a later date. - Count it and one.


Wow, Andrew hooked up with that Freshman last semester and again last weekend. Good continuation on his part.

continuities có nghĩa là

loneliness comes from realization of all of that feeling like seeing everything from the outside a different kind of loneliness, its bitter sweet
its good because you see so much more that other people and feel things very differently, naturally I guess other people call that "crazy" because it is not logically explainable there is beauty in that gift but the exchange of a that gift is loneliness and curse is darkness of devil
yang accompanies yin
maybe that's why art and music becomes our companion a friend we can share ourselves with because the truth is we also need a friend a friend that can understand the weird/crazy way we are built and help us share what we see and feel ~ end of the letter~


continued...I think I knew it all long but the young me just could not come into terms with the difference and the reality because I was a hopeless optimist

continuities có nghĩa là

This describes a lifestyle for moving on and maximizing life to the fullest, beyond the age of fifty. It is a word that can be used in place of the word retirement, since the word retirement no longer describes the new mind shift in how people are carrying out their lifestyles after the age of fifty. To retire is to cease, to continue is to move on with no interruptions.


People after the age of fifty should live the continuement lifestyle.

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