Fuzzy topology applications

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  • Comput Intell Neurosci
  • v.2021; 2021
  • PMC8566069
Comput Intell Neurosci. 2021; 2021: 1272266.
Published online 2021 Oct 27. doi:10.1155/2021/1272266
PMCID: PMC8566069
PMID: 34745244

[3, 2]-Fuzzy Sets and Their Applications to Topology and Optimal Choices

Hariwan Z. Ibrahim, 1 Tareq M. Al-shami,
2 and O. G. Elbarbary 3

Hariwan Z. Ibrahim

1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, University of Zakho, Zakho, Iraq

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Tareq M. Al-shami

2Department of Mathematics, Sana'a University, Sana'a, Yemen

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O. G. Elbarbary

3Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt

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Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer
1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, University of Zakho, Zakho, Iraq
2Department of Mathematics, Sana'a University, Sana'a, Yemen
3Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt
Corresponding author.
Tareq M. Al-shami: moc.liamg@38imahslaqerat
Academic Editor: Ahmed Mostafa Khalil
Received 2021 Sep 15; Accepted 2021 Oct 11.
Copyright © 2021 Hariwan Z. Ibrahim et al.
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The purpose of this paper is to define the concept of [3, 2]-fuzzy sets and discuss their relationship with other kinds of fuzzy sets. We describe some of the basic set operations on [3, 2]-fuzzy sets. [3, 2]-Fuzzy sets can deal with more uncertain situations than Pythagorean and intuitionistic fuzzy sets because of their larger range of describing the membership grades. Furthermore, we familiarize the notion of [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space and discuss the master properties of [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous maps. Then, we introduce the concept of [3, 2]-fuzzy points and study some types of separation axioms in [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space. Moreover, we establish the idea of relation in [3, 2]-fuzzy set and present some properties. Ultimately, on the basis of academic performance, the decision-making approach of student placement is presented via the proposed [3, 2]-fuzzy relation to ascertain the suitability of colleges to applicants.

1. Introduction

The concept of fuzzy sets was proposed by Zadeh [1]. The theory of fuzzy sets has several applications in real-life situations, and many scholars have researched fuzzy set theory. After the introduction of the concept of fuzzy sets, several research studies were conducted on the generalizations of fuzzy sets. The integration between fuzzy sets and some uncertainty approaches such as soft sets and rough sets has been discussed in [24].

The idea of intuitionistic fuzzy sets suggested by Atanassov [5] is one of the extensions of fuzzy sets with better applicability. Applications of intuitionistic fuzzy sets appear in various fields, including medical diagnosis, optimization problems, and multicriteria decision making [68]. Yager [9] offered a new fuzzy set called a Pythagorean fuzzy set, which is the generalization of intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Fermatean fuzzy sets were introduced by Senapati and Yager [10], and they also defined basic operations over the Fermatean fuzzy sets.

The concept of fuzzy topological spaces was introduced by Chang [11]. He studied the topological concepts like continuity and compactness via fuzzy topological spaces. Then, Lowen [12] presented a new type of fuzzy topological spaces. Çoker [13] subsequently initiated a study of intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces. Recently, Olgun et al. [14] presented the concept of Pythagorean fuzzy topological spaces and Ibrahim [15] defined the concept of Fermatean fuzzy topological spaces.

The main purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept of [3, 2]-fuzzy sets and compare them with the other types of fuzzy sets. We introduce the set of operations for the [3, 2]-fuzzy sets and explore their main features. Following the idea of Chang, we define a topological structure via [3, 2]-fuzzy sets as an extension of fuzzy topological space, intuitionistic fuzzy topological space, and Pythagorean fuzzy topological space. We discuss the main topological concepts in [3, 2]-fuzzy topological spaces such as continuity and compactness. In addition, the concept of relation to [3, 2]-fuzzy sets is investigated. Finally, an improved version of max-min-max composite relation for [3, 2]-fuzzy sets is proposed.

2. [3, 2]-Fuzzy Sets

In this section, we initiate the notion of [3, 2]-fuzzy sets and study their relationship with other kinds of fuzzy sets. Then, we furnish some operations to [3, 2]-fuzzy sets.

Definition 1 .

Let X be a universal set. Then, the [3, 2]-fuzzy set [briefly, [3, 2]-FS] D is defined by the following:

D=r,αDr,βDr: rX,

where αD[r] : X⟶[0,1] is the degree of membership and βD[r] : X⟶[0,1] is the degree of non-membership of r X to D, with the condition


The degree of indeterminacy of r X to D is defined by


It is clear that [αD[r]]3+[βD[r]]2+[πD[r]]5=1, and πD[r]=0 whenever [αD[r]]3+[βD[r]]2=1. In the interest of simplicity, we shall mention the symbol D=[αD, βD] for the [3, 2]-FS D={r, αD[r], βD[r] :  r X}.

Definition 2 .

Let X be a universal set. Then, the intuitionistic fuzzy set [IFS] [5] [resp. Pythagorean fuzzy set [PFS] [9] and Fermatean fuzzy set [FFS] [10]] is defined by the following:

K=r,αKr,βKr: rX,

with the condition 0 αK[r]+βK[r] 1 [resp. 0 [αK[r]]2+[βK[r]]2 1, 0 [αK[r]]3+[βK[r]]3 1], where αK[r] : X⟶[0,1] is the degree of membership and βK[r] : X⟶[0,1] is the degree of non-membership of every r X to K.

To illustrate the importance of [3, 2]-FS to extend the grades of membership and non-membership degrees, assume that αD[r]=0.9 and βD[r]=0.5 for X={r}. We obtain 0.9+0.5=1.40 > 1 and [0.9]2+[0.5]2=1.06 > 1 which means that D=[0.9, 0.5] neither follows the condition of IFS nor follows the condition of PFS. On the other hand, [0.9]3+[0.5]2=0.979 < 1 which means we can apply the [3, 2]-FS to control it. That is, D=[0.9, 0.5] is a [3, 2]-FS.

Theorem 1 .

The set of [3, 2]-fuzzy membership grades is larger than the set of intuitionistic membership grades and Pythagorean membership grades.


It is well known that for any two numbers r1, r2 [0,1], we have


Then, we get


Hence, the space of [3, 2]-fuzzy membership grades is larger than the space of intuitionistic membership grades and Pythagorean membership grades. This development can be evidently recognized in Figure 1.

Open in a separate window
Figure 1

Comparison of grade space of IFSs, PFSs, and [3, 2]-FSs.

Lemma 1 .

Let X={rj :  j=1,, k} be a universal set and D be [3, 2]-FS. If πD[rj]=0, then αDrj=βDrj1βDrj+13.


Presume that D is [3, 2]-FS and πD[rj]=0 for rj X; then,


Example 1 .

Let D be [3, 2]-FS and r X such that βD[r]=0.82 and πD[r]=0. Then, αDr=βDr1βDr+13=0.181.823=0.32763.

Definition 3 .

Let δ be a positive real number [δ > 0]. If D1=[αD1, βD1] and D2=[αD2, βD2] are two [3, 2]-FSs, then their operations are defined as follows:

  1. D1D2=[min{αD1, αD2}, max{βD1, βD2}].

  2. D1 D2=[max{αD1, αD2}, min{βD1, βD2}].

  3. D1c=[βD1, αD1].

  4. δD1=11αD13δ5,βD1δ.

  5. D1δ=αD1δ,11βD12δ5.

Remark 1 .

We will use supremum sup instead of maximum max and infimum inf instead of minimum min if the union and the intersection are infinite.

Example 2 .

Assume that D1=[αD1=0.9, βD1=0.5] and D2=[αD2=0.89, βD2=0.49] are both [3, 2]-FSs. Then,

  1. D1D2=[min{αD1, αD2}, max{βD1, βD2}]=[min{0.9, 0.89}, max{0.5, 0.49}]=[0.89, 0.5].

  2. D1 D2=[max{αD1, αD2}, min{βD1, βD2}]=[max{0.9, 0.89}, min{0.5, 0.49}]=[0.9, 0.49].

  3. D1c=[0.5, 0.9].

  4. δD1=11αD13δ5,βD1δ=110.9345,0.540.99892,0.06250, for δ=4.

  5. D1δ=αD1δ,11βD12δ5=0.94,110.52450.65610,0.92674, for δ=4.

Theorem 2 .

Let L1=[αL1, βL1] and L2=[αL2, βL2] be two [3, 2]-FSs; then, the following properties hold:

  1. L1L2=L2L1.

  2. L1 L2=L2 L1.

  3. [L1L2] L2=L2.

  4. [L1 L2]L2=L2.


From Definition 3, we can obtain

  1. L1L2=[min{αL1, αL2}, max{βL1, βL2}]=[min{αL2, αL1}, max{βL2, βL1}]=L2L1.

  2. The proof is similar to [1].

  3. [L1L2] L2=[min{αL1, αL2}, max{βL1, βL2}] [αL2, βL2]=[max{min{αL1, αL2}, αL2}, min{max{βL1, βL2}, βL2}]=[αL2, βL2]=L2.

  4. The proof is similar to [3].

Theorem 3 .

Let L1=[αL1, βL1], L2=[αL2, βL2] and L3=[αL3, βL3] be three [3, 2]-FSs and δ > 0; then,

  1. L1[L2L3]=[L1L2]L3.

  2. L1 [L2 L3]=[L1 L2] L3.

  3. δ[L1 L2]=δL1 δL2.

  4. [L1 L2]δ=L1δ L2δ.


For the three [3, 2]-FSs L1, L2, and L3 and δ > 0, according to Definition 3, we can obtain

  • [1]
  • [2]

    The proof is similar to [1].

  • [3]
  • [4]

    The proof is similar to [3].

In the following result, we claim that Lc is [3, 2]-FS for any [3, 2]-FS L.

Theorem 4 .

Let L1=[αL1, βL1] and L2=[αL2, βL2] be two [3, 2]-FSs such that L1c and L2c are [3, 2]-FSs. Then,

  1. [L1L2]c=L1c L2c.

  2. [L1 L2]c=L1cL2c.


For the two [3, 2]-FSs L1 and L2, according to Definition 3, we can obtain

  • [1]
  • [2]

    The proof is similar to [1].

