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GETTING STARTED - Household chores

Date of planning: ……/……./2018 Date of teaching: ……/……./2021 AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON

Language focus:​

To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 1 For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to household chores and duties For pronunciation, that is how to pronounce /tr, kr, br/ For grammar, that is the distinction between the present simple and the present progressive

Skills: - To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 1

Reading: Read about the benefits of sharing housework Speaking: Exchange opinions about household chores Listening: Listen to people talk about the roles of family members Writing: Write about doing household chores in the family

Attitudes: - To help Ss get started for Unit 1 with the topic "family life"

To provide Ss some motivation . PREPARATION

Teacher: - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan

- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

Students: - Read through English Unit 1 - getting started at home


Class organization: [1 minute]

Check up: [omitted]
New lesson: [40 minutes]

Lead in Ask Ss if they often do housework and what housework each member of their family does

Ask them look at the pictures and guess what they show

Mother: cook/prepare meals [do the cooking], wash the clothes [do all the laundry], You: clean/sweep/mop the house/the floor, Father: take out the garbage, do some cooking She's busy doing her work. She spends time both going out to work and taking after her family She's a student. She is busy doing her homework. She often has too much homework to do but she also helps with the housework

He also goes out to work to support the family, but he also shares the household tasks with his family member

1. Listen and read
Ask Ss listen to the recording and read the conversation
ask sb out for a game of tennis - go out with sb prepare dinner - do the cooking work late - help with the housework/cooking share the household duties - study for exams divide household chores - split the chores equally shops for groceries/ do shopping - clean the house do the heavy lifting do all the laundry/ wash the clothes do the washing up/ wash the dishes take out the rubbish/garbage handle/take responsibility for/ be responsible for most of the chores around the house be responsible for the household finances homemaker - breadwinner

housework, household/ domestic


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