Presentation about refrigeration IELTS listening answers

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Ielts Listening Customer Satisfaction Survey

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  1. Question 1 of 10
    1. Question

    Part 1

    Questions 1-10
    Complete the notes below. WriteONE WORD AND/ OR A NUMBERfor each answer.

    Customer Satisfaction Survey

    • Customer details
      Name: Sophie Bird
      Occupation: 1.
      Reason for travel today: 2.

      Journey information
      Name of station returning to: 3.
      Type of ticket purchased: standard 4. ticket
      Cost of ticket: 5. £
      When ticket was purchased: yesterday
      Where ticket was bought: 6.

      Satisfaction with journey:
      Most satisfied with: the wifi
      Least satisfied with: the 7. this morning

      Satisfaction with station facilities
      Most satisfied with: how much 8. was provided
      Least satisfied with: lack of seats, particularly on the 9.
      Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with: the 10. available

    Correct 10 / 10 Points
    Incorrect / 10 Points
  2. Question 2 of 10
    2. Question

    Part 2

    Questions 11-16
    Label the map below. Write the correct letters A-H next to questions 11-16.

    • 11. café
      12. toilets
      13. formal gardens
      14. outdoor gyms
      15. skateboard ramp
      16. wild flowers

    Correct 6 / 6 Points
    Incorrect / 6 Points
  3. Question 3 of 10
    3. Question

    Questions 17 and 18
    ChooseTWOletters A-E.

    What does the speaker say about the adventure playground?

    • Achildren must be supervised
    • Bit costs more in winter
    • Csome activities are only for younger children
    • Dno payment is required
    • Eit was recently expanded
    Correct 2 / 2 Points
    Incorrect / 2 Points
  4. Question 4 of 10
    4. Question

    Questions 19 and 20
    ChooseTWOletters A-E.

    What does the speaker say about the glass houses?

    • Athey are closed at weekends
    • Bvolunteers are needed to work there
    • Cthey were badly damaged by fire
    • Dmore money is needed to repair some of the glass
    • Evisitors can see palm trees from tropical regions
    Correct 2 / 2 Points
    Incorrect / 2 Points
  5. Question 5 of 10
    5. Question

    Part 3

    Questions 21-24
    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    Presentation about refrigeration

    21. What did Annie discover from reading about icehouses?

    • Awhy they were first created
    • Bhow the ice was kept frozen
    • Cwhere they were located
  6. Question 6 of 10
    6. Question

    22. What point does Annie make about refrigeration in ancient Rome?

    • Ait became a commercial business
    • Bit used snow from nearby
    • Cit took a long time to become popular
  7. Question 7 of 10
    7. Question

    23. In connection with modern refrigeration both Annie and Jack are worried about

    • Athe complexity of the technology
    • Bthe fact that some are disposed of irresponsibly
    • Cthe large number that quickly break down
  8. Question 8 of 10
    8. Question

    24. What do Jack and Annie agree regarding domestic fridges?

    • Athey are generally good value of money
    • Bthere are plenty of useful variations
    • Cthey are more useful than other domestic appliances
  9. Question 9 of 10
    9. Question

    Questions 25-30
    Who is going to do research into each topic? Write the correct letter A-C next to questions 25-30.

    Cboth Annie and Jack

    • Topics
      25. the goods that are refrigerated
      26. the effects on health
      27. the impact on food producers
      28. the impact on cities
      29. refrigerated transport
      30. domestic fridges

    Correct 6 / 6 Points
    Incorrect / 6 Points
  10. Question 10 of 10
    10. Question

    Part 4

    Questions 31-40
    Complete the notes below. WriteONE WORD ONLYfor each answer.

    • How the Industrial Revolution affected life in Britain

      19th century
      For the first time, peoples possessions were used to measure Britains 31.
      Developments in production of goods and in 32. greatly changed lives

      Main areas of change
      The Industrial Revolution would not have happened without the new types of 33. that were used then
      The leading industry was 34. [its products became widely available]
      New 35. made factories necessary and so more people moved into towns

      The railways took the place of canals
      Because of the new transport:
      o Greater access to 36. made people more aware of what they could buy in shops
      o When shopping people were not limited to buying 37. Goods

      The first department stores were opened
      The displays of goods were more visible:
      o Inside stores because of better 38.
      o Outside stores because 39. were bigger

      40. that was persuasive became much more common

    Correct 10 / 10 Points
    Incorrect / 10 Points

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