Definition 4 .

Let D1=[αD1, βD1] and D2=[αD2, βD2] be two [3, 2]-FSs; then,

  1. D1=D2 if and only if αD1=αD2 and βD1=βD2.

  2. D1 D2 if and only if αD1 αD2 and βD1 βD2.

  3. D2 D1 or D1D2 if D1 D2.

Example 3 .

  1. If D1=[0.9, 0.5] and D2=[0.9, 0.5] for X={x}, then D1=D2.

  2. If D1=[0.9, 0.5] and D2=[0.81, 0.61] for X={x}, then D2 D1 and D2 D1.

3. Topology with respect to [3, 2]-Fuzzy Sets

In this section, we formulate the concept of [3, 2]-fuzzy topology on the family of [3, 2]-fuzzy sets whose complements are [3, 2]-fuzzy sets and scrutinize main properties. Then, we define [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous maps and give some characterizations. Finally, we establish two types of [3, 2]-fuzzy separation axioms and reveal the relationships between them.

3.1. [3, 2]-Fuzzy Topology

Definition 5 .

Let τ be a family of [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets of a non-empty set X. If

  1. 1X, 0X τ where 1X=[1,0] and 0X=[0,1],

  2. D1D2 τ, for any D1, D2 τ,

  3. iIDi τ, for any {Di}iI τ,

then τ is called a [3, 2]-fuzzy topology on X and [X, τ] is a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space. We call D an open [3, 2]-FS if it is a member of τ and call its complement a closed [3, 2]-FS.

Remark 2 .

We call τ={1X, 0X} the indiscreet [3, 2]-fuzzy topology on X. If τ contains all [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets, then we call τ the discrete [3, 2]-fuzzy topology on X.

Example 4 .

Let τ={1X, 0X, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5} be the family of [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets of X={x1, x2}, where


Hence, τ is [3, 2]-fuzzy topology on X.

Remark 3 .

We showed that every fuzzy set D on a set X is a [3, 2]-fuzzy set having the form D={r, αD[r], 1 αD[r] :  r X}. Then, every fuzzy topological space [X, τ1] in the sense of Chang is obviously a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space in the form τ={D :  αD τ1} whenever we identify a fuzzy set in X whose membership function is αD with its counterpart D={r, αD[r], 1 αD[r] :  r X}. Similarly, one can note that every intuitionistic fuzzy topology [Pythagorean fuzzy topology] is [3, 2]-fuzzy topology. The following examples explain this note.

Example 5 .

Consider τ={1X, 0X, D1, D2} as family of fuzzy subsets of X={x}, where


Then, τ is fuzzy topology on X, and hence it is [3, 2]-fuzzy topology.

Example 6 .

Let τ={1X, 0X, D1, D2} be the family of [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets on X={x1, x2} where


Hence, τ is [3, 2]-fuzzy topology. On the other hand, τ is neither intuitionistic fuzzy topology nor Pythagorean fuzzy topology.

Definition 6 .

Let [X, τ] be a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space and D={x, αD[x], βD[x] :  x X} be a [3, 2]-FS in X. Then, the [3, 2]-fuzzy interior and [3, 2]-fuzzy closure of D are, respectively, defined by

  1. cl[D]={H : H is a closed [3, 2]-FS in X and D H}.

  2. int[D]={G : G is an open [3, 2]-FS in X and G D}.

Remark 4 .

Let [X, τ] be a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space and D be any [3, 2]-FS in X. Then,

  1. int[D] is an open [3, 2]-FS.

  2. cl[D] is a closed [3, 2]-FS.

  3. int[1X]=cl[1X]=1X and int[0X]=cl[0X]=0X.

Example 7 .

Consider the [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space [X, τ] in Example 4. If D={c1, 0.67, 0.81, c2, 0.75, 0.74}, then int[D]=0X and cl[D]=1X.

Theorem 5 .

Let [X, τ] be a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space and D1, D2 be [3, 2]-FSs in X. Then, the following properties hold:

  1. int[D1] D1 and D1 cl[D1].

  2. If D1 D2, then int[D1] int[D2] and cl[D1] cl[D2].

  3. D1 is an open [3, 2]-FS if and only if D1=int[D1].

  4. D1 is a closed [3, 2]-FS if and only if D1=cl[D1].


[1] and [2] are obvious.

[3] and [4] follow from Definition 6.

Corollary 1 .

Let [X, τ] be a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space and D1, D2 be [3, 2]-FSs in X. Then, the following properties hold:

  1. int[D1] int[D2] int[D1 D2].

  2. cl[D1D2] cl[D1]cl[D2].

  3. int[D1D2]=int[D1]int[D2].

  4. cl[D1] cl[D2]=cl[D1 D2].


[1] and [2] follows from [1] of the above theorem.

[3]: since int[D1D2] int[D1] and int[D1D2] int[D2], we obtain int[D1D2] int[D1]int[D2]. On the other hand, from the facts int[D1] D1 and int[D2] D2, we have int[D1]int[D2] D1D2 and int[D1]int[D2] τ; we see that int[D1]int[D2] int[D1D2], and hence int[D1D2]=int[D1]int[D2].

[4] can be proved similar to [3].

Theorem 6 .

Let [X, τ] be a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space and D be [3, 2]-FS in X. Then, the following properties hold:

  1. cl[Dc]=int[D]c.

  2. int[Dc]=cl[D]c.

  3. cl[Dc]c=int[D].

  4. int[Dc]c=cl[D].


We only prove [1]; the other parts can be proved similarly.

Let D={x, αD[x], βD[x] :  x X} and suppose that the family of open [3, 2]-fuzzy sets contained in D is indexed by the family {x, αUi[x], βUi[x] :  i J}. Then, int[D]={x, αUi[x], βUi[x]}. Therefore, int[D]c={x, βUi[x], αUi[x]}. Now, Dc={x, βD[x], αD[x]} such that αUi αD, βUi βD for each i J. This implies that {x, βUi[x], αUi[x] :  i J} is the family of all closed [3, 2]-fuzzy sets containing Dc. That is, cl[Dc]={x, βUi[x], αUi[x]}. Hence, cl[Dc]=int[D]c.

3.2. [3, 2]-Fuzzy Continuous Maps

Definition 7 .

Let f : X⟶Y be a map and A and B be [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets of X and Y, respectively. The functions of membership and non-membership of the image of A, denoted by f[A], are, respectively, calculated by

αfAysupzf1yαAz,if f1yϕ,0,otherwise,βfAyinfzf1yβAz,if f1yϕ,1,otherwise.

The functions of membership and non-membership of preimage of B, denoted by f1[B], are, respectively, calculated by


Remark 5 .

To show that f[A] and f1[B] are [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets, consider γA[z]]5=αA[z]]3+[βA[z]]2. If f1[y] is non-empty, then we obtain


In contrast, f1[y]=ϕ leads to the fact that [αf[A][y]]3+[βf[A][y]]2=1.

It is easy to prove the case of f1[B].

Theorem 7 .

Let f : X⟶Y be a map s.t. A and B are [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets of X and Y, respectively. Then, we have

  1. f1[Bc]=f1[B]c.

  2. f[A]cf[Ac].

  3. If B1B2, then f1[B1]f1[B2] where B1 and B2 are [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets of Y.

  4. If A1A2, then f[A1]f[A2] where A1 and A2 are [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets of X.

  5. f[f1[B]]B.

  6. Af1[f[A]].


  • [1]

    Consider v X and let B be a [3, 2]-fuzzy subset of Y. Then,

  • Similarly, one can have βf1[Bc][v]=βf1[B]c[v]. Therefore, f1[Bc]=f1[B]c, as required.

  • [2]

    For any w Y such that f1[w] ϕ and for any [3, 2]-fuzzy subset A of X, we can write

  • Now from [18], we have

  • The proof is easy when f1[w]=ϕ. Following a similar technique, we obtain βf[Ac][w] βf[A]c[w], which means that f[A]cf[Ac].

  • [3]

    Assume that B1B2. Then, for each v X, αf1[B1][v]=αB1[f[v]] αB2[f[v]]=αf1[B2][v]. Also, βf1[B1][v] βf1[B2][v]. Hence, we obtain the desired result.

  • [4]

    Assume that A1A2 and w Y. The proof is easy when f[w]=ϕ. So, presume that f[w] ϕ. Then,

  • Thus, αf[A1] αf[A2] follows. Similarly, we have βf[A1] βf[A2].

  • [5]

    For any w Y s.t. f[w] ϕ, we find that

  • On the other hand, we have αf[f1[B]][w]=0 αB[w] when f[w]=ϕ. Similarly, we have βf[f1[B]][w]=0 βB[w].

  • [6]

    For any v X, we have

  • Similarly, we have βf1[f[A]] βA.

The proof of the following result is easy, and hence it is omitted.

Theorem 8 .

Let X and Y be two non-empty sets and f : X⟶Y be a map. Then, the following statements are true:

  1. f[iIAi]=iIf[Ai] for any [3, 2]-fuzzy subset Ai of X.

  2. f1[iIBi]=iIf1[Bi] for any [3, 2]-fuzzy subset Bi of Y.

  3. f[A1A2] f[A1]f[A2] for any two [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets A1 and A2 of X.

  4. f1[iIBi]=iIf1[Bi] for any [3, 2]-fuzzy subset Bi of Y.

Definition 8 .

In a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space, consider that A and U are two [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets. We call U a neighborhood of A, briefly nbd, if there exists an open [3, 2]-fuzzy subset E such that AEU.

Theorem 9 .

A [3, 2]-fuzzy subset A is open iff it contains a nbd of its each subset.


The proof is easy.

Definition 9 .

A map f : [X, τ1]⟶[Y, τ2] is said to be [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous if for any [3, 2]-fuzzy subset A of X and for any nbd V of f[A] there is a nbd U of A s.t. f[U]V.

Theorem 10 .

The following statements are equivalent for a map f : [X, τ1]⟶[Y, τ2]:

  1. f is [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous.

