methuen là gì - Nghĩa của từ methuen

methuen có nghĩa là

A city in massachusetts where everyone fucking smokes, fucks in the cars behind the loop and does fucked up shit mostly the town is full of stoners and a lot of sewer lobsters


Methuen is a city in massachusetts

methuen có nghĩa là

Methuen is actually a nice place to live and IS NOT LAWRENCE. Hello, thats why they are two different cities ignorant shitheads. There is not reason to have racist slurs, and there are actually very prominent nice houses and neighborhoods. Who knows how it was a decade ago; I sure do not remember. BUT people with REAL careers with good educations live here. Also not to mention anywhere you go there are always little idiot children who think they are cool and smoke/do drugs etc. That does not mean in any way thats all methuen is or any other town or city for that matter. BASICALLY Methuen is a BEAUTIFUL place to live especially certain parts...but hey every city has its bad parts. There are much worse places you could be living, so stop acting like Methuen is a real shithole because it most defintely is not. thanks=] RANGERS

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