Hands down là gì

hands down Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

hand down

1. To hand something to someone who is physically below oneself. A noun or pronoun can be used between "hand" and "down." While you're on the stepstool, can you hand down the cake mix from the top shelf?2. To announce a decision. A noun or pronoun can be used between "hand" and "down." When do you think the boss will hand down a decision on this issue?3. To yield or give something to a younger person, often a relative. A noun or pronoun can be used between "hand" and "down." I always have to wear the clothes that my older sisters hand down to me.See also: down, hand

hands down

Easily, decisively, or without question. The term originates from horse racing, in which jockeys assured of a victory may lower their hold on the reins in the final stretch. This is the best pie I've ever had, hands down! We were really unprepared for our last game, and the other team won hands down.See also: down, hand

hands down

easily; unquestionably. She won the contest hands down. They declared her the winner hands down.See also: down, hand

hands down

1. Also, in a breeze; in a walk. Easily, without effort, as in She won the election hands down, or They won in a breeze, 10-0, or The top players get through the first rounds of the tournament in a walk. All of these expressions originated in sports. Hands down, dating from the mid-1800s, comes from horse racing, where jockeys drop their hands downward and relax their hold when they are sure to win. In a breeze, first recorded in a baseball magazine in 1910, alludes to the rapid and easy passage of moving air; in a walk, also from baseball, alludes to taking a base on balls, that is, reaching first base without having hit a pitched ball because of the pitcher's mistakes.
2. Unquestionably, without a doubt, as in Hands down, it was the best thing I've ever done. See also: down, hand

hands down

[especially of winning] easily and decisively. Originally a horse-racing expression, win hands down meant that a jockey was so certain of victory in the closing stages of a race that he could lower his hands, thereby relaxing his hold on the reins and ceasing to urge on his horse.See also: down, hand

hands down

mod. easily; unquestionably. She won the contest hands down. See also: down, hand

hands down

1. With no trouble; easily.
2. Indisputably; unquestionably.See also: down, hand

hands down

Easily, without effort. The term comes from racing, where a jockey may drop his hands and relax his hold on the reins when he is sure to win the race. Dating from the mid-nineteenth century, the term still is used with regard to various kinds of competition, as in, She won the nomination hands down. See also: down, hand
See also:
  • hand down
  • hand up
  • hand up [to someone]
  • hands up
  • hand on
  • hand in
  • hand off to [someone]
  • hand out
  • handout
  • hand back to [someone]

do sth hands down

Idiom[s]: do sth hands down

Theme: EASY

to do something easily and without opposition.
The mayor won the election hands down.
She was the choice of the people hands down.

hands down

easily, no contest "The captain of the team said, ""We won hands down - 6 to 1."""

hands down|hand|hands

adv., informal 1. Without working hard; easily. The Rangers won the game hands down. 2. Without question or doubt; without any opposition; plainly. Johnny was bands down the best player on the team.

win hands down

win hands down
Also, win in a walk or breeze. See under hands down.

win hands down|hand|hands|win

v. phr. To win conclusively and without external help. The opposition was so weak that Dan won the election hands down.

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