  2. For each [3, 2]-FS A of X and each nbd V of f[A], there is a nbd U of A s.t. for each BU, we obtain f[B]V.

  3. For each [3, 2]-FS A of X and for each nbd V of f[A], there is a nbd U of A s.t. Uf1[V].

  4. For each [3, 2]-FS A of X and for each nbd V of f[A], f1[V] is a nbd of A.


  •   [1][2]: let f be a [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous map. Consider A as a [3, 2]-FS of X and V as a nbd of f[A]. Then, there is a nbd U of A s.t. f[U]V. If BU, we obtain f[B]f[U]V.

  •   [2][3]: assume A as a [3, 2]-FS of X and V as a nbd of f[A]. According to [2], there is a nbd U of A s.t. for each BU, we find f[B]V. Therefore, Bf1[f[B]]f1[V]. Since B is chosen arbitrarily, Uf1[V].

  •   [3][4]: presume A is a [3, 2]-FS of X and V is a nbd of f[A]. According to [3], there is a nbd U of A s.t. Uf1[V]. Since U is a nbd of A, there is an open [3, 2]-FS K of X s.t. AKU. On the other hand, we obtain AKf1[V] because Uf1[V]. This means that f1[V] is a nbd of A.

  •   [4][1]: suppose that A is a [3, 2]-FS of X and V is a nbd of f[A]. By hypothesis, f1[V] is a nbd of A. So, there is an open [3, 2]-FS K of X s.t. AKf1[V] which means f[K]f[f1[V]]V. Moreover, K is an open [3, 2]-FS, so it is a nbd of A. Hence, we obtain the proof that f is [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous.

Theorem 11 .

A map f : [X, τ1]⟶[Y, τ2] is [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous iff f1[B] is an open [3, 2]-FS of X for each open [3, 2]-FS B of Y.


Necessity: presume f as a [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous map. Consider an open [3, 2]-FS B of Y s.t. Af1[B]. This directly gives that f[A]B. It follows from Theorem 9 that there is a nbd V of f[A] satisfying VB. Now, f is [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous, so by [4] of Theorem 10, we obtain that f1[V] is a nbd of A. Also, it follows from [3] of Theorem 7 that f1[V]f1[B]. So, f1[B] is a nbd of A. Since A is an arbitrary subset of f1[B], then by Theorem 9, the [3, 2]-FS f1[B] is open.

3.2.1. Sufficiency

Presume A is a [3, 2]-FS of X and V is a nbd of f[A]. Then, τ2 contains a [3, 2]-FS L of s.t. f[A]LV. By hypothesis, f1[L] is an open [3, 2]-FS. Also, we have Af1[f[A]]f1[L]f1[V]. Thus, f1[V] is a nbd of A which demonstrates that f is [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous.

We build the following two examples such that the first one provides a [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous map, whereas the second one presents a fuzzy map that is not [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous.

Example 8 .

Consider X={a1, a2} with the [3, 2]-fuzzy topology τ1={1X, 0X, A1} and Y={b1, b2} with the [3, 2]-fuzzy topology τ2={1Y, 0Y, B1}, where


Let f : X⟶Y be defined as follows:

fx=b2,if x=a1,b1,if x=a2.

Since 1Y, 0Y, and B1 are open [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets of Y, then


are open [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets of X. Thus, f is [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous.

Example 9 .

Consider X={a1, a2} with the [3, 2]-fuzzy topology τ1={1X, 0X} and Y={b1, b2} with the [3, 2]-fuzzy topology τ2={1Y, 0Y, B1}, where B1={b1, 0.82, 0.62, b2, 0.52, 0.90}.

Let f : X⟶Y be defined as follows:

fx=b1,if x=a1,b2,if x=a2.

Since B1 is an open [3, 2]-fuzzy subset of Y, but f1[B1]={a1, 0.82, 0.62, a2, 0.52, 0.90} is not an open [3, 2]-fuzzy subset of X, f is not [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous.

Theorem 12 .

The following are equivalent to each other:

  1. f : [X, τ1]⟶[Y, τ2] is [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous.

  2. For each closed [3, 2]-fuzzy subset B of Y we have that f1[B] is a closed [3, 2]-fuzzy subset of X.

  3. cl[f1[B]]f1[cl[B]] for each [3, 2]-fuzzy set in Y.

  4. f1[int[B]]int[f1[B]] for each [3, 2]-fuzzy set in Y.


They can be easily proved using Theorems 6, 7, and 11.

Theorem 13 .

Let [Y, τ] be a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space and f : X⟶Y be a map. Then, there is a coarsest [3, 2]-fuzzy topology τ1 over X such that f is [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous.


Let us define a class of [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets τ1 of X by

τ1f1V: Vτ.

We prove that τ1 is the coarsest [3, 2]-fuzzy topology over X such that f is [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous.

  • [1]

    We can write for any x X that

  • Similarly, we immediately have βf1[0Y][x]=β0X[x] for any x X which implies f1[0Y]=0X. Now, as 0Y τ, we have 0X=f1[0Y] τ1. In a similar manner, it is easy to see that 1X=f1[1Y] τ1.

  • [2]

    Assume that D1, D2 τ1. Then, for i=1,2, there exists Bi τ such that f1[Bi]=Di which implies αf1[Bi]=αDi and βf1[Bi]=βDi. Thus, we obtain for any x X that

  • Similarly, it is not difficult to see that βD1D2=βf1[B1B2]. Hence, we get D1D2 τ1.

  • [3]

    Assume that {Di}iI is an arbitrary subfamily of τ1. Then, for any i I, there exists Bi τ1 such that f1[Bi]=Di which implies αf1[Bi]=αDi and βf1[Bi]=βDi. Therefore, one can get for any x X that


On the other hand, it is easy to see that βiIDi=βf1[iIBi]. Thus, we have iIDi τ1.

From Theorem 11, the [3, 2]-fuzzy continuity of f is trivial. Now, we prove that τ1 is the coarsest [3, 2]-fuzzy topology over X such that f is [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous. Let τ2τ1 be a [3, 2]-fuzzy topology over X such that f is [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous. If B τ1, then there is V τ such that f1[V]=B. Since f is [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous with respect to τ2, we have B=f1[V] τ2. Hence, τ2=τ1, as required.

3.3. [3, 2]-Fuzzy Separation Axioms

Separation axioms are one of the most important and popular notions in topological studies. They have been studied and applied to model some real-life issues in soft setting as explained in [16, 17].

Definition 10 .

Let X and x X be a fixed element in X. Suppose that r1 [0,1] and r2 [0,1] are two fixed real numbers such that r13+r22 1. Then, a [3, 2]-fuzzy point p[r1, r2]x={x, αp[x], βp[x]} is defined to be a [3, 2]-fuzzy set of X as follows.

pr1,r2xyr1,r2,if y=x,0,1,otherwise,

for y X. In this case, x is called the support of p[r1, r2]x. A [3, 2]-fuzzy point p[r1, r2]x is said to belong to a [3, 2]-fuzzy set D={x, αD[x], βD[x]} of X denoted by p[r1, r2]x D if r1 αD[x] and r2 βD[x]. Two [3, 2]-fuzzy points are said to be distinct if their supports are distinct.

Remark 6 .

Let D1={x, αD1[x], βD1[x]} and D2={x, αD2[x], βD2[x]} be two [3, 2]-fuzzy sets of X. Then, D1D2 if and only if p[r1, r2]x D1 implies p[r1, r2]x D2 for any [3, 2]-fuzzy point p[r1, r2]x in X.

Definition 11 .

Let r1, r3 [0,1], r2, r4 [0,1], and x, y X. A [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space [X, τ] is said to be

  • [1]

    T0 if for each pair of distinct [3, 2]-fuzzy points p[r1, r2]x, p[r3, r4]y in X, there exist two open [3, 2]-fuzzy sets L and K such that

    L=x,1,0,y,0,1,or K=x,0,1,y,1,0.
  • [2]

    T1 if for each pair of distinct [3, 2]-fuzzy points p[r1, r2]x, p[r3, r4]y in X, there exist two open [3, 2]-fuzzy sets L and K such that


Proposition 1 .

Let [X, τ] be a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space. If [X, τ] is T1, then [X, τ] is T0.


The proof is straightforward from Definition 11.

Here is an example which shows that the converse of above proposition is not true in general.

Example 10 .

Consider X={c1, c2} with the [3, 2]-fuzzy topology τ={1X, 0X, D}, where D={c1, 1,0, c2, 0,1}. Then, [X, τ] is T0 but not T1 because there does not exist an open [3, 2]-fuzzy set K such that K={x, 0,1, y, 1,0}.

Theorem 14 .

Let [X, τ] be a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space, r1, r3 [0,1], and r2, r4 [0,1]. If [X, τ] is T0, then for each pair of distinct [3, 2]-fuzzy points p[r1, r2]x, p[r3, r4]y of X, cl[p[r1, r2]x] cl[p[r3, r4]y].


Let [X, τ] be T0 and p[r1, r2]x, p[r3, r4]y be any two distinct [3, 2]-fuzzy points of X. Then, there exist two open [3, 2]-fuzzy sets L and K such that

L=x,1,0,y,0,1,or K=x,0,1,y,1,0.

Let L={x, 1,0, y, 0,1} exist. Then, Lc={x, 0,1, y, 1,0} is a closed [3, 2]-fuzzy set which does not contain p[r1, r2]x but contains p[r3, r4]y. Since cl[p[r3, r4]y] is the smallest closed [3, 2]-fuzzy set containing p[r3, r4]y, then cl[p[r3, r4]y]Lc, and therefore p[r1, r2]x cl[p[r3, r4]y]. Consequently, cl[p[r1, r2]x] cl[p[r3, r4]y].

Theorem 15 .

Let [X, τ] be a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space. If p[1,0]x is closed [3, 2]-fuzzy set for every x X, then, [X, τ] is T1.


Suppose p[1,0]x is a closed [3, 2]-fuzzy set for every x X. Let p[r1, r2]x, p[r3, r4]y be any two distinct [3, 2]-fuzzy points of X; then, x y implies that p[1,0]xc and p[1,0]yc are two open [3, 2]-fuzzy sets such that


Thus, [X, τ] is T1.

