Ethical principles developed by psychologists urge investigators to


APA ethical guidelines require that researchers debrief participants at the conclusion of the study.  In this context, psychologists provide a prompt opportunity for participants to obtain appropriate information about the nature, results, and conclusions of the research, and they take reasonable steps to correct any misconceptions that participants may have of which the psychologists are aware.

CHAPTER 1 Q/A + notesAnswers from online tests for Chapter 1 from website:Ethical principlesdeveloped by psychologistsurge investigatorsto treatparticipant’sinformation confidentially.Random samples providegoodestimates of population averages if thesamples have smallstandard deviations.The maximum height of a normal curve corresponds to themeanof a normaldistribution.Themeanis a measure ofcentral tendancy.One person in a 10-person group is 10 times older than anyone else in thegroup. With respect to age, it is MOST likely that the majority of groupmembers are younger than the group'sMode.In an experimental study of the extent to which mental alertness is inhibitedby sleep deprivation, alertness would be theDependant variable.To assess whether sense of humor is affected by sexual stimulation,researchers exposed married couples to either sexually stimulating or tosexually nonstimulating movie scenes prior to watching a comedy skit. In thisresearch, the independent variable consisted oflevel of sexualstimulation.In drug-treatment studies, double-blind procedures minimize outcomedifferences between experimental and control conditions that could beattributed toplacebo effect.Participantsin an experiment aresaid to beblindif they areuninformedaboutwhich experimental treatment, if any, they are receiving.An experiment offers the most reliable way of assessing whether athleticperformance is boosted by caffeine consumption.A negative correlation between people's work-related stress and their maritalhappiness would indicate thathigher levels of marital happiness areassociated with lower levels of work-related stress.Professor Carter observes and records the behavior of grocery shoppers asthey select items to purchase. This type of research is known as NaturalisticObservation.Stacey suggests that because children are more impulsive than adults, theywill have more difficulty controlling their anger. Stacey's prediction regardinganger management is an example ofa Hypothesis.When Leanne heard about experimental evidence that drinking orange juicetriggers hyperactivity in children, she questioned whether the tested childrenhad been randomly assigned to experimental conditions. Leanne's reactionbest illustratescritical thinking.After the horror of 9/11, many people said the CIA and FBI should obviouslyhave foreseen the likelihood of this form of terrorism. This perception mostclearly illustratesHindsight Bias.

15. Ethical principles developed by psychologists urge investigators toa. avoid the use of animals in experimental research.b. minimize the use of the double-blind procedure with human researchparticipants.c. treat information about individual research participantsconfidentially.d. avoid the use of financial incentives in any kind of research.

1. Jamie and Lynn were sure that they had answered most of themultiple-choice questions correctly because "the questions requiredonly common sense." However, they each scored less than 60% on the

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2. Psychological theories

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3. Which research method runs the greatest risk of collecting evidencethat may be unrepresentative of what is generally true?

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4. Every twenty-fifth person who subscribed to a weekly newsmagazine was contacted by market researchers to complete a surveyof opinions regarding the magazine's contents. The researchers wereapplying the technique known asa. naturalistic observation.b. the double-blind procedure.c. random sampling.d. replication.

5. A correlation of +0.70 between children's physical height and theirpopularity among their peers indicates that

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6. To test the potential effect of hunger on taste sensitivity, groups ofresearch participants are deprived of food for differing lengths of timebefore they engage in a taste-sensitivity test. This research is anexample of

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7. Researchers control factors that might influence a dependentvariable by means of

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8. In a study of factors that might affect memory, research participantswere assigned to drink either an alcoholic or a nonalcoholic beverageprior to completing a memory test. Those who drank the nonalcoholicbeverage were assigned to the ________ group.a. surveyb. controlc. experimentald. correlational

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What are the four basic ethical principles developed by the American psychological Association quizlet?

Ethical principles developed by international psychological organizations urge researchers using human participants to obtain informed consent, to protect them from harm and discomfort, to treat their personal information confidentially, and to fully debrief all participants.

Which method offers the most reliable way of assessing whether athletic performance is boosted by caffeine consumption?

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Why does the scientific attitude requires an open minded humility?

The scientific attitude requires an open-minded humility because it involves a willingness to... recognize the errors in our own ideas. Giving half the members of a group some purported psychological finding and the other half an opposite result is an easy way to demonstrate the impact of... hindsight bias.

Is a computed measure of how much scores vary around the mean score?

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