on a hill là gì - Nghĩa của từ on a hill

on a hill có nghĩa là

A show MTV created because of the popularity of Laguna Beach. Star Lauren or L.C. and her ditzy friend Heidi decide to live on their "own" in the hills [L.A.], but even though neither has a full time paying job they somehow miraculously have money to pay for everything. Watch out for a cameo of Jason from Laguna Beach. "Reality" t.v only O.C. obsessed teens could believe.


Lets go watch the hills where Heidi will convince 18 year olds everywhere they can get a party job with no education.

on a hill có nghĩa là

A horrible reality show about a bunch of skinny rich white college kids dealing with their picture perfect life. They've got everything going for them but still find time to whine. abercrombie-kid,laguna beach,she-twig


Platinum Blonde: man im so pissed how perfect my life is so i think im gonna make up some lame drama.

Dirty Blonde: Yeah me too. gosh life in the hills sucks

on a hill có nghĩa là

Quite possibly THE dumbest fucking show on the face of the Earth. I would rather guzzle cat piss while getting raped up the ass by Wesley Snipes while having bamboo splintered under my fingernails while having my balls chewed on by Jaws [the villain from James Bond] while getting a blowjob from Jaws [the shark from the movie] while watching the episode of Dragon Ball Z where you THINK Vacheta is going to fight Goku but they say it'll be in the next episode while listening to a 7 year old on Counterstrike: Source brag about how he's "teh leet balls" than watch The Hills.



on a hill có nghĩa là

Wealthy, upperclass, suburban area marked by large properties, larger houses, and sometimes even larger populations of jews. The local police force will usually have nothing better to do than break up high school parties, and the local high schoolers will usually have nothing better to do than spend their parents' money on copius amounts of marijuana and smirinof twist. Keep your eyes open for a high ratio of Starbucks to 7-11s, and an almost unsettling shortage of blacks. Mexicans are right out.


"There were a lot of parties in the hills that night, so I grabbed my pink northface and my prada purse and waited in my foyer for Rebecca to pick my up in her Land Rover."

on a hill có nghĩa là

The most boring show in the universe. It consist of a bunch of rich assholes who do not have jobs but spend glorious amounts of money on starbucks, martinis, and abortions. Conversations consist of talking about whos hooking up or what club they plan on hitting up that night. The cycle repeats until the season ends. You will learn more from watching a snail cross a highway than watching this show. If you see an average looking person on the show than you probably accidently saw a commercial.


Blond girl: What happened last night?
Other blonde girl: Spencer was totally hitting on Stacy.
Blonde girl: I don't know what to do. How can I trust him?
Other blonde girl: I think hes going to McFags tonight.
Blonde girl: We should totally go and make him jealous.
Other blonde girl: Totally.
etc etc etc Viewer: Holy fuck the Hills is the lamest show ever.

on a hill có nghĩa là

'The Hills' sadly is what's rotting the brains of the MTV generation. It's supposed to be the real-life version of 'The O.C.', but from what I've seen of it it's even less believable. What's worse is that the cast are actually celebrities. But they're everyting you don't want in a celebrity - they're dumb, phony attention-seekers!


The HillsMTVHeidiLaurenAudrinaWhitneyKristinHeidi MontagLauren ConradAudrina PartridgeWhitney PortKristen Kavallari

on a hill có nghĩa là

1: a very, very shitty TV show on MTV that depicts the struggles of College-aged white women who move to Beverly Hills in search of a better life by making a perfect life look overly-difficult and dramatic 2: a raised area of ground


Chick 1: I'm Blond and I can't even figure out how to get a toaster to work! Wanna go watch The Hills?!
Chick 2: *screaming* AAAAHHHH!!! YES!!! I LOVE THAT SHOW!!
Chick 1: *also screaming* I KNOW RIGHT?!? Hey Bobby, come watch the Hills with us!!
Bobby: I will watch that fucking horrible excuse for a television program as soon as you and your friend lick each other's cunts.
Chick 1: Y'okay.
Bobby: Wha-? 2:
Hey, this raised area of ground looks like a hill, not to be confused with that tv show characterized by a clusterfuck of bulimic whores whining about their perfect lives not being easy, The Hills.

on a hill có nghĩa là

a person who is not connected with the realities of life because they live high up on a hill. usually a son/daughter of a rich family who has no idea about issues and problems of normal people!


he has no idea about the problems we face cause he lives on a hill!!

on a hill có nghĩa là

The act of being talked to for an extremely long time about useless nonesense for no reason at all. Usually done by someone who is anti-social.


Poor Bradly got hilled today by Austin when the two crossed paths in the bathroom.

on a hill có nghĩa là

When both opponents in a pool set need to win one more game to win the set.


There we were playing race to 5, and I was up 4-3 so I was on the hill. He won the next game to make it hill hill. Then he broke, didn't get anything on the break and had to watch me run the table to win. Now he owes me drinks for a month. Bwahahahaha!

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