4. [3, 2]-Fuzzy Relations

A relation is a mathematical description of a situation where certain elements of sets are related to one another in some way. The system of fuzzy relation equations was first studied by Sanchez [1821], who used it in medical research. Biswas [22] defined the method of intuitionistic medical diagnosis which involves intuitionistic fuzzy relations. Kumar et al. [23] used the applications of intuitionistic fuzzy set theory in diagnosis of various types of diseases. The notion of max-min-max composite relation for Pythagorean fuzzy sets was studied by Ejegwa [24], and the approach was improved and applied to medical diagnosis.

In this section, we introduce the notions of max-min-max composite relation and improved composite relation for [3, 2]-FSs. Moreover, we provide a numerical example to elaborate on how we can apply the composite relations to obtain the optimal choices.

Definition 12 .

Let X and Y be two [crisp] sets. The [3, 2]-fuzzy relation R [briefly, [3, 2]-FR] from X to Y is a [3, 2]-FS of X × Y characterized by the degree of membership function αR and degree of non-membership function βR. The [3, 2]-FR R from X to Y will be denoted by R[X⟶Y]. If D is a [3, 2]-FS of X, then

  • [1]

    The max-min-max composition of the [3, 2]-FR R[X⟶Y] with D is a [3, 2]-FS C of Y denoted by C = R o D and is defined by

    αRoDn=mαDmαRm,n,βRoDn=mβDmβRm,n,for all nY.
  • [2]

    The improved composite relation of R[X⟶Y] with D is a [3, 2]-FS C of Y denoted by C = R o D, such that

αRoDn=mαDm+αRm,n2,βRoDn=mβDm+βRm,n2,for all nY.

Definition 13 .

Let Q[X⟶Y] and R[Y⟶Z] be two [3, 2]-FRs. Then, for all [m, r] X × Z and n Y,

  • [1]

    The max-min-max composition R o Q is the [3, 2]-fuzzy relation from X to Z defined by

  • [2]

    The improved composite relation R o Q is the [3, 2]-fuzzy relation from X to Z such that


Remark 7 .

The improved composite and max-min-max composite relations for [3, 2]-fuzzy sets are calculated by the following:


Example 11 .

Let D1 and D2 be two [3, 2]-fuzzy sets for X={x1, x2, x3, x4}. Assume that


By using Definitions 12 [1] and 13 [1], respectively, we find the max-min-max composite relation with application to D1 and D2 as follows:


It is obvious that the minimum value of the membership values of the elements [that is, x1, x2, x3, x4] in D1 and D2, respectively, is 0.7, 0.5, 0.6, and 0.8. Also, the maximum value of the non-membership values of the elements [that is, x1, x2, x3, x4] in D1 and D2, respectively, is 0.79, 0.87, 0.85, and 0.69. From Remark 7, we can get


Again, by using Definitions 12 [2] and 13 [2], respectively, we find the improved composite relation with application to D1 and D2 as follows:


From Remark 7, we can get


Hence, from [43] and [45], we obtain that the improved composite relation produces better relation with greater relational value when compared to max-min-max composite relation.

5. Application of [3, 2]-Fuzzy Sets

We localize the idea of [3, 2]-FR as follows.

Let S={r1,, rl} be a finite set of subjects related to the colleges, C={b1,, bm} be a finite set of colleges, and A={t1,, tn} be a finite set of students. Suppose that we have two [3, 2]-FRs, U[A⟶S] and R[S⟶C], such that

U=t,r,αUt,r,βUt,r| t,rA×S,R=r,b,αRr,b,βRr,b| r,bS×C.


  •   αU[t, r] denotes the degree to which the student [t] passes the related subject requirement [r].

  •   βU[t, r] denotes the degree to which the student [t] does not pass the related subject requirement [r].

  •   αR[r, b] denotes the degree to which the related subject requirement [r] determines the college [b].

  •   βR[r, b] denotes the degree to which the related subject requirement [r] does not determine the college [b].

T=RoU is the composition of R and U. This describes the state in which the students, ti, with respect to the related subject requirement, rj, fit the colleges, bk. Thus,


ti A and bk C, where i, j, and k take values from 1,, n.

The values of αRoU[ti, bk] and βRoU[ti, bk] of the composition T = R o U are as follows [Table 1].

Table 1

The composition R o U.

t 1[0.81, 0.60][0.81, 0.60][0.81, 0.61][0.81, 0.60][0.81, 0.60]
t 2[0.82, 0.59][0.82, 0.60][0.82, 0.61][0.82, 0.59][0.82, 0.60]
t 3[0.82, 0.60][0.82, 0.60][0.82, 0.61][0.82, 0.61][0.82, 0.61]
t 4[0.82, 0.60][0.83, 0.60][0.82, 0.61][0.82, 0.61][0.82, 0.60]
t 5[0.83, 0.59][0.83, 0.59][0.83, 0.60][0.83, 0.59][0.83, 0.60]
Open in a separate window

If the value of T is given by the following:


then the student placement can be achieved.

5.1. Application Example

By using a hypothetical case with quasi-real data, we apply this method. Let A={t1, t2, t3, t4, t5} be the set of students for the colleges; S = {English Lang., Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Sci.} be the set of related subject requirement to the set of colleges; and C = {College of Engineering [E], College of Medicine [M], College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences [AE], College of Sport Sciences [Sp], College of Science [S]} be the set of colleges the students are vying for [Algorithm 1].

Open in a separate window
Algorithm 1

Determination of the optimal college for students.

From Table 4 and based on suitability of the students to the list of colleges, this decision making is made:

  1. t1 and t2 are suitable to study at College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences.

  2. t3 is suitable to study at College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, College of Sport Sciences, and College of Science.

  3. t4 is suitable to study at College of Medicine.

  4. t5 is suitable to study at College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences and College of Science.

Table 4

Greatest value given by T=αT[ti, bk] βT[ti, bk] · πT[ti, bk].

t 10.4250.4250.4340.4250.425
t 20.4470.4500.4550.4470.450
t 30.4500.4500.4550.4550.455
t 40.4500.4790.4550.4550.450
t 50.4740.4740.4790.4740.479
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6. Discussion

The main idea of this work is to introduce a new type of fuzzy set called [3, 2]-FS. We illustrated that this type produces membership grades larger than intuitionistic and Pythagorean fuzzy sets which are already defined in the literature. However, Fermatean fuzzy sets give a larger space of membership grades than [3, 2]-FS. Figure 2 illustrates the relationships between these types of fuzzy sets.

Open in a separate window
Figure 2

Comparison of grade space of IFSs, PFSs, FFSs, and [3, 2]-FSs.

We summarize the relationships in terms of the space of membership and non-membership grades in the following figure.

Regarding topological structure, we illustrated that every fuzzy topology in the sense of Chang [intuitionistic fuzzy topology and Pythagorean fuzzy topology] is a [3, 2]-fuzzy topology. In contrast, every [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space is a Fermatean fuzzy topological space because every [3, 2]-fuzzy subset of a set can be considered as a Fermatean fuzzy subset. The next example elaborates that Fermatean fuzzy topological space need not be a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space.

Example 12 .

Let X={x1, x2}. Consider the following family of Fermatean fuzzy subsets τ={1X, 0X, D1, D2}, where


Observe that [X, τ] is a Fermatean fuzzy topological space, but [X, τ] is not a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space.

7. Conclusions

In this paper, we have introduced a new generalized intuitionistic fuzzy set called [3, 2]-fuzzy sets and studied their relationship with intuitionistic fuzzy, Pythagorean fuzzy, and Fermatean fuzzy sets. In addition, some operators on [3, 2]-fuzzy sets are defined and their relationships have been proved. The notions of [3, 2]-fuzzy topology, [3, 2]-fuzzy neighborhood, and [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous mapping were studied. Furthermore, we introduced the concept of [3, 2]-fuzzy points and studied separation axioms in [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space. We also introduced the concept of relation to [3, 2]-fuzzy sets, called [3, 2]-FR. Moreover, based on academic performance, the application of [3, 2]-FSs was explored on student placement using the proposed composition relation.

In future work, more applications of [3, 2]-fuzzy sets may be studied; also, [3, 2]-fuzzy soft sets may be studied. In addition, we will try to introduce the compactness and connectedness in [3, 2]-fuzzy topological spaces. The motivation and objectives of this extended work are given step by step in this paper.

Table 2

The [3, 2]-fuzzy relation U[A⟶S].

U[A⟶S]MathematicsComputer Sci.English Lang.BiologyPhysicsChemistry
t 1[0.81, 0.61][0.80, 0.62][0.81, 0.61][0.80, 0.61][0.71, 0.71][0.81, 0.60]
t 2[0.80, 0.61][0.81, 0.61][0.80, 0.61][0.62, 0.80][0.82, 0.60][0.82, 0.59]
t 3[0.82, 0.61][0.82, 0.60][0.82, 0.61][0.80, 0.62][0.62, 0.80][0.81, 0.61]
t 4[0.81, 0.62][0.83, 0.60][0.81, 0.61][0.81, 0.61][0.80, 0.61][0.82, 0.60]
t 5[0.83, 0.59][0.82, 0.60][0.83, 0.60][0.82, 0.59][0.81, 0.59][0.83, 0.59]
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Table 3

The [3, 2]-fuzzy relation R[S⟶C].

