kanyes là gì - Nghĩa của từ kanyes

kanyes có nghĩa là

to steal another person's moment of acknowledgment, spotlight, and attention by interrupting them as they are talking

Ví dụ

Kanye West taking the microphone and voicing his opinions during Taylor Swift's acceptance speech at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. Bill interrupting Chris' science presentation by standing in front of him and saying, "I think your presentation is lame, and I like butterflies." [Bill busted a "Kanye"]

kanyes có nghĩa là

"to possess an inflated sense of self and experience delusions of grandeur, and to act out on those delusions particularly in public settings

Ví dụ

Kanye West taking the microphone and voicing his opinions during Taylor Swift's acceptance speech at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. Bill interrupting Chris' science presentation by standing in front of him and saying, "I think your presentation is lame, and I like butterflies." [Bill busted a "Kanye"]

kanyes có nghĩa là

"to possess an inflated sense of self and experience delusions of grandeur, and to act out on those delusions particularly in public settings "Don't get all kanye on me"

-Danh từ

1. To be gassed
2. Think oneself is the shit, best thing to ever happen.
3. Full of oneself.

4. Obsolete usage - A good rapper


Ví dụ

Kanye West taking the microphone and voicing his opinions during Taylor Swift's acceptance speech at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. Bill interrupting Chris' science presentation by standing in front of him and saying, "I think your presentation is lame, and I like butterflies." [Bill busted a "Kanye"] "to possess an inflated sense of self and experience delusions of grandeur, and to act out on those delusions particularly in public settings "Don't get all kanye on me"

kanyes có nghĩa là

To cause the jaw to be wired or have a wired jaw.

Ví dụ

Kanye West taking the microphone and voicing his opinions during Taylor Swift's acceptance speech at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards.

kanyes có nghĩa là

“No Kanye” Is a phrase that can be used towards anyone who wants to be ahead of themselves or rush into something and then regret it later. A person who claims they know or created something, but they don’t have the blueprint or proof to back it up. Then they look like a Jackass later.

Ví dụ

Bill interrupting Chris' science presentation by standing in front of him and saying, "I think your presentation is lame, and I like butterflies." [Bill busted a "Kanye"]

kanyes có nghĩa là

"to possess an inflated sense of self and experience delusions of grandeur, and to act out on those delusions particularly in public settings

Ví dụ

"Don't get all kanye on me"

kanyes có nghĩa là

When someone interrupts you in the middle of something important. You're just trying to say your thing and someone has to go and be all drunk, drama queen on your ass.

Ví dụ

-Danh từ

1. To be gassed
2. Think oneself is the shit, best thing to ever happen.
3. Full of oneself.

kanyes có nghĩa là

To be a complete dick to someone right to their face.

Ví dụ

4. Obsolete usage - A good rapper


kanyes có nghĩa là

Related Forms:
Kanyed - Verb

Ví dụ

Kanye - Adjective Noun ex:
My man, just cause you pulled her digits, don't get all kanye on us. She's a DG [dirty girl].

kanyes có nghĩa là

Verb ex:
Man, Ryan is getting all kanyed out cause he pulled a DG's number.

Ví dụ

To cause the jaw to be wired or have a wired jaw. If he keep talking shit I'ma kanye his ass. “No Kanye” Is a phrase that can be used towards anyone who wants to be ahead of themselves or rush into something and then regret it later. A person who claims they know or created something, but they don’t have the blueprint or proof to back it up. Then they look like a Jackass later. Yo homie! You don't wanna make yourself look like an idiot, chill out...No Kanye! A way to tell someone to stop doing something Girl: OMG I love this Taylor Swift song!! I am going to play it on repeat!!!!
Boy: Kanye not? When someone interrupts you in the middle of something important. You're just trying to say your thing and someone has to go and be all drunk, drama queen on your ass. "Im so excited for winning this award. Its my first ...." "Hey man Im just want to say that ..." "DUDE! Stop Kanyeing me!" To be a complete dick to someone right to their face. Jim: Hey dude I just got a promotion, raise, and some really hot babe was checking me out. Frank: Dude like I care, the same thing happened to you in high school except she broke up with you cause you had a small dick. Andy: Wow Frank, way to Kanye it... Sexual Act:

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