Fashion Stylist Assistant CV

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  3. How To Write a Fashion Stylist Resume [With Template and Examples]

How To Write a Fashion Stylist Resume [With Template and Examples]

By Indeed Editorial Team

June 10, 2021

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A fashion stylist resume is a more creative take on the traditional resume, while still closely adhering to the core resume writing principles. As a fashion stylist, you want to use this formal document to demonstrate your unique talent to recruiters. However, it's also important to come off as a consummate professional. In this article, we describe what a fashion stylist does, explain what a stylist resume is, detail how to write one and share fashion stylist resume tips with a template and example for your reference.

What is a fashion stylist?

A fashion stylist works with clients one-on-one to coordinate their visual aesthetic. They help clients assemble trendy outfits and accessories that appear flattering on their body type. These creative professionals usually show a good eye for detail and can skillfully match unique items of clothing to construct an artistic look.

Fashion stylists work in an array of industries, including retail, entertainment and media. Clients from various backgrounds value their imagination because they are experts in using appearance as a form of branding. Their stylist's creative vision is a source of confidence for them.

Related: Resume Basics: Types of Resumes, Examples and Tips

What is a fashion stylist resume?

A fashion stylist resume is a formal document that illustrates your skills and experiences to a recruiter. It's an essential communication tool that helps fashion stylists apply for jobs in advertising, public relations and media.

Unlike most generic resumes, recruiters give greater artistic license to resumes of creative professionals. It's important for them to express their aesthetic and style to secure a job. Thus, in a fashion stylist resume, you must show a balance between your creative vision and professionalism. This means you should continue to follow the proper structure and resume conventions.

How to write a fashion stylist resume?

A fashion stylist resume adheres to the same norms as most professional resumes in terms of structure and content. However, often stylists differentiate themselves through design. Sometimes fashion stylists may choose to experiment with the order of their content, but they tend to rely on the same sections that most professional resumes use.

Here are the major sections to consider when writing your fashion stylist resume:

Related: Resume Writing 101: Tips for Creating a Resume [With Examples]

1. Contact details

In the top header of your resume, introduce your name, professional title, residential address, contact number, email address and creative portfolio. This concise section should contain all your important details so that a recruiter can easily reach out to you for an interview.

Since fashion stylists can work in a range of niche roles, such as personal stylist, stylist specialist or creative director, it's a good idea to mention your professional title on your resume. While it's not mandatory, a professional title can clarify your area of expertise and level of mastery. Providing a link to your creative portfolio will also help recruiters familiarize themselves with your body of work. Bringing attention to your personal style will give you an edge over other candidates because it's unique to your own design philosophy.

2. Brand statement

As a fashion stylist, you are essentially selling your talent to a recruiter. Thus, in this section, you need to highlight your personal brand. When planning a brand statement, think about what differentiates you from other stylists. Narrow down your ideas to two to three points that you can structure in less than 20 words. Remember, just like a product tagline, your brand statement needs to be catchy. Use active verbs and compelling adjectives to bring out your personality.

3. Professional summary

Think of a professional summary as a one to two-sentence synopsis of your skills and experience. Since this is the first detailed section a recruiter will read, you need to intrigue them with the most impressive highlights from your career so that they are curious to learn more about you. It's also a great place to share your career aspirations, to show a recruiter your ambition.

4. Education background

It's not mandatory to have a formal background in fashion to be a fashion stylist; therefore, you need to structure your education experience carefully so that it's relevant to the job you are applying for. List any courses or workshops you have completed in fashion to show your commitment to growing your skills. Recruiters usually prefer candidates who are teachable and consistently invest in their knowledge over the years. Remember to state the institution name and your length of study for each qualification.

5. Work Experience

In your resume's work experience section, list each of your previous job titles with the most recent at the top. Include information about your former company names, length of employment and major responsibilities. Try to tailor your resume to each job application to position yourself as a good fit for the role. A good way to do this is by using similar keywords from the job description to describe your duties in previous jobs. Highlight your success in each role by describing examples of your work and using statistics to back up your accomplishments.