Mathematics[0.83, 0.59][0.84, 0.59][0.80, 0.62][0.82, 0.61][0.83, 0.60]
Computer Sci.[0.82, 0.60][0.83, 0.59][0.80, 0.61][0.80, 0.62][0.80, 0.61]
English Lang.[0.84, 0.59][0.83, 0.60][0.84, 0.59][0.83, 0.60][0.84, 0.59]
Biology[0.81, 0.61][0.80, 0.609][0.80, 0.62][0.81, 0.61][0.81, 0.60]
Physics[0.83, 0.60][0.82, 0.60][0.82, 0.61][0.82, 0.60][0.82, 0.60]
Chemistry[0.83, 0.59][0.83, 0.60][0.82, 0.61][0.84, 0.59][0.83, 0.60]
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Data Availability

No data were used to support this study.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


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Comput Intell Neurosci. 2021; 2021: 1272266.
Published online 2021 Oct 27. doi:10.1155/2021/1272266
PMCID: PMC8566069
PMID: 34745244

[3, 2]-Fuzzy Sets and Their Applications to Topology and Optimal Choices

Hariwan Z. Ibrahim, 1 Tareq M. Al-shami,
2 and O. G. Elbarbary 3

Hariwan Z. Ibrahim

1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, University of Zakho, Zakho, Iraq

Find articles by Hariwan Z. Ibrahim

Tareq M. Al-shami

2Department of Mathematics, Sana'a University, Sana'a, Yemen

Find articles by Tareq M. Al-shami

O. G. Elbarbary

3Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt

Find articles by O. G. Elbarbary
Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer
1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, University of Zakho, Zakho, Iraq
2Department of Mathematics, Sana'a University, Sana'a, Yemen
3Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt
Corresponding author.
Tareq M. Al-shami: moc.liamg@38imahslaqerat
Academic Editor: Ahmed Mostafa Khalil
Received 2021 Sep 15; Accepted 2021 Oct 11.
Copyright © 2021 Hariwan Z. Ibrahim et al.
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Data Availability Statement

No data were used to support this study.


The purpose of this paper is to define the concept of [3, 2]-fuzzy sets and discuss their relationship with other kinds of fuzzy sets. We describe some of the basic set operations on [3, 2]-fuzzy sets. [3, 2]-Fuzzy sets can deal with more uncertain situations than Pythagorean and intuitionistic fuzzy sets because of their larger range of describing the membership grades. Furthermore, we familiarize the notion of [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space and discuss the master properties of [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous maps. Then, we introduce the concept of [3, 2]-fuzzy points and study some types of separation axioms in [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space. Moreover, we establish the idea of relation in [3, 2]-fuzzy set and present some properties. Ultimately, on the basis of academic performance, the decision-making approach of student placement is presented via the proposed [3, 2]-fuzzy relation to ascertain the suitability of colleges to applicants.

1. Introduction

The concept of fuzzy sets was proposed by Zadeh [1]. The theory of fuzzy sets has several applications in real-life situations, and many scholars have researched fuzzy set theory. After the introduction of the concept of fuzzy sets, several research studies were conducted on the generalizations of fuzzy sets. The integration between fuzzy sets and some uncertainty approaches such as soft sets and rough sets has been discussed in [24].

The idea of intuitionistic fuzzy sets suggested by Atanassov [5] is one of the extensions of fuzzy sets with better applicability. Applications of intuitionistic fuzzy sets appear in various fields, including medical diagnosis, optimization problems, and multicriteria decision making [68]. Yager [9] offered a new fuzzy set called a Pythagorean fuzzy set, which is the generalization of intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Fermatean fuzzy sets were introduced by Senapati and Yager [10], and they also defined basic operations over the Fermatean fuzzy sets.

The concept of fuzzy topological spaces was introduced by Chang [11]. He studied the topological concepts like continuity and compactness via fuzzy topological spaces. Then, Lowen [12] presented a new type of fuzzy topological spaces. Çoker [13] subsequently initiated a study of intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces. Recently, Olgun et al. [14] presented the concept of Pythagorean fuzzy topological spaces and Ibrahim [15] defined the concept of Fermatean fuzzy topological spaces.

The main purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept of [3, 2]-fuzzy sets and compare them with the other types of fuzzy sets. We introduce the set of operations for the [3, 2]-fuzzy sets and explore their main features. Following the idea of Chang, we define a topological structure via [3, 2]-fuzzy sets as an extension of fuzzy topological space, intuitionistic fuzzy topological space, and Pythagorean fuzzy topological space. We discuss the main topological concepts in [3, 2]-fuzzy topological spaces such as continuity and compactness. In addition, the concept of relation to [3, 2]-fuzzy sets is investigated. Finally, an improved version of max-min-max composite relation for [3, 2]-fuzzy sets is proposed.

2. [3, 2]-Fuzzy Sets

In this section, we initiate the notion of [3, 2]-fuzzy sets and study their relationship with other kinds of fuzzy sets. Then, we furnish some operations to [3, 2]-fuzzy sets.

Definition 1 .

Let X be a universal set. Then, the [3, 2]-fuzzy set [briefly, [3, 2]-FS] D is defined by the following:

D=r,αDr,βDr: rX,

where αD[r] : X⟶[0,1] is the degree of membership and βD[r] : X⟶[0,1] is the degree of non-membership of r X to D, with the condition


The degree of indeterminacy of r X to D is defined by


It is clear that [αD[r]]3+[βD[r]]2+[πD[r]]5=1, and πD[r]=0 whenever [αD[r]]3+[βD[r]]2=1. In the interest of simplicity, we shall mention the symbol D=[αD, βD] for the [3, 2]-FS D={r, αD[r], βD[r] :  r X}.

Definition 2 .

Let X be a universal set. Then, the intuitionistic fuzzy set [IFS] [5] [resp. Pythagorean fuzzy set [PFS] [9] and Fermatean fuzzy set [FFS] [10]] is defined by the following:

K=r,αKr,βKr: rX,

with the condition 0 αK[r]+βK[r] 1 [resp. 0 [αK[r]]2+[βK[r]]2 1, 0 [αK[r]]3+[βK[r]]3 1], where αK[r] : X⟶[0,1] is the degree of membership and βK[r] : X⟶[0,1] is the degree of non-membership of every r X to K.

To illustrate the importance of [3, 2]-FS to extend the grades of membership and non-membership degrees, assume that αD[r]=0.9 and βD[r]=0.5 for X={r}. We obtain 0.9+0.5=1.40 > 1 and [0.9]2+[0.5]2=1.06 > 1 which means that D=[0.9, 0.5] neither follows the condition of IFS nor follows the condition of PFS. On the other hand, [0.9]3+[0.5]2=0.979 < 1 which means we can apply the [3, 2]-FS to control it. That is, D=[0.9, 0.5] is a [3, 2]-FS.

Theorem 1 .

The set of [3, 2]-fuzzy membership grades is larger than the set of intuitionistic membership grades and Pythagorean membership grades.


It is well known that for any two numbers r1, r2 [0,1], we have


Then, we get


Hence, the space of [3, 2]-fuzzy membership grades is larger than the space of intuitionistic membership grades and Pythagorean membership grades. This development can be evidently recognized in Figure 1.

Open in a separate window
Figure 1

Comparison of grade space of IFSs, PFSs, and [3, 2]-FSs.

Lemma 1 .

Let X={rj :  j=1,, k} be a universal set and D be [3, 2]-FS. If πD[rj]=0, then αDrj=βDrj1βDrj+13.


Presume that D is [3, 2]-FS and πD[rj]=0 for rj X; then,


Example 1 .

Let D be [3, 2]-FS and r X such that βD[r]=0.82 and πD[r]=0. Then, αDr=βDr1βDr+13=0.181.823=0.32763.

Definition 3 .

Let δ be a positive real number [δ > 0]. If D1=[αD1, βD1] and D2=[αD2, βD2] are two [3, 2]-FSs, then their operations are defined as follows:

  1. D1D2=[min{αD1, αD2}, max{βD1, βD2}].

  2. D1 D2=[max{αD1, αD2}, min{βD1, βD2}].

  3. D1c=[βD1, αD1].

  4. δD1=11αD13δ5,βD1δ.

  5. D1δ=αD1δ,11βD12δ5.

Remark 1 .

We will use supremum sup instead of maximum max and infimum inf instead of minimum min if the union and the intersection are infinite.

Example 2 .

Assume that D1=[αD1=0.9, βD1=0.5] and D2=[αD2=0.89, βD2=0.49] are both [3, 2]-FSs. Then,

  1. D1D2=[min{αD1, αD2}, max{βD1, βD2}]=[min{0.9, 0.89}, max{0.5, 0.49}]=[0.89, 0.5].

  2. D1 D2=[max{αD1, αD2}, min{βD1, βD2}]=[max{0.9, 0.89}, min{0.5, 0.49}]=[0.9, 0.49].

  3. D1c=[0.5, 0.9].

  4. δD1=11αD13δ5,βD1δ=110.9345,0.540.99892,0.06250, for δ=4.

  5. D1δ=αD1δ,11βD12δ5=0.94,110.52450.65610,0.92674, for δ=4.

Theorem 2 .

Let L1=[αL1, βL1] and L2=[αL2, βL2] be two [3, 2]-FSs; then, the following properties hold:

  1. L1L2=L2L1.

  2. L1 L2=L2 L1.

  3. [L1L2] L2=L2.

  4. [L1 L2]L2=L2.


From Definition 3, we can obtain

  1. L1L2=[min{αL1, αL2}, max{βL1, βL2}]=[min{αL2, αL1}, max{βL2, βL1}]=L2L1.

  2. The proof is similar to [1].

  3. [L1L2] L2=[min{αL1, αL2}, max{βL1, βL2}] [αL2, βL2]=[max{min{αL1, αL2}, αL2}, min{max{βL1, βL2}, βL2}]=[αL2, βL2]=L2.

  4. The proof is similar to [3].

Theorem 3 .

Let L1=[αL1, βL1], L2=[αL2, βL2] and L3=[αL3, βL3] be three [3, 2]-FSs and δ > 0; then,

  1. L1[L2L3]=[L1L2]L3.

  2. L1 [L2 L3]=[L1 L2] L3.

  3. δ[L1 L2]=δL1 δL2.

  4. [L1 L2]δ=L1δ L2δ.


For the three [3, 2]-FSs L1, L2, and L3 and δ > 0, according to Definition 3, we can obtain

  • [1]
  • [2]

    The proof is similar to [1].

  • [3]
  • [4]

    The proof is similar to [3].

In the following result, we claim that Lc is [3, 2]-FS for any [3, 2]-FS L.

Theorem 4 .

Let L1=[αL1, βL1] and L2=[αL2, βL2] be two [3, 2]-FSs such that L1c and L2c are [3, 2]-FSs. Then,

  1. [L1L2]c=L1c L2c.

  2. [L1 L2]c=L1cL2c.


For the two [3, 2]-FSs L1 and L2, according to Definition 3, we can obtain

  • [1]
  • [2]

    The proof is similar to [1].

