Is Java List an interface or abstract class?


  • List interface [review]
  • Array lists
  • linked lists
  • nodes
  • linked list implementation
  • invariants


  • From the book [p. 62]:
    A list is an expandable collection of elements in which each element has a position or index.
  • there are many lists, usually categorized by how they are implemented:
    • ArrayLists are implemented using arrays [Vectors are similar]
    • LinkedLists are implemented using links [references] to objects
  • All lists are derived from the abstract class AbstractList, and implement the List interface [even AbstractList implements the List interface]
  • unlike arrays, lists can grow and shrink
  • most lists can also insert elements in-between existing elements, and likewise remove elements without leaving a gap
  • lists also have operations to search for elements, and do something with every element of the list

Generic interface

  • a list can store object of any one type:
    • a list of strings: List
    • a list of integers: List
    • a list of objects: List
  • the notation "List" indicates that the list interface is parametrized over the type E of objects it can store
  • in this case, E is a type parameter -- logically, it provides a collection of interfaces, one for each possible class
  • classes can use the same notation
  • these are called generic interfaces or classes
  • collection classes, which can store objects of any type, are often generic
  • the Java compiler can check that the type parameter is the same for every use of a variable: for example, that all operations involving a List actually store and retrieve strings

List Interface

public interface list extends Collection { E get[int index]; // returns object at given position E set[int index, E element]; // sets object, returns old value int indexOf[Object o]; // returns index of object in list E remove[int index]; // removes object at the given position int size[]; // returns number of elements in list boolean add[E element]; // add element at the end of the list void add[int index, E element]; // add element at given position ... }
  • AbstractList essentially provides the same methods as List
  • the methods implemented by AbstractList provide very basic functionality for immutable lists

ArrayList Class

  • an array list uses an array to store the objects in the list
  • the object at position i in the list are found at array index i
  • when the array needs to grow, a bigger array is allocated, and data is copied from the old array to the new array
  • this is an expensive operation: it takes time proportional to the total size of the collection
  • in general, the underlying array may have more elements than the collection [since the collection does not have to store a value on every element of the array]
  • for example, the array may have 39 elements, but the collection may only have 22 elements
  • so an array list always has a capacity [39] that is greater than or equal to its size [22]

ArrayList implementation

  • must have an actual array of objects of type E
  • must keep track of the size
  • the capacity is the same as the array length
public class ArrayList { protected E [] data; protected int size; @SuppressWarnings["unchecked"] public ArrayList[] { data = [E []] new Object [16]; }
  • Java will not allocate an array with a type that is not know at compile time
  • @SuppressWarnings["unchecked"] is used to suppress warnings about the type conversion not being checked

Adding at the end of an ArrayList

  • if there is room, adding at the end is easy:
public boolean add[E value] { data [size] = value; size++; return true; }
  • if there is no room, we will need to make room by reallocating the array:
public boolean add[E value] { if [size == data.length] { data = Arrays.copyOf[data, data.length * 2]; } data [size] = value; size++; return true; }
  • In-class exercise: [with a friend], implement this method [below] to add a value somewhere in the middle of the array. Assume that the index is valid, i.e. index >= 0 and index < data.length.
  • Your code must shift all the data that is at or after index, so there is room for one new element
  • only use a for loop, not methods from other classes
public void add[int index, E value] {

In-class exercise: big O for

  • Assignment 1
  •, which produced this output.
  • ArrayList add and remove methods

Linked list vs. array list

  • in an array list, the elements of the list are stored in the array
  • if more elements are needed, the array can be replaced with a bigger array
  • that means the elements are stored in a single object [an array] whose size may be different depending on the number of elements
  • instead, consider storing the elements into a variable number of objects
  • where each object can only store one element
  • so there will be as many container objects as there are elements in the list

Linked list

  • each object that stores an element is called a Node
  • the only difficulty with having a variable number of nodes is keeping track of them, that is, finding them when needed
  • this is easy if each of the nodes holds a reference to another one of the nodes
  • then, to keep track of all the nodes, we only need a reference to the first one
  • following the reference in the first nodes, we get to the second nodes
  • the reference in the second nodes refers to the third nodes
  • meanwhile, each of the nodes also refers to one of the elements of the collection
private class LinkedNode { private T item; private LinkedNode next; private LinkedNode[T value] { item = value; next = null; } private LinkedNode[T value, LinkedNode reference] { item = value; next = reference; } }

Linked list nodes

  • each node has two data fields: an element value, and a reference to the next node

  • the element value has generic type T [or E -- it must match the type name in the class declaration]
  • note that the reference to the next node is a pointer to the next node, and not the next node itself
  • a private class is local to the enclosing [parent] class
  • private data fields in the private class are accessible to the code in the parent class

Linked list implementation

  • the linked list class only really needs one class variable: a reference to the start of the list, conventionally known as the head of the list
  • the book also has a size class variable, which can be useful for error checking
  • my implementation also keeps a reference to the last node in the linked list

Linked list performance

  • in-class exercise: what is the run-time performance of add[E]?
  • in-class exercise: what is the run-time performance of add[int, E]?
  • in-class exercise: what is the run-time performance of remove[], which removes the head of the linked list?
  • in-class exercise: what is the run-time performance of remove[int], which removes an arbitrary element?


  • There are some relations that must hold between the different class variables
  • for example, size must always be the number of nodes in the linked list
  • in a linked list of length 1, head == tail
  • in a linked list of length 0, both head and tail should be null
  • tail should be the node holding the last element of the list: a list traversal beginning at the head of the list should visit the tail node last of all
  • these relations must always hold: they never change, that is, they are invariant [invariant is something that never changes]

Methods and Invariants

  • every constructor must establish the invariants of the class
  • every other method may expect that the invariants are true when the method is called, and
  • every method must guarantee that the invariants are still true at the end of the method

Using Invariants

  • invariants are useful for reasoning about the program
  • some invariants can be checked by the program itself
  • if an invariant is ever detected to not be true, the program should provide enough information to track down the bug [and should either crash, or re-establish the invariant]
  • in ICS 211, if your classes have any invariants, your code should check them at the beginning and at the end of each public method
  • this may help you improve your understanding of your code, and may also help you find bugs
  • see also the linked list invariants
  • if checking is slow, you may have to remove the invariant checking [e.g., add a return statement at the beginning of the check method] when doing performance testing

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