Gọt bút chì đọc tiếng anh là gì năm 2024

Two replacement toys were available if a child named one of these toys : an orange plastic pencil sharpener and a purple fleece ring with bars.

A student (the protagonist) gets up from his seat to sharpen his pencil and starts to walk across the classroom toward the pencil sharpener.

By 1911, after seven years of low wages, he was working as a pencil sharpener wholesaler and began to write fiction.



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The basic tools are a drawing board or table, pencil sharpener and eraser, and for ink drawing, blotting paper.



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An illustration of a mere aggregation would be the combination of a bathtub and a pencil sharpener.



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An artist's or draftsman's pencil sharpener leaves the graphite untouched and sharpens only the wood.



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They include pencil sharpeners, scissors, can openers and clocks that go backwards.

A wide range of goods from refrigerators to pencil sharpeners was produced in streamlined designs.



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Pencil sharpeners made this task much easier and gave a more uniform result.



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In 1942 regulations on stainless steel stopped production of pencil sharpeners and specialty metal items.



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Auto-stop electric pencil sharpeners are able to sense when the tip of the pencil is long enough and then stop.



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What is the point of making a pencil sharpener look like a strawberry or a rubber shaped like a typewriter smell like bananas?

In the first months of operation, the school had no chalkboards, lockers, pencil sharpeners, nor mascot.



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Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.