Definition 4 .

Let D1=[αD1, βD1] and D2=[αD2, βD2] be two [3, 2]-FSs; then,

  1. D1=D2 if and only if αD1=αD2 and βD1=βD2.

  2. D1 D2 if and only if αD1 αD2 and βD1 βD2.

  3. D2 D1 or D1D2 if D1 D2.

Example 3 .

  1. If D1=[0.9, 0.5] and D2=[0.9, 0.5] for X={x}, then D1=D2.

  2. If D1=[0.9, 0.5] and D2=[0.81, 0.61] for X={x}, then D2 D1 and D2 D1.

3. Topology with respect to [3, 2]-Fuzzy Sets

In this section, we formulate the concept of [3, 2]-fuzzy topology on the family of [3, 2]-fuzzy sets whose complements are [3, 2]-fuzzy sets and scrutinize main properties. Then, we define [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous maps and give some characterizations. Finally, we establish two types of [3, 2]-fuzzy separation axioms and reveal the relationships between them.

3.1. [3, 2]-Fuzzy Topology

Definition 5 .

Let τ be a family of [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets of a non-empty set X. If

  1. 1X, 0X τ where 1X=[1,0] and 0X=[0,1],

  2. D1D2 τ, for any D1, D2 τ,

  3. iIDi τ, for any {Di}iI τ,

then τ is called a [3, 2]-fuzzy topology on X and [X, τ] is a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space. We call D an open [3, 2]-FS if it is a member of τ and call its complement a closed [3, 2]-FS.

Remark 2 .

We call τ={1X, 0X} the indiscreet [3, 2]-fuzzy topology on X. If τ contains all [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets, then we call τ the discrete [3, 2]-fuzzy topology on X.

Example 4 .

Let τ={1X, 0X, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5} be the family of [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets of X={x1, x2}, where


Hence, τ is [3, 2]-fuzzy topology on X.

Remark 3 .

We showed that every fuzzy set D on a set X is a [3, 2]-fuzzy set having the form D={r, αD[r], 1 αD[r] :  r X}. Then, every fuzzy topological space [X, τ1] in the sense of Chang is obviously a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space in the form τ={D :  αD τ1} whenever we identify a fuzzy set in X whose membership function is αD with its counterpart D={r, αD[r], 1 αD[r] :  r X}. Similarly, one can note that every intuitionistic fuzzy topology [Pythagorean fuzzy topology] is [3, 2]-fuzzy topology. The following examples explain this note.

Example 5 .

Consider τ={1X, 0X, D1, D2} as family of fuzzy subsets of X={x}, where


Then, τ is fuzzy topology on X, and hence it is [3, 2]-fuzzy topology.

Example 6 .

Let τ={1X, 0X, D1, D2} be the family of [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets on X={x1, x2} where


Hence, τ is [3, 2]-fuzzy topology. On the other hand, τ is neither intuitionistic fuzzy topology nor Pythagorean fuzzy topology.

Definition 6 .

Let [X, τ] be a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space and D={x, αD[x], βD[x] :  x X} be a [3, 2]-FS in X. Then, the [3, 2]-fuzzy interior and [3, 2]-fuzzy closure of D are, respectively, defined by

  1. cl[D]={H : H is a closed [3, 2]-FS in X and D H}.

  2. int[D]={G : G is an open [3, 2]-FS in X and G D}.

Remark 4 .

Let [X, τ] be a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space and D be any [3, 2]-FS in X. Then,

  1. int[D] is an open [3, 2]-FS.

  2. cl[D] is a closed [3, 2]-FS.

  3. int[1X]=cl[1X]=1X and int[0X]=cl[0X]=0X.

Example 7 .

Consider the [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space [X, τ] in Example 4. If D={c1, 0.67, 0.81, c2, 0.75, 0.74}, then int[D]=0X and cl[D]=1X.

Theorem 5 .

Let [X, τ] be a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space and D1, D2 be [3, 2]-FSs in X. Then, the following properties hold:

  1. int[D1] D1 and D1 cl[D1].

  2. If D1 D2, then int[D1] int[D2] and cl[D1] cl[D2].

  3. D1 is an open [3, 2]-FS if and only if D1=int[D1].

  4. D1 is a closed [3, 2]-FS if and only if D1=cl[D1].


[1] and [2] are obvious.

[3] and [4] follow from Definition 6.

Corollary 1 .

Let [X, τ] be a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space and D1, D2 be [3, 2]-FSs in X. Then, the following properties hold:

  1. int[D1] int[D2] int[D1 D2].

  2. cl[D1D2] cl[D1]cl[D2].

  3. int[D1D2]=int[D1]int[D2].

  4. cl[D1] cl[D2]=cl[D1 D2].


[1] and [2] follows from [1] of the above theorem.

[3]: since int[D1D2] int[D1] and int[D1D2] int[D2], we obtain int[D1D2] int[D1]int[D2]. On the other hand, from the facts int[D1] D1 and int[D2] D2, we have int[D1]int[D2] D1D2 and int[D1]int[D2] τ; we see that int[D1]int[D2] int[D1D2], and hence int[D1D2]=int[D1]int[D2].

[4] can be proved similar to [3].

Theorem 6 .

Let [X, τ] be a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space and D be [3, 2]-FS in X. Then, the following properties hold:

  1. cl[Dc]=int[D]c.

  2. int[Dc]=cl[D]c.

  3. cl[Dc]c=int[D].

  4. int[Dc]c=cl[D].


We only prove [1]; the other parts can be proved similarly.

Let D={x, αD[x], βD[x] :  x X} and suppose that the family of open [3, 2]-fuzzy sets contained in D is indexed by the family {x, αUi[x], βUi[x] :  i J}. Then, int[D]={x, αUi[x], βUi[x]}. Therefore, int[D]c={x, βUi[x], αUi[x]}. Now, Dc={x, βD[x], αD[x]} such that αUi αD, βUi βD for each i J. This implies that {x, βUi[x], αUi[x] :  i J} is the family of all closed [3, 2]-fuzzy sets containing Dc. That is, cl[Dc]={x, βUi[x], αUi[x]}. Hence, cl[Dc]=int[D]c.

3.2. [3, 2]-Fuzzy Continuous Maps

Definition 7 .

Let f : X⟶Y be a map and A and B be [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets of X and Y, respectively. The functions of membership and non-membership of the image of A, denoted by f[A], are, respectively, calculated by

αfAysupzf1yαAz,if f1yϕ,0,otherwise,βfAyinfzf1yβAz,if f1yϕ,1,otherwise.

The functions of membership and non-membership of preimage of B, denoted by f1[B], are, respectively, calculated by


Remark 5 .

To show that f[A] and f1[B] are [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets, consider γA[z]]5=αA[z]]3+[βA[z]]2. If f1[y] is non-empty, then we obtain


In contrast, f1[y]=ϕ leads to the fact that [αf[A][y]]3+[βf[A][y]]2=1.

It is easy to prove the case of f1[B].

Theorem 7 .

Let f : X⟶Y be a map s.t. A and B are [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets of X and Y, respectively. Then, we have

  1. f1[Bc]=f1[B]c.

  2. f[A]cf[Ac].

  3. If B1B2, then f1[B1]f1[B2] where B1 and B2 are [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets of Y.

  4. If A1A2, then f[A1]f[A2] where A1 and A2 are [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets of X.

  5. f[f1[B]]B.

  6. Af1[f[A]].


  • [1]

    Consider v X and let B be a [3, 2]-fuzzy subset of Y. Then,

  • Similarly, one can have βf1[Bc][v]=βf1[B]c[v]. Therefore, f1[Bc]=f1[B]c, as required.

  • [2]

    For any w Y such that f1[w] ϕ and for any [3, 2]-fuzzy subset A of X, we can write

  • Now from [18], we have

  • The proof is easy when f1[w]=ϕ. Following a similar technique, we obtain βf[Ac][w] βf[A]c[w], which means that f[A]cf[Ac].

  • [3]

    Assume that B1B2. Then, for each v X, αf1[B1][v]=αB1[f[v]] αB2[f[v]]=αf1[B2][v]. Also, βf1[B1][v] βf1[B2][v]. Hence, we obtain the desired result.

  • [4]

    Assume that A1A2 and w Y. The proof is easy when f[w]=ϕ. So, presume that f[w] ϕ. Then,

  • Thus, αf[A1] αf[A2] follows. Similarly, we have βf[A1] βf[A2].

  • [5]

    For any w Y s.t. f[w] ϕ, we find that

  • On the other hand, we have αf[f1[B]][w]=0 αB[w] when f[w]=ϕ. Similarly, we have βf[f1[B]][w]=0 βB[w].

  • [6]

    For any v X, we have

  • Similarly, we have βf1[f[A]] βA.

The proof of the following result is easy, and hence it is omitted.

Theorem 8 .

Let X and Y be two non-empty sets and f : X⟶Y be a map. Then, the following statements are true:

  1. f[iIAi]=iIf[Ai] for any [3, 2]-fuzzy subset Ai of X.

  2. f1[iIBi]=iIf1[Bi] for any [3, 2]-fuzzy subset Bi of Y.

  3. f[A1A2] f[A1]f[A2] for any two [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets A1 and A2 of X.

  4. f1[iIBi]=iIf1[Bi] for any [3, 2]-fuzzy subset Bi of Y.

Definition 8 .

In a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space, consider that A and U are two [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets. We call U a neighborhood of A, briefly nbd, if there exists an open [3, 2]-fuzzy subset E such that AEU.

Theorem 9 .

A [3, 2]-fuzzy subset A is open iff it contains a nbd of its each subset.


The proof is easy.

Definition 9 .

A map f : [X, τ1]⟶[Y, τ2] is said to be [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous if for any [3, 2]-fuzzy subset A of X and for any nbd V of f[A] there is a nbd U of A s.t. f[U]V.

Theorem 10 .

The following statements are equivalent for a map f : [X, τ1]⟶[Y, τ2]:

  1. f is [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous.