6. Key Skills

Create a bullet point list of the skills that you can transfer to your next job. Mention the technical skills you can bring to a role, such as any computer software that is essential to your duties as a fashion stylist. As a creative professional, recruiters will also expect you to interact with clients. Therefore, list any soft skills you possess, such as communication or strategic planning skills. Make sure you provide some context about your skills with a brief description of your level of proficiency.

Related: Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills

7. Awards and recognitions

Share any awards and recognitions you have received from notable awarding bodies in your resume. This is a valuable section that legitimizes the quality of your work. Recruiters can also verify these achievements through their own professional network and research. Awards are an impressive device to stand out among other equally qualified candidates.

As a fashion stylist, you may also get the opportunity to work with prominent brands and clients who frequently feature in magazines, commercials and other media outlets. If one of these mediums features a client you styled, mention the recognition in your resume. Recruiters in the fashion industry are drawn to these candidates because they can spot trends and create hype around their designs.

Tips on writing a fashion stylist resume

Now that you understand the basic structure for a fashion stylist resume, here are a few tips to keep in mind when writing your own:

  • Be consistent. Use the same format for your headers and main body text throughout your resume so that recruiters can navigate your resume with ease and speed.

  • Use stylistic fonts sparingly. As a fashion stylist, recruiters don't mind giving you some creative liberty with your font and color choices, however, make sure the design of your resume does not distract from its content. Highly skilled candidates are adept at balancing style with function.

  • Keep your points clear and concise. One to two pages is the ideal length for a resume. To stay within this limit, try to discuss only the most relevant points in your work history. You can later elaborate on them during an interview.

  • Proofread your resume. Before you submit your job application, check your resume for spelling, grammar and formatting mistakes. An error-free resume exemplifies your attention to detail.

Fashion stylist resume template

A fashion stylist resume template is a useful guide that ensures you include each of the key sections in your resume. Here's a template that you can use to create your own fashion stylist resume:

[Full name]
[Phone number]
[Link to creative portfolio]
[Brand statement]

Professional Summary

[One or two sentences to describe why you would be a good fit for the role]


[Qualification title]
[Name of Institution] | [Start date] - [End date]

  • [Notable accomplishments or experiences]

Professional Experience

[Job Title] | [Employer's name]
[Start date] - [End date], [Location]

  • [Key responsibilities with examples and statistics in bullet points]

Key Skills

  • [List of skills in bullet points]

  • [Skill]

  • [Skill]

Awards and Recognitions

  • [List of awards with name of awarding body and date]

  • [Recognition]

  • [Recognition]

Fashion stylist resume example

The following is an example of a fashion stylist resume:

*Kelly Richards
22 Cooper Square, New York, NY 10003* 212 1234 1234
Imaginative and detail-oriented Fashion Stylist with five years of experience working with high fashion labels.

Professional Summary

Creative and motivated professional Fashion Stylist who excels at providing fashion advice to public figures, assisting photographers, and putting looks together for commercials. Offers strong attention to detail, extensive visualization skills and excellent knowledge of current trends.


Bachelor's of Fashion Design
Parsons School of Design | May 2012 - Sept 2016

  • Spent two semesters on exchange in Paris College of Art, Paris

Professional Experience

Fashion Stylist | Prestige Style Agency
Feb 2018 - Current, New York

  • Collaborated with clients and photographers to inform brand standards for styling

  • Directed models on high-volume photo shoots to endorse client's clothes and accessories

  • Managed multiple high fashion client accounts in over ten regions across the globe

Assistant Fashion Stylist | The Stylist Company
Oct 2016 - Dec 2017, Paris

  • Researched seasonal trends, colors and prints to appeal to the needs of clients

  • Built relationships with fashion houses to purchase the latest outfits and accessories on behalf of clients

  • Assisted lead designers to measure clients and interviewed them on their personal style

Key Skills

  • Pattern making

  • Garment construction and fittings

  • Proficient in Adobe Illustrator

  • Excellent communication skills

  • Enjoys collaborating with clients and different teams

Awards and Recognitions

  • Client featured on Harper's Bazaar's Best Dressed List, 2020

  • Client featured in Vogue Fashion Style Guide, 2019

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