  2. For each [3, 2]-FS A of X and each nbd V of f[A], there is a nbd U of A s.t. for each BU, we obtain f[B]V.

  3. For each [3, 2]-FS A of X and for each nbd V of f[A], there is a nbd U of A s.t. Uf1[V].

  4. For each [3, 2]-FS A of X and for each nbd V of f[A], f1[V] is a nbd of A.


  •   [1][2]: let f be a [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous map. Consider A as a [3, 2]-FS of X and V as a nbd of f[A]. Then, there is a nbd U of A s.t. f[U]V. If BU, we obtain f[B]f[U]V.

  •   [2][3]: assume A as a [3, 2]-FS of X and V as a nbd of f[A]. According to [2], there is a nbd U of A s.t. for each BU, we find f[B]V. Therefore, Bf1[f[B]]f1[V]. Since B is chosen arbitrarily, Uf1[V].

  •   [3][4]: presume A is a [3, 2]-FS of X and V is a nbd of f[A]. According to [3], there is a nbd U of A s.t. Uf1[V]. Since U is a nbd of A, there is an open [3, 2]-FS K of X s.t. AKU. On the other hand, we obtain AKf1[V] because Uf1[V]. This means that f1[V] is a nbd of A.

  •   [4][1]: suppose that A is a [3, 2]-FS of X and V is a nbd of f[A]. By hypothesis, f1[V] is a nbd of A. So, there is an open [3, 2]-FS K of X s.t. AKf1[V] which means f[K]f[f1[V]]V. Moreover, K is an open [3, 2]-FS, so it is a nbd of A. Hence, we obtain the proof that f is [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous.

Theorem 11 .

A map f : [X, τ1]⟶[Y, τ2] is [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous iff f1[B] is an open [3, 2]-FS of X for each open [3, 2]-FS B of Y.


Necessity: presume f as a [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous map. Consider an open [3, 2]-FS B of Y s.t. Af1[B]. This directly gives that f[A]B. It follows from Theorem 9 that there is a nbd V of f[A] satisfying VB. Now, f is [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous, so by [4] of Theorem 10, we obtain that f1[V] is a nbd of A. Also, it follows from [3] of Theorem 7 that f1[V]f1[B]. So, f1[B] is a nbd of A. Since A is an arbitrary subset of f1[B], then by Theorem 9, the [3, 2]-FS f1[B] is open.

3.2.1. Sufficiency

Presume A is a [3, 2]-FS of X and V is a nbd of f[A]. Then, τ2 contains a [3, 2]-FS L of s.t. f[A]LV. By hypothesis, f1[L] is an open [3, 2]-FS. Also, we have Af1[f[A]]f1[L]f1[V]. Thus, f1[V] is a nbd of A which demonstrates that f is [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous.

We build the following two examples such that the first one provides a [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous map, whereas the second one presents a fuzzy map that is not [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous.

Example 8 .

Consider X={a1, a2} with the [3, 2]-fuzzy topology τ1={1X, 0X, A1} and Y={b1, b2} with the [3, 2]-fuzzy topology τ2={1Y, 0Y, B1}, where


Let f : X⟶Y be defined as follows:

fx=b2,if x=a1,b1,if x=a2.

Since 1Y, 0Y, and B1 are open [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets of Y, then


are open [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets of X. Thus, f is [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous.

Example 9 .

Consider X={a1, a2} with the [3, 2]-fuzzy topology τ1={1X, 0X} and Y={b1, b2} with the [3, 2]-fuzzy topology τ2={1Y, 0Y, B1}, where B1={b1, 0.82, 0.62, b2, 0.52, 0.90}.

Let f : X⟶Y be defined as follows:

fx=b1,if x=a1,b2,if x=a2.

Since B1 is an open [3, 2]-fuzzy subset of Y, but f1[B1]={a1, 0.82, 0.62, a2, 0.52, 0.90} is not an open [3, 2]-fuzzy subset of X, f is not [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous.

Theorem 12 .

The following are equivalent to each other:

  1. f : [X, τ1]⟶[Y, τ2] is [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous.

  2. For each closed [3, 2]-fuzzy subset B of Y we have that f1[B] is a closed [3, 2]-fuzzy subset of X.

  3. cl[f1[B]]f1[cl[B]] for each [3, 2]-fuzzy set in Y.

  4. f1[int[B]]int[f1[B]] for each [3, 2]-fuzzy set in Y.


They can be easily proved using Theorems 6, 7, and 11.

Theorem 13 .

Let [Y, τ] be a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space and f : X⟶Y be a map. Then, there is a coarsest [3, 2]-fuzzy topology τ1 over X such that f is [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous.


Let us define a class of [3, 2]-fuzzy subsets τ1 of X by

τ1f1V: Vτ.

We prove that τ1 is the coarsest [3, 2]-fuzzy topology over X such that f is [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous.

  • [1]

    We can write for any x X that

  • Similarly, we immediately have βf1[0Y][x]=β0X[x] for any x X which implies f1[0Y]=0X. Now, as 0Y τ, we have 0X=f1[0Y] τ1. In a similar manner, it is easy to see that 1X=f1[1Y] τ1.

  • [2]

    Assume that D1, D2 τ1. Then, for i=1,2, there exists Bi τ such that f1[Bi]=Di which implies αf1[Bi]=αDi and βf1[Bi]=βDi. Thus, we obtain for any x X that

  • Similarly, it is not difficult to see that βD1D2=βf1[B1B2]. Hence, we get D1D2 τ1.

  • [3]

    Assume that {Di}iI is an arbitrary subfamily of τ1. Then, for any i I, there exists Bi τ1 such that f1[Bi]=Di which implies αf1[Bi]=αDi and βf1[Bi]=βDi. Therefore, one can get for any x X that


On the other hand, it is easy to see that βiIDi=βf1[iIBi]. Thus, we have iIDi τ1.

From Theorem 11, the [3, 2]-fuzzy continuity of f is trivial. Now, we prove that τ1 is the coarsest [3, 2]-fuzzy topology over X such that f is [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous. Let τ2τ1 be a [3, 2]-fuzzy topology over X such that f is [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous. If B τ1, then there is V τ such that f1[V]=B. Since f is [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous with respect to τ2, we have B=f1[V] τ2. Hence, τ2=τ1, as required.

3.3. [3, 2]-Fuzzy Separation Axioms

Separation axioms are one of the most important and popular notions in topological studies. They have been studied and applied to model some real-life issues in soft setting as explained in [16, 17].

Definition 10 .

Let X and x X be a fixed element in X. Suppose that r1 [0,1] and r2 [0,1] are two fixed real numbers such that r13+r22 1. Then, a [3, 2]-fuzzy point p[r1, r2]x={x, αp[x], βp[x]} is defined to be a [3, 2]-fuzzy set of X as follows.

pr1,r2xyr1,r2,if y=x,0,1,otherwise,

for y X. In this case, x is called the support of p[r1, r2]x. A [3, 2]-fuzzy point p[r1, r2]x is said to belong to a [3, 2]-fuzzy set D={x, αD[x], βD[x]} of X denoted by p[r1, r2]x D if r1 αD[x] and r2 βD[x]. Two [3, 2]-fuzzy points are said to be distinct if their supports are distinct.

Remark 6 .

Let D1={x, αD1[x], βD1[x]} and D2={x, αD2[x], βD2[x]} be two [3, 2]-fuzzy sets of X. Then, D1D2 if and only if p[r1, r2]x D1 implies p[r1, r2]x D2 for any [3, 2]-fuzzy point p[r1, r2]x in X.

Definition 11 .

Let r1, r3 [0,1], r2, r4 [0,1], and x, y X. A [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space [X, τ] is said to be

  • [1]

    T0 if for each pair of distinct [3, 2]-fuzzy points p[r1, r2]x, p[r3, r4]y in X, there exist two open [3, 2]-fuzzy sets L and K such that

    L=x,1,0,y,0,1,or K=x,0,1,y,1,0.
  • [2]

    T1 if for each pair of distinct [3, 2]-fuzzy points p[r1, r2]x, p[r3, r4]y in X, there exist two open [3, 2]-fuzzy sets L and K such that


Proposition 1 .

Let [X, τ] be a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space. If [X, τ] is T1, then [X, τ] is T0.


The proof is straightforward from Definition 11.

Here is an example which shows that the converse of above proposition is not true in general.

Example 10 .

Consider X={c1, c2} with the [3, 2]-fuzzy topology τ={1X, 0X, D}, where D={c1, 1,0, c2, 0,1}. Then, [X, τ] is T0 but not T1 because there does not exist an open [3, 2]-fuzzy set K such that K={x, 0,1, y, 1,0}.

Theorem 14 .

Let [X, τ] be a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space, r1, r3 [0,1], and r2, r4 [0,1]. If [X, τ] is T0, then for each pair of distinct [3, 2]-fuzzy points p[r1, r2]x, p[r3, r4]y of X, cl[p[r1, r2]x] cl[p[r3, r4]y].


Let [X, τ] be T0 and p[r1, r2]x, p[r3, r4]y be any two distinct [3, 2]-fuzzy points of X. Then, there exist two open [3, 2]-fuzzy sets L and K such that

L=x,1,0,y,0,1,or K=x,0,1,y,1,0.

Let L={x, 1,0, y, 0,1} exist. Then, Lc={x, 0,1, y, 1,0} is a closed [3, 2]-fuzzy set which does not contain p[r1, r2]x but contains p[r3, r4]y. Since cl[p[r3, r4]y] is the smallest closed [3, 2]-fuzzy set containing p[r3, r4]y, then cl[p[r3, r4]y]Lc, and therefore p[r1, r2]x cl[p[r3, r4]y]. Consequently, cl[p[r1, r2]x] cl[p[r3, r4]y].

Theorem 15 .

Let [X, τ] be a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space. If p[1,0]x is closed [3, 2]-fuzzy set for every x X, then, [X, τ] is T1.


Suppose p[1,0]x is a closed [3, 2]-fuzzy set for every x X. Let p[r1, r2]x, p[r3, r4]y be any two distinct [3, 2]-fuzzy points of X; then, x y implies that p[1,0]xc and p[1,0]yc are two open [3, 2]-fuzzy sets such that


Thus, [X, τ] is T1.

4. [3, 2]-Fuzzy Relations

A relation is a mathematical description of a situation where certain elements of sets are related to one another in some way. The system of fuzzy relation equations was first studied by Sanchez [1821], who used it in medical research. Biswas [22] defined the method of intuitionistic medical diagnosis which involves intuitionistic fuzzy relations. Kumar et al. [23] used the applications of intuitionistic fuzzy set theory in diagnosis of various types of diseases. The notion of max-min-max composite relation for Pythagorean fuzzy sets was studied by Ejegwa [24], and the approach was improved and applied to medical diagnosis.

In this section, we introduce the notions of max-min-max composite relation and improved composite relation for [3, 2]-FSs. Moreover, we provide a numerical example to elaborate on how we can apply the composite relations to obtain the optimal choices.

Definition 12 .

Let X and Y be two [crisp] sets. The [3, 2]-fuzzy relation R [briefly, [3, 2]-FR] from X to Y is a [3, 2]-FS of X × Y characterized by the degree of membership function αR and degree of non-membership function βR. The [3, 2]-FR R from X to Y will be denoted by R[X⟶Y]. If D is a [3, 2]-FS of X, then

  • [1]

    The max-min-max composition of the [3, 2]-FR R[X⟶Y] with D is a [3, 2]-FS C of Y denoted by C = R o D and is defined by

    αRoDn=mαDmαRm,n,βRoDn=mβDmβRm,n,for all nY.
  • [2]

    The improved composite relation of R[X⟶Y] with D is a [3, 2]-FS C of Y denoted by C = R o D, such that

αRoDn=mαDm+αRm,n2,βRoDn=mβDm+βRm,n2,for all nY.

Definition 13 .

Let Q[X⟶Y] and R[Y⟶Z] be two [3, 2]-FRs. Then, for all [m, r] X × Z and n Y,

  • [1]

    The max-min-max composition R o Q is the [3, 2]-fuzzy relation from X to Z defined by

  • [2]

    The improved composite relation R o Q is the [3, 2]-fuzzy relation from X to Z such that


Remark 7 .

The improved composite and max-min-max composite relations for [3, 2]-fuzzy sets are calculated by the following:


Example 11 .

Let D1 and D2 be two [3, 2]-fuzzy sets for X={x1, x2, x3, x4}. Assume that


By using Definitions 12 [1] and 13 [1], respectively, we find the max-min-max composite relation with application to D1 and D2 as follows:


It is obvious that the minimum value of the membership values of the elements [that is, x1, x2, x3, x4] in D1 and D2, respectively, is 0.7, 0.5, 0.6, and 0.8. Also, the maximum value of the non-membership values of the elements [that is, x1, x2, x3, x4] in D1 and D2, respectively, is 0.79, 0.87, 0.85, and 0.69. From Remark 7, we can get


Again, by using Definitions 12 [2] and 13 [2], respectively, we find the improved composite relation with application to D1 and D2 as follows:


From Remark 7, we can get


Hence, from [43] and [45], we obtain that the improved composite relation produces better relation with greater relational value when compared to max-min-max composite relation.

5. Application of [3, 2]-Fuzzy Sets

We localize the idea of [3, 2]-FR as follows.

Let S={r1,, rl} be a finite set of subjects related to the colleges, C={b1,, bm} be a finite set of colleges, and A={t1,, tn} be a finite set of students. Suppose that we have two [3, 2]-FRs, U[A⟶S] and R[S⟶C], such that

U=t,r,αUt,r,βUt,r| t,rA×S,R=r,b,αRr,b,βRr,b| r,bS×C.


  •   αU[t, r] denotes the degree to which the student [t] passes the related subject requirement [r].

  •   βU[t, r] denotes the degree to which the student [t] does not pass the related subject requirement [r].

  •   αR[r, b] denotes the degree to which the related subject requirement [r] determines the college [b].

  •   βR[r, b] denotes the degree to which the related subject requirement [r] does not determine the college [b].

T=RoU is the composition of R and U. This describes the state in which the students, ti, with respect to the related subject requirement, rj, fit the colleges, bk. Thus,


ti A and bk C, where i, j, and k take values from 1,, n.

The values of αRoU[ti, bk] and βRoU[ti, bk] of the composition T = R o U are as follows [Table 1].

Table 1

The composition R o U.

t 1[0.81, 0.60][0.81, 0.60][0.81, 0.61][0.81, 0.60][0.81, 0.60]
t 2[0.82, 0.59][0.82, 0.60][0.82, 0.61][0.82, 0.59][0.82, 0.60]
t 3[0.82, 0.60][0.82, 0.60][0.82, 0.61][0.82, 0.61][0.82, 0.61]
t 4[0.82, 0.60][0.83, 0.60][0.82, 0.61][0.82, 0.61][0.82, 0.60]
t 5[0.83, 0.59][0.83, 0.59][0.83, 0.60][0.83, 0.59][0.83, 0.60]
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If the value of T is given by the following:


then the student placement can be achieved.

5.1. Application Example

By using a hypothetical case with quasi-real data, we apply this method. Let A={t1, t2, t3, t4, t5} be the set of students for the colleges; S = {English Lang., Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Sci.} be the set of related subject requirement to the set of colleges; and C = {College of Engineering [E], College of Medicine [M], College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences [AE], College of Sport Sciences [Sp], College of Science [S]} be the set of colleges the students are vying for [Algorithm 1].

Open in a separate window
Algorithm 1

Determination of the optimal college for students.

From Table 4 and based on suitability of the students to the list of colleges, this decision making is made:

  1. t1 and t2 are suitable to study at College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences.

  2. t3 is suitable to study at College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, College of Sport Sciences, and College of Science.

  3. t4 is suitable to study at College of Medicine.

  4. t5 is suitable to study at College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences and College of Science.

Table 4

Greatest value given by T=αT[ti, bk] βT[ti, bk] · πT[ti, bk].

t 10.4250.4250.4340.4250.425
t 20.4470.4500.4550.4470.450
t 30.4500.4500.4550.4550.455
t 40.4500.4790.4550.4550.450
t 50.4740.4740.4790.4740.479
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6. Discussion

The main idea of this work is to introduce a new type of fuzzy set called [3, 2]-FS. We illustrated that this type produces membership grades larger than intuitionistic and Pythagorean fuzzy sets which are already defined in the literature. However, Fermatean fuzzy sets give a larger space of membership grades than [3, 2]-FS. Figure 2 illustrates the relationships between these types of fuzzy sets.

Open in a separate window
Figure 2

Comparison of grade space of IFSs, PFSs, FFSs, and [3, 2]-FSs.

We summarize the relationships in terms of the space of membership and non-membership grades in the following figure.

Regarding topological structure, we illustrated that every fuzzy topology in the sense of Chang [intuitionistic fuzzy topology and Pythagorean fuzzy topology] is a [3, 2]-fuzzy topology. In contrast, every [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space is a Fermatean fuzzy topological space because every [3, 2]-fuzzy subset of a set can be considered as a Fermatean fuzzy subset. The next example elaborates that Fermatean fuzzy topological space need not be a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space.

Example 12 .

Let X={x1, x2}. Consider the following family of Fermatean fuzzy subsets τ={1X, 0X, D1, D2}, where


Observe that [X, τ] is a Fermatean fuzzy topological space, but [X, τ] is not a [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space.

7. Conclusions

In this paper, we have introduced a new generalized intuitionistic fuzzy set called [3, 2]-fuzzy sets and studied their relationship with intuitionistic fuzzy, Pythagorean fuzzy, and Fermatean fuzzy sets. In addition, some operators on [3, 2]-fuzzy sets are defined and their relationships have been proved. The notions of [3, 2]-fuzzy topology, [3, 2]-fuzzy neighborhood, and [3, 2]-fuzzy continuous mapping were studied. Furthermore, we introduced the concept of [3, 2]-fuzzy points and studied separation axioms in [3, 2]-fuzzy topological space. We also introduced the concept of relation to [3, 2]-fuzzy sets, called [3, 2]-FR. Moreover, based on academic performance, the application of [3, 2]-FSs was explored on student placement using the proposed composition relation.

In future work, more applications of [3, 2]-fuzzy sets may be studied; also, [3, 2]-fuzzy soft sets may be studied. In addition, we will try to introduce the compactness and connectedness in [3, 2]-fuzzy topological spaces. The motivation and objectives of this extended work are given step by step in this paper.

Table 2

The [3, 2]-fuzzy relation U[A⟶S].

U[A⟶S]MathematicsComputer Sci.English Lang.BiologyPhysicsChemistry
t 1[0.81, 0.61][0.80, 0.62][0.81, 0.61][0.80, 0.61][0.71, 0.71][0.81, 0.60]
t 2[0.80, 0.61][0.81, 0.61][0.80, 0.61][0.62, 0.80][0.82, 0.60][0.82, 0.59]
t 3[0.82, 0.61][0.82, 0.60][0.82, 0.61][0.80, 0.62][0.62, 0.80][0.81, 0.61]
t 4[0.81, 0.62][0.83, 0.60][0.81, 0.61][0.81, 0.61][0.80, 0.61][0.82, 0.60]
t 5[0.83, 0.59][0.82, 0.60][0.83, 0.60][0.82, 0.59][0.81, 0.59][0.83, 0.59]
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Table 3

The [3, 2]-fuzzy relation R[S⟶C].

Mathematics[0.83, 0.59][0.84, 0.59][0.80, 0.62][0.82, 0.61][0.83, 0.60]
Computer Sci.[0.82, 0.60][0.83, 0.59][0.80, 0.61][0.80, 0.62][0.80, 0.61]
English Lang.[0.84, 0.59][0.83, 0.60][0.84, 0.59][0.83, 0.60][0.84, 0.59]
Biology[0.81, 0.61][0.80, 0.609][0.80, 0.62][0.81, 0.61][0.81, 0.60]
Physics[0.83, 0.60][0.82, 0.60][0.82, 0.61][0.82, 0.60][0.82, 0.60]
Chemistry[0.83, 0.59][0.83, 0.60][0.82, 0.61][0.84, 0.59][0.83, 0.60]
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Data Availability

No data were used to support this study.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


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